Stop being ghosted and wasting time with price shoppers with this tip!

In this episode, I will walk you through one of the best tools to help stop ghosting after providing a quote and to stop price shoppers before the consult saving you time and a kick in the confidence department.  A brochure is a great way to help provide pricing guidance to a prospective couple and set the stage for the experience of working with you.

Components of an effective brochure.
1. An introduction page.
2. About you
3. What makes you different- why me?
4. Reviews
5. Examples of your work- Show off a bit!
6. Service offering breakdown (Full service/a la carte)
7. Breakdown of the process of working with you.  If you have two offerings.
8. FAQ's. Beyond the website- common questions asked in consultations.
9. The booking process- how to move forward.

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Stop being ghosted and wasting time with price shoppers with this tip!
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