Tips and tricks for finding great freelancers

Hiring freelancers can be a stressful situation.  Finding help when multiple florists are filled with heavy wedding weekends.  I want to share several tactics of how I am other florists who have found freelancers successfully.

The first thing that I think is a game changer in an unconventional one- Find flower friends.  Over the years making flower friends has brought me weddings, forged fierce friendships, and amazing opportunities.  I think starting to make flower friends can be as simple as starting to say hello at the wholesaler.  Start commenting with kind words on the flower friend's social media posts. Then when an opportunity comes about to potentially send a wedding inquiry they are a way when you are booked, borrow something needed or just be there for advice. 

Second game changer-
On the weekend look at Instagram stories and posts of established florists posting previews of their weekend work.  Then when there is a post tagged with the freelancers in it- take a screenshot on your phone and place it in a folder named freelancers in your phone to help keep track of it.

Third idea- It is a simple one but a goodie.  Post graphics in your stories that you are looking for freelancers and you can even post specific requirements you may have.  I would include your location- by City so people know your location to help entertain the drive to you etc.

Fourth- Find florists that you like their work and send them an introduction DM and explain what you are looking for.  Ask if they would be open to freelancing.

Fifth idea-
Start a resource to help support your local flower community.  I started a FB Group and website called MN Floral Collective.  It is exclusive to MN florists and allows them to post wedding dates they need help with, sell items, and find/borrow hard-to-find things.  Threw this flower friends have had so many great interactions and found freelancers and freelancers have done posts and had success finding work as well.  This was a pretty easy endeavor- I started the group and shared it on Instagram.  Many florists shared it on social and it grew.

I hope you found these tactics helpful and start early to make sure you are setting your wedding season up for success early.

When you find great people- cultivate an environment of growth and support.  I let freelancers choose their job based on wanting them to grow.  New learning opportunities also help build confidence in a freelancer and want to come back because working for you is find and they get to learn new things and grow their skillset.  I do not have assembly monkeys in my studio that are just told this is what you are doing - with super detailed instructions leaving no room for creativity or innovation.  Make working in your studio different- it will help freelancers come back and create an amazing vibe in your business.

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Tips and tricks for finding great freelancers
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