3 things that helped me scale my business in 2023

On this week's episode, I want to talk about the three things that really helped grow my business in 2023, and will continue to grow my business in 2024.  And it's a lot simpler than most people think. 

Over time I have let go of so many things in my business that I felt in the long run were holding me back were keeping me small because I was they bogged down in the weeds of working in my business instead of on my business. 

When you're in the weeds, you don't have time to think bigger, you don't have time to really dream or put thought behind what you really would love to do - but you're drowning in this week's wedding, drowning in quotes... always drowning in something!  And that is holding me back from being able to be strategic in your business. 
3 things that helped me scale my business in 2023
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