3 ways to get more done

Do you have a never ending to do list? Do you feel like you never make traction on your to do list? Here are three ways for you to ditch the overwhelm and get more done.
#1 Lists- Use a notes app like Evernote to create folders for different subjects in your life. Capture things pouring out of your head so you can feel like you are not loosing things.
#2 Sunday night prep- prepare for your week so you are setup for self. With Sunday night prep I make sure calendars are setup and filled up the info for everyone to be on the same stage. Then you can go through things like mail, figure out your plan for the week.
#3 Make sure you are hiring the help you need to accomplish anything you have/need to be done. Most early entrepreneurs try to do it all and that gets you in trouble and leads to burn out. Having the help you need makes you feel more fulfilled.
3 ways to get more done
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