5 ways to level up as the Floral CEO in your business

Segment 1: Foundation and Audit

  • Key Points:
    • Reflecting on personal journey to becoming a floral CEO.
    • The importance of foundational understanding and auditing business practices.
    • Some of our past episodes are centered around auditing.
Segment 2: Evaluating Expenses and Time Management
  • Key Points:
    • Emphasizing the significance of auditing expenses for informed decision-making.
    • Examining subscriptions and technologies in the business.
    • Tips on evaluating time spent on daily orders and maximizing revenue-producing activities.
Segment 3: Hiring an Accountant and Tax Planning
  • Key Points:
    • Stressing the need for a knowledgeable accountant for business taxes.
    • Importance of making data-driven financial decisions.
    • Personal experience with improper payment and the impact of having an accountant.
Segment 4: Implementing Systems for Efficiency
  • Key Points:
    • The critical role of systems in preventing things from falling through the cracks.
    • Examples of systems: QuickBooks, ordering strategy, proposal templates, and social media strategy.
    • The impact of having an organized portfolio.
Segment 5: Investing in Yourself
  • Key Points:
    • Encouraging florists to invest time and money in personal development.
    • Sharing personal journey and the transformative power of investing in education.
    • Importance of being in spaces where people are investing in themselves.
Segment 6: Floral CEO Mastermind Announcement
  • Key Points:
    • Announcing the Floral CEO Mastermind program.
    • Overview of the program's benefits and structure.
    • Encouraging florists to consider investing in their growth through the mastermind.

  • Recap of key points.
  • Expressing gratitude and encouraging listeners to step into the role of a Floral CEO.
  • Call to action: Check out the Floral CEO Mastermind at thefloralhustle.com/mastermind

5 ways to level up as the Floral CEO in your business
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