5 Ways to Up Your Instagram Game for Florists

Hello, flower friends. This is Jen and you're listening to the Floral Hustle podcast. On this week's mini sode, we're going to talk about five ways to up your gram game. Yes, Instagram, Is a thorn in a lot of people's sides lately. Uh, the algorithms have changed. Like there's just so many things that people are just frankly, like pissed off about, and I am always of the mindset that we can only control what we can control and so we can do the best that we can with what's going on.

And I want to talk about those ways that I. I see time and time again of florists, like just falling short or where a lot of frustrations lie that I think that could be simplified. So the first thing I often, I actually just went to a floral friends, uh, profile and they don't even have their name.

There's no video of them. There's nothing connecting them with their small business. So the first thing that to up your game is become human. Become the face behind your business. And if this is uncomfortable for you, like I'd love to do a one on one session with you because like you are your business and somebody connecting with you as a human.

is what is going to propel your business forward. People connect with me, like, especially from the coaching, like on so many different things. Like I've had somebody that's hired me because like they had, um, an autistic child and so do I. Um, I've had people that like, they're drawn to me because of how I live my life really on my own terms and how I really, uh, You know, make sure that I'm living my life in a way of happiness in a way like that.

I'm putting myself in a position of being first, not the seconds in my life. I've had somebody like hire me because I did a talk on confidence and that was something that they were lacking. So you never know what somebody is going to be drawn to with your small business. I have a friend that has a down syndrome trial that like talks and obviously is a huge advocate for resources for that.

And people are connecting with her because of that. So like, what is your story? Talk about that. Talk about you. Talk about your business. And if you don't want to do that in a post that lives there forever, have it live in stories. Have it live in stories because that's a place that it can disappear if you don't want it to be there.

Second thing, add value. I have had so many people who are like, I don't know what to post. What do people ask you? What are questions that you get on a consistent basis? What are things that you run into that people struggle with? Talk about those things. Become somebody that provides value and provides shareable content.

If you are providing shareable content, that is something that's going to be interesting. because shareable content is something that is now providing other wedding vendors with content that they can share to their audience. So that means that you are now in front of their audience. So all those people that are following them, you're there like that's the place to be in front of other people's audience because you are providing something of so much value.

Next thing people overcomplicate this all the time. This does not have to be super complicated. Make a plan. So that is my next. Make a plan and then stick to the plan. So you're simplifying it because you are making a plan, following the plan, executing the plan, and then you're also making promises to yourself and you keep the promises to yourself.

So if you have a plan, you have made an agreement with yourself that you are following the plan. Like this is making it so simple that I am going to post three days a week. On Mondays, it is going to be something introducing my business called meet us Monday. I don't have to put meet us Monday in the post.

I just have to talk about how you do business with me. Me as a business owner, something like about my offerings, how you connect with me, something about doing business in general with me, then. Wednesdays, I'm going to post Wedding Wednesday. So it could be a wedding tip. It could be a pretty wedding that I've done.

It could be talking about, um, wedding planning tips for the best ways to save money. It could be, um, five great go to spring blooms. Whatever you want. Then on Friday, it could be fun Friday. So it could be sharing something fun and different than usual that you like something, but at least you have a plan and you're simplifying it by choosing content pillars.

So content pillars are something that are the foundation of what you're talking about in your business. And those content pillars could be like for me. It is cultural weddings, a la carte flowers, full service flowers about my business and then about me. And I kind of switched between me and gardening because I have an urban flower farm and people love everything growing flowers.

So those are my content pillars. I can know that if I follow posting in one of my content pillars, I am following a plan. And so it doesn't look like I have Tourette's on my Instagram all the time, because all of a sudden I'm posting something completely irrelevant. If I follow one of those five things, those five pillars, I know that I'm also going to create consistency in my content and help train other wedding professionals and customers that this is what my business is about.

Alright, then Anytime you are going to post yourself something, do you want to do that again? And is that attracting your ideal client? I was sitting down going through Instagram content and pictures for their website. And they were like, this is a nice photo. And it was of three cylinder vases with greenery.

And I don't know about you, but I can't fucking do those anymore. I'm done. Like it is just like sucks the life out of me. Like I just can't, if that's you join the club, uh, because they wanted to post that. And I just frankly asked, do you want to keep doing cylinder vases with baby's breath and, or whatever floating candles or greenery or whatever floating candle Arrangements that you are drawn to.

Do you want to keep doing those? Because if you put that content out, you will attract more of that content. I put out content that includes colorful weddings because I want to attract colorful weddings. I put out things like cultural weddings because I want to attract more cultural weddings because it's my jam.

I put out a lot of bridal bouquets because I, that is my actual favorite part of doing a wedding. So like those things I'm consistently putting them out there because that's what I love to do and I want to attract more of. I am not posting the welcome sign that frankly like I don't care about. It's like an afterthought.

Unless it's something cool that is something that was like an installation designed around it, I don't want to post it on my Instagram because I don't want that again. They can get those ideas off of Pinterest. I do not need to feed into that, nor do you. So anytime you're gathering a piece of content, ask yourself.

Do I want to post this because do I want to attract this? Do I want to duplicate this? And if the answer is, I don't think so, then post something else. Even if you post a wedding that you have posted before and just a different spin on it or different photo, different angle, different caption, different whatever.

Like that would be better than posting something. You're just like that would suck the life out of me We want to put out into the universe what we want to attract and if we put out content that just isn't great That doesn't inspire you anymore You're going to keep attracting that and I want bigger better things for you because you deserve so much more than that Okay, so to recap our five Talk about yourself, add value when you're posting, when that person is landing on your post, are you creating shareable content?

Even if that's just one of your content pillars that you were going to create wedding tips that are shareable content, then make it simple, have a plan. When you have a plan, you can simplify everything. Cause one thing that I see a lot is that a lot of people have anxiety, posting anxiety because they're always worried about they're not doing it.

So if you're always worried that you're not posting, that's a problem. Alright, then ask yourself anytime you're going to post something, if it's a pretty picture of something that you've done, or even if you're putting this on your website, do I want to do this again? And is this attracting my ideal audience?

Because if the answer is no, we should move on and post something different. Thank you so much for listening, flower friend, and you have an amazing 📍 flower filled week.

 5 Ways to Up Your Instagram Game for Florists
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