A content plan to attract your ideal client!

Start going all in on the main client you want to attract.
Posting on social media should be centered around who you want to attract. With these posts you should consider also what you love doing and highlighting that so you start attracting what you love to do and what you want to attract more.
Here is one strategy-
You want to attract more clients that are getting married at this venue you love. Clients at this venue have larger budgets and also the style of flowers you love to create.
Step 1. You create a blog post on your website of a wedding you did at this venue highlighting what you can do, how beautiful your work is and more of what you want to attract at this venue.
Step 2. You then make graphics about this wedding you featured in this blog post. You create a Instagram post graphic and take text from your blog post to post on Instagram. Use the venue’s hashtags and tag the venue in the post.
Step 3. You can resize that post and create and Instagram story graphic. Then you can use the Instagram sticker saying - NEW BLOG POST and then link the url from your blog.
Step 4. Resize that graphic again to a Pinterest image. Create a total of 10 Pinterest graphics and use photos from your wedding highlighted in the post and have that link to your blog post. Trickle these out via a scheduling tool.
Step 5. Next level- create a long form video tagging the video talking about areas you can put floral and share your excitement about the venue. Tag the venue and use their hashtags.
Step 6. Make a reel with a quick 30-60 video of you talking about a fun idea for that venue, key floral considerations or something that speaks to that couple and that would benefit them to watch your video. You could also make a reel with trending music with a carousel of images from that wedding.
A content plan to attract your ideal client!
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