All the juicy details on my new florist mastermind!


Hello, flower friends. This is Jen and you are listening to the floral hustle podcast on this special mini sowed. I want to talk about the mastermind coming out. I have been getting a lot of different questions and because this isn't like anything out there in the floral education world, World right now.

I wanted to share some of the questions that I've been getting, been getting and the answers just in case you have been wondering those things as well. So thank you so much for listening. If you don't know, I am going to be at the start of the year launching a florist specific mastermind. And what a mastermind is, because that has been one of the questions, is a mastermind is a group of people getting together usually learning from one person who is doing the things or accomplishing things or, you know, is inspirational or has some knowledge that could help.

You propel your business forward. I currently am in a mom business owners mastermind, um, for people with revenue, probably over a hundred thousand is where many of the people are in. So it's people who are. at a success level based on the price of the mastermind. And I have also been in a creative business owner's mastermind that I discovered at Holly Chappell's flower stock.

So I was in that for a year and it was about like creatively being fulfilled in your career. There was another florist in it, but there was also somebody who was a calligrapher. There was somebody who was. Just an artist. There was another person who like sourced and sold textiles. And so there's just like a wide range, but all the people were creative and we're looking for fulfillment in their business.

I was in the being boss mastermind, which is led by Emily Thompson. Is it a podcast that I listened to? And it was also a six figure entrepreneur people who are running with. You know running into issues with how to grow their business past this point staffing social media Mindset all of these things and that was like a we meet every week mastermind and we did hot seats.

We did trainings And things like that. So I was in that I was in the Lori and Chris Harder mastermind which was called fast foundations and that was about being a coach about being an entrepreneur about ways to get more exposure. So there's, there's like masterminds out there that are catering to all different sorts, sorts of walks of life.

But I never, and that was actually not the only masterminds I've been in, but that's kind of a, a range. But from there, like I never could find a mastermind that was floor space. And I have learned so much from masterminds. It is elevated my thinking it has shown me like another layer of thought process of thinking bigger of \ what is possible because I was thinking very small so it got me out of thinking small into thinking like I could scale this this could be way bigger I deserve to scale this so do you and so this container I'm creating is this space where you're going to learn from me and if you don't know me or why you would want to learn from me, I've been a florist for 25 years.

I have been a business coach. I ran a sales and marketing organization that was over a 6 million a year business. I was the director of sales I have had a floral business for, of my own for 17 years and previously before that I worked in a shop, I worked in a grocery store floral and I worked in you know, as like a decorator that, that worked also being the assistant manager of, of the shop and I have a almost like 300, 000 a year Floral business with very limited childcare.

I have about 15 ish hours a week and With that I do about 60 weddings. I do a lot of cultural weddings. I run a home based business. So I have Running a home based business perfected. I do not spend money on advertising other than being in Minnesota Bride Which is a recent Investment because I really they have a pay to play model to get Published and that was a goal that I set that I'd really like to start getting my weddings published I'd like to be a part of a cover shoot so since I did that I have had four different things published in Minnesota Bride, which It's probably a very eco driven decision, but it was something that I just wanted to try because I'd never done it.

So I do that about 300k a year with kind of bare bones, like I'm just like doing organic marketing. And so I have a lot to offer. I have done nine weddings in a weekend. So if you're looking at scaling your business, I know how to do that. I have done that holding a baby and wearing a baby. And just.

Having like, especially during the pandemic, having little to no childcare and homeschooling to like my daughter who has autism, which makes it very complicated homeschooling. I have done a 25, 000 hour wedding. I have worked through the mindset of no longer doing thousand hour weddings that I felt like I was just constantly attracting.

I've completely rebranded my business. There, there are so many things that I have been through. I feel would lend a lot of insight to you and I have strategies in place that make this scalable, feel manageable, and really feel fulfilling. Like I love my business. I only do things that give me joy. I don't do things that aren't serving me.

Personally from a feeling standpoint, I don't do things that feel icky in my business because I just don't need to. I am attracting the right clients that make me feel good about my business. And that is something I can teach you how to do. But working one on one with a million people, obviously that is a bigger investment to work one on one with me.

So I've created this container that you're not only going to learn from me and I'm going to help coach you through. You know, whatever your current stumbling blocks are or helping you build whatever processes that you need, but I also You get to learn from all these other people who are just like you that are in a different stage Potentially of their business or a different season of their life and there might be situations You're like you run into the same thing in three months from now and you know how to handle it Because in the mastermind we've talked about it.

We've strategized about it. We've Heard scripts on how to overcome that objection or whatever it may be. So in this container, somebody, another question was, what do you get in the Mastermind? So we are going to have three calendar invites in a month, and that is going to be a training session. That if you are in my Facebook group right now, I've done a couple trainings the last couple weeks and we have three more weeks left.

So if you aren't in there, please go join because we have some really great sessions coming up. But the recordings of the last two sessions are already in there. And the, we did one on pricing for profit. We did one on It was pricing for profit and then we did creating proposals that sell. And so that was, those were two really great sessions and those are pinned at the top of the group.

But we'll be doing a training like that every month. We'll be doing a hot seat. I've had somebody ask me, what is the hot seat? And that is a great question. A hot seat is. You sharing, uh, you know, a hurdle or a stumbling block in your business. And then we are like, I'm helping coach you through that.

And there might be another florist in the group that is like, Oh, that happened to me and I did this and that worked really well. And so we're all supporting each other. We're rooting each other on. We're really just encouraging each other and creating the space where we all get each other. We are people who love flowers.

We're trying to grow businesses. Currently many of the people that have signed up are moms and we're just going to like lock arms and really grow our businesses together. Then, the third meeting is going to be like a co working slash Q& A. So if you're running into questions that you need help with, like I'm there to help you answer those, but also like we're spending some dedicated time working on our business because unless you strategize a little CEO time to start.

Not working in your business all the time to start working on your business. Your business is not going to grow. So this space, we're just going to put some music on and we are going to you know, like have that dedicated time to maybe even work on something like making your brochure or you're asking for feedback.

Hey, I did this. What do you think? And, you know, we can like as a group. Give feedback or we can you know, take that offline if it's something that you're really feeling like you want more help with, but the great thing also about these three sessions are. We are going to take them off of the direction of what you guys are needing.

So we're going into, in Minnesota and many other states, like we're in wedding booking season. So how are we going to book more weddings? Like what are ways that we can start attracting more clients? What are, you know, like the processes that people are following? Like me sharing my process and what I do.

And then from there, You get those three sessions and you get Voxer access. And so another question was like, what in the what is Voxer? So Voxer is a walkie talkie type app that's available on Apple and Android. And in that, You can go in, you can leave voice messages in our group chat, you can leave text message, text based messages, you can leave a, you know, send an image like, Hey, I had a bride send this and I don't know how to make it like, or I don't know how to price this, or I don't know how to even begin figuring this out.

And so we're there to support you in figuring that out super easy and we As a group we're learning from each other that whole time. I have learned so much From other entrepreneurs getting coached in masterminds that I've just elevated my thinking because I feel like I know so much more and can handle so much more because here are these entrepreneurs that are.

are doing these big things and I'm learning from them. So there isn't, I originally was going to put an income cap, um, that you needed to make like, you know, 25, 000 in your business. This will help you lay foundations if you are not there. So if you are starting out and you have like three or four weddings book, or you're trying to figure this out, how am I going to get three or four weddings book?

I would love, because I think there's so much to learn from everybody that's going to be in the group, to have you in. aNother question was, what are the types of things that we will be learning? I am going to probably be doing training on like making a brochure. Updating your proposals, how to actually price things and make profit, how to audit your expenses and make sure that you're spending money where it matters, how to make sure that you're spending time where it matters.

Are you investing a ton of time on something that makes you hardly no money or you keep doing daily deliveries and it's sucking the life out of you? Because you're not really joyous into it, and you are consistently having flowers left over, and it's defeating the purpose because you're eating away your profit with leftover blooms.

Like, okay, then what do you do with that? How do you avoid those problems? What are some things you can do to remedy that? And all of those topics are going to be in our training, but nothing is off limits. Off limits, like we will talk about whatever that is needed for you to drive your business forward.

And currently I am getting certified as a Mindset Coach and I'm halfway through my program. I've considered myself a Mindset Coach for so long now because I have consumed so much, um, self development. I really do have a positive way of looking at things, even when things are hard. And so if you are running into some mindset blocks Like limiting beliefs that maybe I'm, I'm never going to attract a wedding more than 1, 000 or my work's not good enough to attract a 15, 000 wedding or whatever it is that you can go into the group and, and I can help support you and your fellow florist friends can see like, Oh, I felt that way too.

And I didn't like how it felt, but I didn't, I didn't, you know, like label it or I didn't. Really dig into that feeling because it didn't feel good. And so maybe that's what was really going on. And maybe this is a good strategy to move in a different direction. So to sign up for the mastermind, you can go to the floral hustle.

com forward slash mastermind, and there is founding member pricing. The current mastermind I'm in is a thousand dollars a month. And the founding member price is. 250. So this is such an amazing opportunity at such a good value. That it's it's crazy You are going to learn so much. This is going to help really accelerate your business into Things that you didn't know were possible You are going to feel so much more at ease running your business because you have a floral Bestie and group of floral besties that are there to support you There is going to be a limited number of people that are in because I want to make sure you're getting one on one help and support as well as it's not like just overwhelming that there's so many people and you have no idea who's anybody's business is and what they're really doing.

And so it's going to be intimate enough that we really get to know each other and we're going to have a launch party so that we can get to know each other. And then you're also going to get this amazing, um, floral CEO swag box, uh, as kind of a thank you gift for joining. And if you have any questions, you can also send me a DM on Instagram, but I am so excited.

I just wanted to share these like. Questions that have been asked because I'm guessing so many people have them and don't feel like I don't even know how to ask the question or I don't know who to ask the question to so reach out if you have any more questions, but thank you so much for listening flower friends and you have an 📍 amazing flower filled week.

All the juicy details on my new florist mastermind!
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