Are you spending your time on the right things in your business?

On this week's episode, we're going to talk about time allocation.  When you spend time on your business, are you are spending it on the right things?  

Lots of florists spend time on activities that are not revenue producing.  Check in - are the  activities that you're doing leading you down a path of making more money, not just keeping you busy?  

Sometimes done is better than perfect.  It's easy to get caught up in the details of how things look, how things look on Instagram, curating your feed, about curating your website and what actually is happening is the perfectionism is holding you back from moving your business forward.  
 meeting with the bride is a potential or meeting with a couple as a potential revenue producing, um, interacting.

This episode will really help you find clarity on where you are spending your time, and how to shift it to where you actually want to spend your time.  

Are you spending your time on the right things in your business?
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