Change the way to your talk to yourself= Success

📍 Hello, this is Jen. And you are listening to the floral hustle podcast on this week's episode. We're going to talk about something that I often talk about on social media, but I think is such a critical part of you being a successful business owner. And that is the way you talk to yourself. Many of the clients that I have personally coached struggle with Saying statements or I automatically detect that there is some story in their mind and some narrative in their brain that they are speaking into existence and supporting with statements like I am not good at a million different things.

So, this is one of the first things that I try to work on with that person because I know personally the way you speak to yourself is going to be commensurate with your success. If you are saying, I am not good at, I struggle with, or I suck at, or I don't know how to do this, or I'm struggling with, I'm lost in whatever statement I am, and then something that's negative and negatively associated with your business.

That is going to be true. That is going to be your reality. If you say, I am not good at social media, you are not going to be good at social media. Because you are speaking into existence, speaking into your subconscious, and echoing, and then starting to trigger that behavior that supports that exact thing.

If 95% of our thoughts are in our subconscious, and the 5% that we are speaking is garbage, we are speaking into existence. All of this garbage that we don't really want to be our reality, or if you do, you don't know that that is the garbage you're not even noticing that you're speaking all this garbage into existence.

A lot of times I, I hear this and I'm not good at bouquets. I'm not good at social media. Social media is a big 1 that I hear. I am not good at social media. I'm not good at the business part. of this. I am not good at selling. I am not good at whatever. You need to, for one, start, if, even if you have to write post it notes all over that saying, stop saying I am not, or doing the inverse.

And speaking into existence that you are working on that part of yourself. I am working hard every day on social media because I am putting tools like my assistant in place. I am working hard every day to get more in shape. I am working hard every day to be better at selling. By listening to sales books or listening to I am getting better every day, or I am working hard every day.

Some statement like that, that you are speaking into that. I am not great at this, but I am working on it and that work and convincing yourself that you're actually doing the work is going to help change your trajectory. And I know a lot of people think. This is really hippie talk that this is not really true I, you know, we're just focusing on negativity.

If you are internally focused and not strategically choosing the words that are coming out your mouth, that is your reality. When I started speaking into his existence that I wanted to up level my business, I wanted my business not to be a hobby anymore. I wanted to make impactful money. I wanted to have the life that I deserve.

I want to be the mother that my children deserve. Like all of those things, like Noor came into my life, my Indian decorator friend that I think last year was like 175, 000 of business we did together. Like I spoke her into my life and without doing that, without changing my mindset, changing what I wanted, changing my expectations, that would have never happened.

If I would have made a choice that I deserve that, that just wouldn't have happened. So I often see this. People are thinking really small in their business. And let's just say you did 33, 000 of business last year. I see some people, they did that, but now they're like, I want a 400, 000 business. You are not.

Truly speaking into existence, something that is going to be attainable enough that it's challenging, but doable, you are not, you are almost like setting your mind up that this is just going to be some big struggle bus. So I am all about setting realistic goals. To help build confidence, start teaching your subconscious that you are a winner.

So that is also a statement that I say to myself, I am a winner. All I win at life. I work hard to win at life. I have foundations to help me win in life, whatever it is. I there's that song, that rap song. All I do is win, win, win, no matter what. If you start thinking that you win in life. And you stop thinking that all you do is lose in life, you're not making the money that you want, you're not having the relationships you want, you're not having the body you want, you're not having the motherhood you want, you're not having the peace that you want.

That is going to be your reality. So once you realize how impactful your thoughts are. And stop living in the struggle bus and stop being a victim to your circumstances, a victim to your age, a victim to your social status, a victim to your friend circle, a victim to politics. Like I do not subscribe to being a victim of any of these situations.

I was I think it was like a couple months ago I was meeting with this lady cause lo and behold, one of my kiddos had lice from school. It was super amazing, let me tell you, but I feel like that whole incident happened because I was meant to hopefully impact this woman. We went and my daughter was getting her hair combed out at this, lice lady or whatever thing.

And this woman was talking about how she I, cause when I. Bella goes somewhere, and especially if there's physical contact of some sort, I preface because I want to set up a situation for success and not be surprised, just so you know, um, Bella has autism, and sometimes that makes things tougher for her.

And I usually get acknowledgement, like I'm telling them, and they're receiving that information, that please just, Understand that this is, she has a neurodivergent brain and it just works different. So she then asked me, she's like, how did you guys find out that Bella had autism? So like, she started we're together for two hours.

She combed my hair out to check. She combed my son's hair out. And I'm like, well, this is the process I go through. And this is a, like a conversation I've had with a lot of different parents. And she was like, Oh, that's interesting. And then, then she finally, I was like, Oh, I'm just curious. Why are you wondering?

Like, are you do you know someone who might be on the spectrum? And she's they think my son is, and I am so scared. She said, I am scared shitless that that is true. And I'm just really struggling with all of these things. And of course, like I see her, I see where she is. But my perspective shift on this, I think was impactful because I looked around and go, is your son like really struggling right now, like having a hard time interacting with other kids, having a hard time controlling his emotions, having a sensory hard time that just like running hot all the time.

And so just like exhausted, run down and it's like sad to see your, your son in that spot because that's where I was and not being able to see her communicate like other kids. And she was just like, yeah, and she's like, it's heartbreaking go. You know what, if your kiddo does have autism, that is the best thing that could ever happen to you to find out.

And she looked at me. She goes, what do you mean? I go, because you know how to help them right now. If you don't know, you don't know how to help them. And so. Like I saw this like whole like flash over herself, she's you're right. I was like, so I would rather be empowered to know how I can help Bella be the best Bella that she can be.

And that's something that we have open discussions about. And we talk about being our best self in our house. And we practice affirmations because I want to know just because she is different, that she is not any less or any better. We are all the same humans. Everybody's just got a different set of complications.

And you now knowing that this might be able to figure out how to help with his complications and she, stood back and she was like, yeah, that is right. I've just, I said, I often in the beginning made this about me and me being a victim to this circumstance, because this sucks that this was happening and all these things, but I know that that was like the best thing that I ever could find out.

Because I am an empowered mother now that knows how to get help from my kiddo in the best way possible. And I know even to help, how to have discussions when she interacts with people. I know how to have discussions when we go to the doctor's office. I am so much more an advocate for my daughter because I understand.

And that perspective shift, I have seen so many parents. They just are, they feel like a victim that this happened. They feel like this is the end of the world. They feel like they're going to be on the struggle bus. I'm struggling so much. And there are moments that like, sometimes I'm like, holy crap.

I can't believe that this happened, but I know that I just needed a perspective shift again to realign, to support her instead of feeling like I'm a victim because of her. And you can have that same perspective shift, like my business isn't doing what I want. My business isn't like making me any money.

I'm, you might need a checkup from the neck up. What is going do a whole evaluation of what is going right? What is going wrong? How what are some strategies if you're feeling like you're not being confident. Maybe you need to take a course in confidence. Maybe you need to have a business coach.

Maybe you need to talk to a therapist. Maybe you need a life coach. Maybe you need to just talk to people about how you're feeling like your partner or your best friend because you're stuffing all of it because you don't want anybody to know that you feel like you're failing. You are not failing if you are trying.

You are just figuring out a different way to do things. And owning a business is that exact thing. Like I have realized there's a lot of things that I, that don't feel good in my business and I don't do them anymore. And you're just figuring that out. And so if you start to change and support, like I don't do overwhelm.

That's something I've talked about on the podcast a lot. I don't subscribe. Even when things are a lot, I for one have normalized making more money. I have normalized bigger situations. And yeah, I know that I am capable of figuring anything out because I am determined to win. And so because I speak to myself like that, and you can speak to yourself like that it changes my perspective.

I'm not going to wallow if somebody doesn't choose me, I'm going to learn if somebody didn't choose me. Why? I'm going to take that opportunity, even if that person was a total a hole and I knew that they weren't a good fit, I want to understand why they didn't think I was a good fit. So I'm going to ask, not if they were an asshole, I don't want to know.

I want to know because I want to understand how not to attract that asshole anymore. And you can do the same thing. Be an empowered business owner. Be an empowered human. Advocate for yourself, get the tools. When I started investing in personal development, in coaches in, and I know I've talked about this a whole bunch, but when I started doing that, I started making double the money because I started believing in myself, believing I deserved more, believing that I was capable of more and believing that I was unstoppable and you can do that same thing, you can start believing in yourself.

a little bit more today than you did yesterday. You could go get the skills or the support a little bit more than you were yesterday. And when you start making those tiny shifts, you're going to get a bigger end result. I just know it. And I know I've talked about this on the podcast, but if you need help, I am here to support you, this podcast, follow me on Instagram.

I do Monday motivation every Monday, talking about being the best version of yourself, how to do that tips and tricks to really become the best version of yourself and. Also, I have monthly coaching. If you want to lock arms with me, we hang out on a weekly basis and talk about your business and talk about how we can move things forward, how we can make more revenue strategies to put in place.

If you are struggling with something, I am there to support you. You could have limited boxer support, which is a walkie talkie app that you literally can message me and say, Jenny, I am struggling with this right now, or this. Couple inquired, and I'm really not feeling confident about doing this installation and we lock rooms and figure that out together.

So I just love all my monthly coaching clients right now. They're so much fun and everybody's at a different place, which is so fun to me to help. Get them to the next level and really unlock their potential because if nobody ever cares to unlock their potential or nobody is pushing you to unlock your potential, my husband pushes me think bigger to dream bigger.

He's literally like, what have you dreamed about with your business? And I was like, I've never had fucking time to do that. What are you talking about? Like, I'm too busy running the world, running this house, running a business, running our kids lives, running our kids therapy. It's what? But when I started really stepping back and thinking, like, what do I want?

How can I get that? Then I just, everything got unlocked, bigger things started happening and you deserve that too. I hope you have an amazing flower filled week 📍 friend and talk to you next week. Have a great day.

Change the way to your talk to yourself= Success
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