Confidence to Show Up on Social Media

Social media seems like a scary and complicated place for most people to show up in any way shape or form but to show your face- is terrifying. When I ask most florists what is scary there are so many different answers.
  1. Even thinking about it gets me worried. I get anxious that I won’t know what to say. I’m worried what people will think. I don’t know what to talk about. I’m worried of what people will think.
  2. Another thing people are worried about is how they look. They potentially don’t like how they look or maybe they have a zit or something showing up that makes them feel less confident.
  3. They worry they are not an expert enough for people to listen to them. They worry about peers judgement.
  4. Thoughts of being made fun of or ridiculed.
With all these worries and stories in your head that would be a big block to hit record or pull photos out of your photo phone folders wouldn’t it! How can we turn this around?
  1. Start changing the way you talk to yourself. If you have a-I am not good at statements in your head or that you are speaking into the universe. We need to start talking to ourselves better today!
  2. Start thinking about what a badass you are an how much knowledge that you have
  3. You are an expert- your deserve to be heard.
  4. Think about how you are helping the potential viewer.
  5. If this is free content you would putting out- its free
  6. I Am affirmations.- Start training your brain. I am magnetic, I am good on camera, I am an expert in my field, people can learn from me and
  7. Do you feel braver in a certain outfit, underwear, boots or even a specific.
  8. Do you feel braver in a certain room or even with a filter on. If a filter help you how up- who cares - use it!
  9. Practice- Practice your craft to build confidence.
  10. Think about who will be watching your video- the majority are people you likely are more of a subject matter expert on what you are talking about. If another florist is watching if they can’t be kind or supportive they are not someone you want following your page anyways.
The bottom line is- you are a badass and deserve success and to share your gift- now act according to that!
Want more social media guidance- head on over to download our free social media guide. This guide is packed full of valuable content for you to elevate your social media.
Confidence to Show Up on Social Media
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