Creating proposals that sell

On this week's episode, we're going to talk about sales in proposals and having a proposal that sells you, your company, your designs, your execution, and everything to that client. 

I do visually curated proposals. I have seen lots of proposals and I've done lots of different types of proposals. I do visually driven proposals so that when somebody opens this proposal, they feel their wedding. They can see the soft fluffiness of the blooms. They can see the bold colors, they can see the softness or the muted colors - and they can feel what their wedding is like.

A lot of people are resistant and feel they can't do that kind of proposal, because it would take a lot of time, and they would spend more time in addition to meeting with the client for the consultation. This does not have to be that hard. You can simplify this process immensely.  Tune in to this episode and learn the way you can add visual proposals to your process, painlessly.
Creating proposals that sell
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