Does your energy level match your desired income?

  📍 Hello, flower friends. This is Jen and you are listening to the floral hustle podcast on this week's episode. I want to talk about is your energy commensurate with the income that you want to make in your business and where this came from is I had someone reach out and they were like, I'm not doing the money that I want.

You know, I'm not accomplishing the money that I want to make. And then I just ask a few questions. It realistically sounds like they were putting pretty minimal input into their business. So their energy because they were not investing the time and this was somewhat at the beginning. So they didn't have the foundation to really build their business, to make the money that they were hoping and dreaming.

So some ways that you can tell Um, you know, is the, is there balance in my putting in that effort and by effort, I mean, you know, you're strategizing, you're making your own CEO day, your, um, you know, outsourcing the, the things that really will, will help you be able to work on the business and not always in the weeds of your business.

And are you, you know, just dreaming about your business? prospecting. Are you, you know, doing the design work? Are you doing all the things that are going to support your objective? Of wanting to have this certain income level. And if you're not, you know, then you need to make a plan of action to start working towards that.

And that's where like a coach, that is something if I, that's actually a question. Do you feel you're putting the energy into your business that is commensurate with what you're looking to get out? And I do think there is wiggle room because if you're using strategic energy and you have streamlined your process like a total boss, then The things are a little bit more gray area if, if you're matching because you're unintentionally not matching because you're designing your business that you're not having to just do everything.

You're designing your business so that you can live your life, but still make money. But if you're not making the money that you are really wanting to, I want you to first think I would love for you to do is do a time audit. How much time do you actually invest in your business? Are you doing 10 hours, five hours, three hours?

What does that really look like? Because is 10 hours a week, five hours a week, with your current business setup, is that going to support your financial goal of 100, 000, of 200, 000, of whatever it is? Are you working to support your revenue goal then? Do you have the processes in place to support that energy that you want to bring into your business and the energy that it's brought into your business is going to have that revenue follow.

If you have mad, crazy energy and you're running around with your head cut off, like you're probably not going to have the energy to propel your business forward because your energy is panic. Your energy is. It's like an organization. Your energy is that things are hard. Your energy is that this situation is stressful or this business is stressful.

Like what is your energy you're bringing into your business? Because not only is it physical energy, like these are the hours I'm working. What is the mental energy you are coming into your business? I come into my business that I am magnetic. My business is abundant. I deserve jobs that are inspiring to me.

I deserve to coach floors that I would want to be friends with that I think are amazing human beings and that I could truly impact their business. I'm attracting attracting that and really concentrating on attracting that type of client in those layers. Has helped me have some of the biggest weddings that I've ever done 25, 35, 5, 000 wedding because I'm attracting and putting it out there for one, I'm doing the work because I'm putting that work out there and showing people that this is what I can do and for two, my mental energy just cleared that this like big 35, 000 wedding block is now trivial.

Like, I can do that whenever I need to. So are you bringing in the actual physical energy, the time, the, the mental energy that's going into your business? And then what is uncovered with that mental energy? Like how are you feeling about your business? Do you love everything about your business? Like what is the foundational energy in your heart that you're bringing in the business?

And just check in with yourself because that can change something and happen and that can change and so it is okay at any point to say something doesn't feel good and want to change it. After owning the business for like 16 years, I changed my business name. That was an epic change to do, but in the end was so worth it and I'm so grateful that I did it.

What do you need to do to have the energy to support the income that you want to make? I know you can do it. Think hard. Do your time on it. See how much time you're actually spending. See what things you have in place to really streamline your business. And is that going to help you get to the next level with where you're currently at from a time standpoint.

Then, really audit your energy. Audit what is going on in your head, your heart, about your business, about your, even your life. And all of those things together, if something is in alignment, it's not going to support you moving your business forward, your life forward, you need things in alignment. They need to feel good.

They need to have ease. They need to just be something that you're so fired up about and you deserve that. So, thank you so much for listening to this episode Flower Friend. I so appreciate you and 📍 hope you have an amazing flower filled week.

Does your energy level match your desired income?
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