Does your floral business give you anxiety? Mini Episode 4

Does you floral business give you anxiety? Or has it made your chest feel tight, have a few tears roll down your face or even to the point of running to the bathroom and tossing your cookies sounded like I great idea. I get you! We are often in high intensity situations that can increase emotions and make us feel like the world is closing is on us…but the difference is we can make our reaction to stressful situations change today!
This episode is filled with tips for you to be the boss of your anxiety and say- no today old friend.
  1. The 15 min. reset. When things are feeling tough this tool calm help calm your nerves and reset your energy. Step away from your situation and find a calming area- sitting down potentially away from the area causing your stress. Start to think about- in this situation what do I have control of? #1 you can control how you react and feel about a situation and start to feel the control you have in your emotions and as the CEO of your business.
  2. Do not put all your eggs in one wholesaler basket. Having sources gives you options. Order hard to find product from two places. Also do not promise specific flowers to clients- that can add so much anxiety.
  3. Making things easy for what your are available for. Don’t like funeral work?- You are not available for it.
  4. Pulling everything ahead of time. Making sure you have everything and have everything prepped.
  5. Book the help you need. Estimate the work on one wedding and book help accordingly.
Does your floral business give you anxiety? Mini Episode 4
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