Having magnetic consultations - Mini Episode

Hello, flower friends. This is Jen and you're listening to the Floral Hustle Podcast. On this week's mini sode, we are going to talk about having magnetic consultations. And I had actually a couple of consultations this week. And so it really reminded me that building a relationship with showing your personality, with coming with ideas that, I mean, they're getting married.

Yeah. And I had one of my consultations was like, I am not creative. I'm not good at developing ideas or concepts. Like this person is screaming for an expert to help them. It's also funny because I am an expert at their venue. So not only am I showing them like that, I am the right choice because I am confident in what I'm going to deliver for them.

I am confident in your venue, like your venue. I straight up told her. Your venue, I have done over 1, 700 weddings. Your venue is in the top three of most complicated that I've ever delivered to. They are at the Mall of America. They, when you come in, half the time somebody isn't in the security office, and it is a fortress down there.

You are only allowed to be in the loading dock a very limited amount of time. They take your driver's license. I'm going to be talking about the security check in. Half the time nobody is there to even let you in. Then you get brought up by someone usually, and they have the world's skinniest hallways.

So any crap that you're bringing in is going to be difficult. Then if you're in one of the smaller ballrooms, it's way across the hotel, and you have to basically go down these really tiny, it's just horrible. Then you also get There's a parking lot. You can't park there. You have to go and through a, actually where people drive in.

So like, it's not really a sidewalk that's safe, in my opinion. You're supposed to go and park your car, you know, a five minute walk. Then come back up and then go through that shit again to get in the building. It's like, ridiculous. But! I am an expert at navigating that ridiculousness. I have done a dozen weddings there.

And I've done Indian weddings there. Like, huge weddings there. So like, I've navigated a U Haul. of stuff into that venue. And I, you know, with confidence, I was just like, you know what, you have one of the most complicated venues, which, um, if, I'm just going to throw this out there, anybody that you are entertaining being a venue, a vendor for your wedding, because their venue, their wedding is next May, make sure they've worked there before.

Like, you don't want to deal with somebody trying to figure out where they're going. And then she's like, yeah, it was so weird when we were there, checking out a wedding. Um, a videographer was lost and the person that worked there that was giving us a tour had to help them. Like, that is a sign that this is not good.

For real. So then, you can go in and like, show that confidence. But then like, that magnetic that I was, that's just the title of this episode, having magnetic consultations. Confidence equals cash. And so going into that consultation just with like, Hey, I got this. Um, I actually do a closing statement. If you've listened to the podcast, I've talked about this before.

At the end of my consultation, I do a position myself as an expert and then kind of bring that around to my closing statement of what are our next steps. So I will say. I don't know if you, uh, paid attention to, uh, the about us section on my website. Some people will take a look at it, but, um, just in case you didn't have a chance, like I've been a florist for over 25 years.

I have over 1700 weddings of experience. So nothing on your wedding day will surprise me. I can handle it all. And I, um, would just love to be a part of your day. I think that what we picked out is absolutely stunning. I'm so excited to put your proposal together. I'll have that proposal over to you within the next three days.

And then, um, I hold the date from there for one week. And within that time, if you let me know, yeah, we would love to move forward with you, Jen. So I'm also, I'm saying my name. I'm the one that's going to be taking care of them. If you have a team, just say, you respond to my team, and one of my valued team members will make sure that they get your name directly on the books until your contract is received.

So, at that point, I send you my contract, and with that, you can return that with a 500 deposit or 2, 000 depending on how big their wedding is, and that goes towards your total. And then if for some reason it takes a few weeks, um, you can, just because it's heavy inquiry season, if we go past the week, you can just check in and I can check availability, but I want to make sure that if you're not ready to commit and somebody else is, I want to make sure that that date is available to who was really interested in at that time.

So I would love to work with you. Your wedding sounds beautiful and I can't wait to see what you think of the proposal. Like I am saying, here's my experience. Okay. Here's, I got processes nailed down, I got next steps nailed down, like this is what happens next. So I'm making it really, really easy. Then I can go in and I can send them a thank you for the consultation and that I really look forward to getting the proposal together for them.

Make it easy. But during the consultation, I'm asking questions like, and I'm also, I think we're often too break somebody's wedding dreams. So I asked actually like just this in this one consult just because it was, um, yesterday. So it was very fresh. Uh, she has a June, like first week in June wedding. Her color is burgundy, like a Merlot burgundy.

And for when I asked her to explain burgundy to me, and nobody had even asked her that. It's like, explain your burgundy to me. Me, because I know you don't have the swatch to show me. Um, is it a reddy burgundy, a purpley burgundy, or is it like the true Merlot that you're pouring in a nice wine? She's like, well, it's not purpley, and it's, I mean, it's a little bit more red, but I would say it's really like the color when you pour a red wine.

Okay, perfect. That really helps me understand. And then, what accent colors are you thinking? Well, I was thinking of just putting white with it. I was like, okay, I'm just thinking about, like, the season that you're getting married in. It's sort of spring, but it's sort of summer. Do you care if, like, that seasonality of the time of year that you're getting married shows up in your wedding flowers?

And she's like, nobody's asked me that. That's a really interesting questions. Do I care about? She's like, well, I don't want it to look like it's a winter wedding. And I was like, well. Red and white could look like a winter wedding. She's like, hmm. That's, that is true. And I said, you know what? I have a random idea, and I grabbed my phone, because we're on video, and I showed her, um, amnesia roses, and I showed her Godiva.

Oh, Govinda. There we go. Govinda. That's a beautiful antique lavender rose. I said, I just was thinking something completely out of the box. What if we put like a vintage lavender with it? Had like a little bit of a gray undertone and she also said she loves silver and there's silver, silver flatware on the tables.

I said, I just think that would be really pretty and different. She's like, oh my god, that would be. And then I'm like, yeah, wouldn't that, wouldn't this be really pretty? And she's like, yeah, it would be. And I was like, yeah, it's like, these are one of my favorite lavender roses because they're just so rich.

And she's like, yeah, it's like, yeah, but. Like, that really built a relationship with her, and she was excited about those things, and she was telling me straight out, she's not an expert. So I'm like, really getting to know her personality, for one, that she is, you know, Somebody who kind of, I don't think is very assertive.

I think that her parents are leading the show on a lot of this. Um, she seems very submissive. And, when you're talking to somebody that's kind of not really the star of the show, you want to make sure that they know that you got them. That you, your personality, being magnetic, is magnetizing what they need.

If I have a uber controlling bride, probably not going to do her wedding, by the way, but if I have that person in front of me, but I still like her or him, like the couple in general or whoever it is, I'm going to back down a little bit and listen more, and, but still show that I, I, I have the confidence to play ball with you.

Like, I'm at the level of confidence that you need. out of a wedding vendor. I'm not going to let you push me over because you don't need someone that you're going to push over. You need somebody that's going to make your day perfect, listen to your ideas, and be able to take your ideas to the next level.

We are selling in consultations. We are selling that we are the best choice for them. So start acting like you are the best choice because you are. You are, and I, it's funny. Cause one of my mastermind girls like had somebody went in a different direction based on the number of weddings that they had.

And I was like, well, why did you tell them? Because I, I don't need to tell them because I got major confidence, but I'm just like pouring it over the top because my experience is so deep, but you can just say like, I'm more than confident your wedding is going to be beautiful. Like, I love all the details that we've talked through.

I really love, um, the idea of making this special cake thing. Whatever it is, like, you can exert confidence in you as a business owner. As you, just from your, your presence. From your, um, you know, ability to answer questions. From your ability to come up with ideas. And for your ability to lead the conversation.

Because magnetic conversations. are give and take, but normally in this situation, you should be leading the consultation, not them leading you. So think about it. Are your consultations magnetic? Do people want to talk about you after they met you? Because if they're not, then we got to start working on that because that's how you're going to magnetize money in your business and you deserve to make lots of it.

So thanks so much for listening flower friends and you have an amazing flower filled week.

Having magnetic consultations - Mini Episode
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