How being a florist made me sick - Mini Episode

In this weeks episode we are talking about something a little vulnerable and personal. About a year ago I wasn’t feeling well and after doctors visits and coming up empty handed I started to see a functional medicine doctor. After some initial appointments we pursed doing a environmental test that tests for toxins in your body due to exposure in the environment around you. After an awkward trip to mail urine via Fed Ex overnight I got my test results shortly afterwards that I had heavy levels of pesticides, herbicides, mold and a gasoline component that is found in floral foam. After discussing with the doctor options to help remedy the situation we started on a plan to detox the chemicals out of my body. We started with a drinkable glutathione supplement, sauna blanket and starting to do activities that would make me sweat it out. After an initial oral detox we started a graduating weekly IV of glutathione.
At this point I have gotten the chemicals mainly detoxed from my body and have started to be on a path of becoming the healthier version of myself. I have purchased an air filter to help clean the air in the studio, are changing the air filters in the furnace more frequently and wearing a mask with foam.
Thank you for listening to a part of my floral journey.
How being a florist made me sick - Mini Episode
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