How to Become the Richest Person You Know

  📍 📍 Hello flower friends. This is Jen and you are listening to the floral hustle podcast on this week's episode. It's kind of a catchy one. We're going to talk about how do you become the richest person you know. And when people say rich, I think they often revert to that you're rich financially. And I think that being rich is so much more than just financial gains or what your, balance sheet looks like, um, what your net worth is, what your, you know, revenue is in your business.

It is such a bigger picture. that I think often it isn't even considered. Um, some of the richest people I know are often one of the people that have the richest life in general because they have set up their life, their business, their world to support them feeling that richness all around and not just that monetary richness.

So being rich, of course, That is partially, reflective of your bank account because that gives you safety, but there are people who have minimal amounts of bank, in their bank account, in their portfolios, or whatever. That feel really rich and that's because they really have satisfaction in life.

They have a deeper meaning, a deeper purpose. They feel, you know, just this like sense of calm and happiness. So I want to talk about one big, one area first, that if you are living in your purpose, no matter what that purpose is. You are living a very rich life, and I personally know how this feels because I am living in my purpose.

I know what it feels, and I know when I see people not living in their purpose, not living something that truly lights them up, they are going through the minutiae of day to day Without, being so fucking on fire about what they do, how they do it, like, they don't want to shout it from the rooftops because they are going into a cubicle and they hate it.

Or they are just really have this passion you probably have this passion for flowers. Maybe this isn't your purpose, maybe it is. I know, like, when I start to talk to somebody about if they're getting married or I tell somebody what I do or, or whatever, there is a fire that is lit up in my chest that you can just feel that energy.

That, like, energy of I love this. I love this so much. And so if you have that, you are rich in so many ways because so many people are running around without that. And when I chose I have always had this deep seated passion for flowers, for really just helping people on this beautiful day, on the joy of flowers, being around flowers.

Like, all of that always lit me up. But when I went through the transformation of really becoming the person I am today after I left my corporate job. I was always really good at my corporate job. I was always really good at sales. I knew a ton. I knew how to talk to people. I like, I was an expert, but that didn't mean, and even to this day, if I start talking about the car business, or I start talking about vehicles, or I start talking about You know, something that is like connected to that previous version of myself.

There's still this fire because that's what I knew. It was my identity because my secondary identity is who I am today for so many years. And that transformed, like the biggest like tip over was when Bella was born and my identity was no longer that I am a working professional. It was, I am a professional and I am a mother.

So that identity shift. Made me doing this thing that didn't completely just bring so much joy to me. It made me feel for, even though I was making good money, I felt like it wasn't enough for what I was doing. I kept feeling like I, I have more value than what they're paying me because if I'm going to be away from my daughter, like that, I need to be rich from that.

Like financially rewarded. And I. I mean, in the grand scheme of things, I was making a good, good wage there in the grand scheme of things. Like I had autonomy to run my business and do this. I had the autonomy to like, be able to go home at three o'clock and work from home if I need it. I mean, I feel like part of being rich is that flexibility that melds with your life.

And right now. You know, this, what I'm doing is that ultimate flexibility of like this morning I had to run my kiddo to his wellness appointment. Then I had, uh, I went with my, um, husband to one of his doctor's appointments because he's not great about going. And I wanted to support him. Because I am living.

in this place because I've made so many shifts because I've made so many like gains in this to be able to really, and just decisions in general, like I made the decision that I wanted to be the mother that I, I really had always wanted and that I did not get to my children. I was going to be the antithesis of what I had and that meant some flexibility.

I remember when I met my husband and we started going through all of these things with my daughter's dad and it was not great, like tons of like court police. It was really ugly. I still to this day have a restraining order because he was very, very scary and he still doesn't see her because he was acting very scary and is not equipped to deal with a special needs kiddo.

I mean, I have spent and invested a lot of money on making sure that I am the best parent possible to her and not everybody is equipped to do that. So, like, that also makes me rich. Being able to invest. in making sure that I am doing the best job. I, it's funny cause I always think when I'm considering something because I wish my mom would have considered this when I was younger, will this be a therapy session when that kid is 20 years old?

And there are so many moments I can think back of when I was little that that question, if that was asked would have avoided a lot, but it wasn't. So, that is where I am today. I have the ability, because of the richness in my life, we were very, very poor. Not only financially were we really, really poor, but I think mentally.

We were living in this completely scarce, so I've talked about scarcity in the podcast before. That is a real thing. I think if you have a scarcity mindset, you're going to raise children with that mindset. You're going to approach your business with that mindset. I right now, And I've talked about this before when it comes to investing myself, I'm investing in a new, totally new business venture.

And I have had the business credit card out laying it down to invest in this and haven't thought twice because I know that that investment is going to, is going to come to fruition. And this is what I get when people are not. Thinking rich, and they're thinking about buying that course. They're thinking about hiring a business coach.

They're thinking about investing in some new rental item. They're thinking about taking a weekend off. It's always like, what am I giving up to do that? And I always think, what am I losing by not? What am I losing if I didn't try this new business idea of having a silk flower arch? Um, in the middle of investing a good chunk of money to do a planary outreach program.

Again, if I don't reach out to planners, like, where is my business gonna be in two years? So it's not that this is costing $35 a planner to reach out to in two years without me keeping my funnel full of planners. Where is my business going to be? People are panicking right now because business is slower.

I am not panicking. I am being on the offensive instead of the defense. So when you are richer, you live your life on the offense. So when it comes back to like decisions, I make decisions on this feeling of like, I, I know things are going to work out. And like I was mentioning people investing in a course, like, what am I going to get from this?

And what if this doesn't work out? I, that isn't even a question I asked myself. This is going to work out. This is going to be big. This is going to be substantial revenue. This is going to, like, bring my business to the next level. And every time that I've thought like that, I've won. And I am a winner. I speak to myself in that way because I am rich in so many ways that if I start thinking poor, like, Oh, that costs a hundred dollars.

When I have people, I hear them. And it rings in my ears. People say that is expensive. That costs a lot of money. I can't spend money like that. You are not going to have the ability to spend money like that because of the way you're thinking. And I know that that you're probably like, Oh, you're ridiculous.

That's because you're making this kind of money. I have always thought this way. I have always, since I was. 18. I have always made more than 100, 000 a year because I think rich. I think bigger. I have expectations that I deserve to make money. And when you feel like there is this essence of deserving, you are rich because that money is going to come your way.

Every time I am going through and I'm like, I'm going to do this and I'm plotting something or something like doing something like if it is, my heart is completely behind it and I am all in there's no way that's not happening. I've launched workshops and like just been so worried, like what happens if, and I stopped even wondering that because there is no what happens if there, what happens is what I want to happen.

And I am manifesting that happening because I am not manifesting all the other shit that could happen. What if this? What if that? It's not going to happen because I plan things to perfection. I am providing so much value, especially in my workshops. In my mastermind, the value that I deliver in my mastermind, in my in person workshops, in my one on one coaching is un non comparable.

There is so much value that somebody, if they join, if they invest in themselves, if they go to the next level, there is no way, unless they get in their own way, which I can't control. They don't show up. They don't do the things that I, I tell them that are going to make their business. If they're living in scarcity, if they're living that everything is, the sky is falling, I am going to help that person make more money.

I am going to help that person have less anxiety in their business. I'm going to have that person feel better about themselves. I'm going to have them feel more confident. I'm going to give them the tools. They need to be successful because I know what it takes to be successful because I am living in success.

I am living rich. Other ways. The next way is your relationships. I no longer surround myself with people who don't make me feel good. And that was really hard. I stepped back from really important friendships because we weren't in alignment. And it, it felt bad. I'm like, I have loved this person for so long, but COVID turned them into a mildly fucking crazy person and I can't handle it.

So I still love them, but I am not investing my time and my energy. into people like that. I want to invest time and energy into people. Like I want to be around people who are magnetic, who are thinking big, like the girls in my mastermind. I fucking love their energy because they are always like, Hey, what about this?

They're asking questions. They're curious. They're inquisitive. They're driven. They want bigger things. They're kind. They're loving. Most of them are mothers and that energy is So amazing that that's the kind of energy you need to be around. And if you're not in my mastermind, you need to find a girl gang or whatever that is giving you that energy of richness because those girls in my mastermind are rich.

Like they are, of course things come up, but like they're investing in ways to support themselves. They're investing in making their holistically their whole life. happier. They're investing in growing their business strategically in the long game. That is going to really be impactful in the long run.

This isn't a short, short game. This isn't like a putting game in golf. This is like, I am going all in on the long term growth of my business. And I mean, it's the same thing with this podcast. It has now been a year and a half, and if I wouldn't have known from the beginning that this was a long gameplay, I would have game up, gave up a long time ago.

On days that there were 15 downloads, I'm like, I could have been thinking, what am I doing this for? I am working so hard. I'm spending money. I, if you've listened to the podcast for a while, it costs money to have a podcast, not only for the hosting, but I don't want to put a shitty show out. So I have somebody who edits it.

I also know that I need to operate in my zone of genius and my zone of genius is not editing a podcast. Same thing with social media. I can do social media. I have a new person I'm super excited about. She's amazing. And that person is like bringing ideas and able to help me execute. All of these things that are in my head, you need like to be surrounded by people who are living in this like high frequency, high vibration.

And so if that's the mastermind, if that is some type of group or club or networking, I don't care. You need to get around someone who is going to elevate your thinking because that is how you are truly rich. You are surrounded by those girls, those guys, whoever it is that are elevating your thinking of abundance.

Really, they might not even be rich, but you can be poor and be so rich in so many other ways. And that doesn't mean you're like, I'm going to start making those bad, you know, like decisions, like maybe they decided to take. I have one friend who is super smart. But, he has made really poor financial decisions over his life, and has lived with his mom, has decided to travel to Cambodia for like three weeks, and stay in hostels, and he's a grown up.

But, what I do appreciate about him is that he is living his best life on his own terms. So, I can garner two things out of that. Being irresponsible, not making good decisions, living with your mom, or, you know what, he is really approaching his life in an authentic way that makes him happy, and, like, that is admirable.

Do I think the foundational things are there? No. But do I think he is living his best life in so many ways? Absolutely. Does he buy an epic amount of Girl Scout cookies every year to support my little Bellabean? Yes. So I appreciate him. I appreciate what he shows me in living this, like, life of really just Loving and embracing this one component that's just really super important to him, which is travel.

I mean, he's traveled everywhere, like Japan, and it's, yeah, I could never stay in a hostel. Like, that's just not me, but like, if that is him, super sweet, more power to ya, that is amazing. He is rich in his own way. Because he is living that, like, one true thing that is, like, so important to him. He, he doesn't care if he's in his mom's house.

He's no longer in his mom's house, but he's in his mid thirties. So, like, that just happened. But, like, he didn't care. Because he was so happy based on, like, he gets to do this big trip. He gets to go and do jujitsu and all these different things. Like, I feel so rich when I go to pottery class. I'm going in there and I'm like, it is during the day.

It is during grownup time that most people are at work. Guess where I am? Playing in clay, being around creatives, like relaxing, listening to my AirPods and listening to a podcast while I'm practicing a new technique. Like I feel so rich doing that. I feel so rich going to CrossFit because I am surrounded by achievers.

I'm surrounded by people who think bigger, who are at CrossFit in the middle of the day. This isn't like after our, our hustle, like they're during the day, they're at CrossFit. They're making their they're taking incremental steps to make their health better, to make their life better. And there is just so much to be said about that.

Like, I feel that energy, and that energy makes you rich. How else can you get rich? Having the relationship with your partner. People who are victims to their relationship with their partner, or to the relationship with their parents, unsubscribe. I do not, I no longer am available for relationships that make me feel like shit.

And honestly, like there were points in my life that my mother was not in my life. Like I have friends now that were, are not in my life at the way they were before. And you can make those tough choices even though they are tough. They are super tough. Like I, one of my relationships, like I talked to that person several times a day, several times.

But, after a very big blow up of them telling me that one of my personal goals was not going to happen, and that I needed to get over it, and like kind of yelled at me that I needed to stop working hard at this goal, and I would just like to say, it's about a year and a half later, and I am at my goal. Don't ever let someone dictate your goals.

Your success on anything, because there is magic in like timing, there is magic in really just holding on to your dreams and being like, I am fucking unstoppable. I am going to make this happen. I am going to make that goal happen. I did make that goal happen. It took a while. It took hard work, but it happened because I am rich.

I can, I can make anything happen. I just have to, to dream bigger. I have to be around people who think bigger. Like there's just this whole pattern of being this better version of myself. It's kind of manning. Like my husband is this big dreamer. He's a bigger dreamer than I am by far. And he's never happy with wherever he's at.

He never celebrates. And I was explaining to him. Like how I feel like I don't celebrate things like I should. And he's like, well, you always can be better. And I'm like, that's not the response I was looking for. I was like, I'm, I should be happy that I'm here, but that doesn't mean that I don't want to go bigger.

Like, When the business hit 300, I, the next year, I was like, I want to hit 325 and I did. This year, like, I want to hit, and then I'd love to hit 350. But like the, the landscape of weddings seems like it's changed a little bit. So like I am thinking outta the box, how am I going to get there? I am not laying victim to a lot of people who are out there saying, woe was me.

Weddings are down. I'm trying to think of additional revenue sources. I'm redoing my a la carte program. I'm adding a luxury silk flower rental component. I am not going to lay down and say my business forecasting to be down because of less weddings is acceptable and you're when you're rich, you have this level of like what is successful and what is acceptable.

It just changes like I am not accepting. that this is just what it's going to be. That just means that I need to be a better marketer. I need to think of additional revenue streams that are going to help drive and balance that up. And when I look, I, all my metrics are up. My wedding average is up. My website traffic is up.

All of these things are up. And so having a scorecard To really track that progress can make you so much richer. And if you are running around in your business with no scorecard, this might be the place to start. Because you don't know how rich you are because you're not measuring anything. There's a lot of people that I will ask that have no idea how much their business made until after their taxes are done.

Can you imagine? You are just floating around not knowing what the fuck is going on. Like, you are the CEO in your business. And you are the keeper of everything, and that includes your, your numbers and understanding where you're at. You should be starting out by being able to forecast. So I have all my weddings in a spreadsheet with the estimate, estimated kind of, um, dollar amount that they should be bringing in.

And if that is not happening, like, you have no clue. So then at the end of the year, and you're going, Shit, I'm not making my fi my revenue goals. I'm not able to pay myself what I want to pay myself. All of these things. You had no accountability throughout the year and we're six months in. We're six months in right now.

So you need to make sure that you are on your game tracking this from the get go. Contract comes in. Spreadsheet gets open. If you got HoneyBook, that's going to help you have that type of reporting. But like you need to know what's going on and that is going to be like the place to start. So are you rich?

And if you don't. Have the ability to say unequivocally yes, like what would that look like to you? What would it look like to be rich? What would it look like to have the freedom of somebody who's rich? Like what would that look like in your day to day schedule? What would your perfect day look like?

Getting up in the morning. Stretching, going and doing yoga, meditating, going and taking a long bath, going and hugging your children, going and do whatever it is. Like what does that look like? So that you can start visualizing what that rich version of yourself is. And then what is, what is your schedule look like?

Are you doing a wedding every week? Are you doing, you know, mainly your stuff on Thursday, Friday, Saturday? Are you, do you have other sources of revenue coming in for the business or are you just doing one thing? What is your schedule look like from an availability standpoint? I was walking somebody through my Calendly today.

Cause I just absolutely love being able to have people schedule their, their shit with me and me not having to babysit that process. And I was like, you know how awesome this is that like that stress and that time. Like, that's just taken off my plate and now electronically managed because I go in and manage it one time per week.

And she was like, yeah, that would be pretty awesome. It is. So like also freeing up yourself sometimes takes a little bit of investment. I'm spending 12 a month to have Calendly. Pretty cheap to me because my hourly wage. is way higher than 12 an hour. And I know that that task alone would have taken way more than an hour because you're emailing back and forth.

What does your schedule look like? What is your schedule? Okay. I can't do this day. I can do this back and forth. Here's just like, here's my availability and pick it. So what does that ideal day look like? Are you available for appointments on Tuesdays and Thursdays? Are you available for appointments on one day a week?

You would be shocked if you don't try it, you don't know. So I was living in reactivity to feeling that everybody needed an appointment as soon as possible. And now that I've had scheduling, like it's crazy people pick two weeks out. And I'm like, sounds good. And I tell them if, if something doesn't work, I'm more than happy to add some time.

So you have that ability as well. But it is just so much easier. You will be so much happier that it's kind of ridiculous when you start thinking of these things that would make you happier, and then asking yourself, why don't you have that? If this happens then, what is the then? What is that zone of zen then that you're not living with right now?

I have people tell me like, Oh, if I made more money then I would get coaching. I'm like, well, then how are you going to get, make money? If we're not figuring it out now, what's going to change? That's all of a sudden magically going to make us more money. Instead, you're going to squander. You're going to like, Live like this unfulfilled, unhappy life because you're struggling, you're on the struggle bus, you're making poor decisions that actually cost you money because you don't know what you're doing.

And instead, you could invest in a coach like myself or somebody similar or a program or something that is going to give you the shortcuts that's going to make you more money. And you're like, that's a huge oversimplification. What if I just can't afford that? Do you know how many times I have laid down?

Like I've invested like 40, 000. in a year into my noodle to be the best version of myself. And I didn't think twice about any of that investment. That's when you know that you are truly rich because you know that you are worth the investment. And I truly believe. That nobody is a bad investment. You just got to believe in yourself and you got to just dream bigger, think bigger, surround yourself with the right people, get the help that you need to get yourself on track to be the richest bitch that I know.

Thank you so much for listening flower friends. And if you're like, what is this mastermind that she was talking about? I have the Floral CEO Mastermind. It is a exclusive container that I keep small because it's an intimate group of girls, women, that are wanting to grow their business, kick ass, take names, you get full access.

To like all of the tools, all of the things that I implement in my business. You get one on one coaching for me. I actually do a private one on one session with you every month. And then you get the three calls a month that are with the, the girls from the mastermind. We do a training every month. This month was all about website analytics.

Digging in and understanding what all those numbers in your dashboard means and how can you impact your SEO. We're going to be doing website audits and going through everybody's website and hopefully tweaking it a little bit. There is so many gems that have come out of these training questions that like people were like, Oh, I didn't know that that's how that worked.

And like so much growth there, they've made brochures, they've made their. you know, revamp their proposals. They've figured out baseline pricing so that you're not living in estimate land all the time because you have this baseline pricing. There is so much goodness in this group and I usually only will let like one or two girls join every couple months.

So send me a DM. Um, we do have one spot left for July 1st. If that's something you're interested in, you can message me and I'm happy to answer, answer any questions. It is such an amazing space. I love all my girls in the mastermind and know that you would too. So thank you so much for listening flower friend and you have an amazing flower filled week.

How to Become the Richest Person You Know
Broadcast by