How to gain 100 followers in one week!


Introduction and Strategy Overview

Hello, flower friend. This is Jen, and you're listening to the Floral Hustle podcast. On this week's mini sode, we're going to talk about way you can grow a hundred followers in one week. And this is a hundred relevant followers. And it's a lot easier than you think.

Connecting with Wedding Professionals

So, this one way is following industry professionals who are...

Either photographers, they are wedding planners, they are other florists, they are potentially um, venues, DJs, anybody who works in the wedding industry. And this strategy is a super simple one because what you're going to do is you're going to find someone in the wedding industry in your market. You could do this several ways.

You could go by venue hashtags, you could be, uh, look at, um, hashtags for your area, like hashtag Minnesota Wedding Vendor, hashtag, uh, Minnesota Florist, hashtag Minnesota Wedding Planner, whatever it is, find professionals that are dealing with brides who, or couples, that need Flowers for their wedding. So you will then go in, engage with a couple of their posts on social media.

So you find a wedding planner, you go to their profile page, and you are going to interact with two to three posts. Uh, saying something that is not generic. Put some thought, put some effort behind it and comment on that saying. This is so beautiful. I love your aesthetic that you put together. I love whatever If it's a personalized post put something you know really kind of personalized on how you could potentially connect with them on an Individual level like they're talking about their kids or they're talking about something go and say something relevant to that then After you have interacted with a couple of their posts go and follow them So then you go and follow that person and say, uh, I just, you know, after they follow you back, that of course, I want you to try and connect with them.

I want you to go and say, once they follow you back, because the majority of wedding professionals, once you interact with them on their posts, because that is some hard stuff to find, is people who are actually going to interact with your posts. You then follow them. They are going to want to follow you back.

Because here is someone who gives a crap about actually interacting with their posts. Then, you're going to, once they follow you back, I would love for you to have some type of canned, so that means an auto response, to respond to them and say, Thank you so much for following me back.

Building Meaningful Relationships and Growing Followers

I really love whatever, um, I, Really would love to connect with you whatever you want to say and if you have capacity I would love for you to go and say I would love to set up a virtual coffee date So we can connect more on your Business I would love to learn about your business I would love to tell you a little bit about mine So that we potentially could collaborate in the future because it looks like we would share similar customers So you are then drawing your line in the sand.

Hey, hi, I'm a wedding professional. I have clients that potentially could use your services and I believe your clients, you know, need my services as well. I would love to collaborate on a deeper level because I love X about whatever in their business. That is going to engage people. You are going on a limb.

You are reaching out in cyberspace. To say, hey, we look like we're similar people. And if you do this consistently, even do 20 a day, and that might sound like a daunting task, but it is a very simple task for you to go in and go to Minnesota Bride. Go to whatever your, your bride magazine is in your market.

Go and look at the, you know, all the different vendors that are on there. There's a huge list. You can just go through down the list, search each person, and try and connect with them. Go on the Knot, WeddingWire, any of the Zola, whatever it is, go and find wedding professionals from that list and connect with them.

If you randomly see a vendor tagged in a post of one of your fellow vendor friends, go and connect with them via, through that post. You've found another wedding professional in your market. It is so easy, and in my experience, at least 50 percent usually follow you back in a timely manner. And so if you reach out to 20 a day, if you have 50 percent follow you back, and then You have created some more meaningful relationships.

In five days, you have a hundred followers. If you go even deeper and dedicate 30 minutes a day to this practice, you could have 15 to 20 new followers that are relevant industry professionals in your market. I know follower count is a big vanity metric. But followers that are relevant are 10 times better.

You need to do a little digging, but those relevant followers, who cares if a florist in Kentucky and you're in Idaho follows you? They are not going to be able to refer someone when they are full for a weekend because you are not in their market. It might be nice just to have a flower friend in another market, and I totally get that.

But relevancy... In the in followers is what really matters. So take some time, build a strategy to connect with them, put a little script together, put whatever. But when you send, make sure you're sending one personalized thought or comment in your communication so that they know that you're paying attention, that you care, and you really are interested in their business.

Thank you so much for listening flower friend and 📍 have an amazing flower filled week

How to gain 100 followers in one week!
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