How to Make Your Wedding Flower Inquiry Stand Out & Book More Clients
Hello flower friends on this week's mini sode. We're gonna talk about that thing, that one thing that makes your response, your inquiry, stand out from the crowd of florists that that client potentially has sent out their inquiry to. And it, it might sound cheesy, but it's you like people. In your business are buying you.
And if you are many, they are buying you as a business, you as an experience, you as a brand, you as the creative, the, you know, the, the person who is going to bring their wedding to life. And I think a lot of times, and I. You know, obviously with coaching so many different florists, like I run into it a lot, that people are like, you know, I want standardized.
I want, you know, I'm gonna use chat GPT to do all of these standardized communication. And I think that we have to have templates, but those templates should be so you, I. Am so me in my communication. I am so me in my videos. I am like, me as a person really seeps into my business and I think that that's why I've been so successful.
Um, I also think I've also done that consistently af I mean, I have shown up in my business as me for so long. I have never pretended, I have never been like this quiet, shy person in the background of their business. I've always been my business. I've always dreamt bigger, wanted people to know me like I, because I know that I fundamentally am my brand and I am the difference.
That is going to make someone say yes. And if you don't always want to have your business be you, like you still have a brand, a brand tone, a brand story, uh, there's actually a local florist that. Is pro. I mean, they, they do big business. They have a big warehouse studio. They do huge, you know, 40, 50, $60,000 events like on the regular.
And it, it's called Sadie's Floral and Sadie doesn't own it anymore. And, um, a woman named Melissa does now, but like, that's an example. They, they, even though. Sadie isn't owning Sadie's floral anymore. They've still stuck to a brand, a persona of what their business is. So do I have big plans? To make Green Goddess into a brand that would ever sell, and that is a no.
Like I hopefully in a million years if my daughter is still amenable, will hopefully give her the business and give her something that hopefully is meaningful and that could be special for her. But if not, that is what it is. And. Like I don't dream of of selling, um, like some people do. And so I am totally okay with that, that the brand is me right now.
I am Green Goddess and that is. Something that when you go into thinking about how you're answering an inquiry, how you're responding, how you're presenting yourself as a brand like it should be. So whatever your brand is and my, my brand and in my communication, I'm very like. Appreciative. I'm very grateful.
I'm very like, um, I, I tell it straight to people and I don't kind of pussyfoot around communication because that is just not my style in general. And so I'm very direct. I'm very. Um, lovable. At the same time, like, I care so much about somebody's wedding and I feel that that, like me wanting their wedding to be so amazing comes across in my communication as well as it comes across, you know, in my consults, like I, you can tell like.
I basically like give so many shits about their wedding being perfect, and that is coming across in my communication on all levels. So that one thing that I think really can set you apart and closing that inquiry. Is like having an irresistible brand, having an irresistible like feeling to your business, that they're just like, that person is so freaking excited about my wedding.
They're so excited about my event. They're so excited about doing my birthday flowers. They're so excited about doing my hotel flowers. Whatever it is, like that enthusiasm is what will close. So many deals, enthusiasm sells, and if enthusiasm and passion and love and like this, just like I being magnetic is part of your brand, you are going to make more weddings.
My brand is magnetic, like I have. Florists that send me, you know, referrals that they can't handle because I am magnetic. Like I, I am wholeheartedly trying to make an add value in the world. And even if I don't book that wedding, or don't book that event, or don't book that, I hope that I, in some way added value.
To that client by telling them an idea or something. And I know so many florists are like just so territorial, like they're like, I am not going to give them a proposal because I don't want them to take my ideas to another florist. Well, if they did, you did something fucking wrong because it it, if they're the person who are going to be the person that's just gonna run and take your shit to somebody else, like they're not a person I even care to do business with.
So I didn't qualify them enough, but I want that person to know that if they do take my idea somewhere else, and I am still not the better choice, then that's what it's meant to be. Like they're meant to be a shittier human because they, you know, of course, are bringing your ideas to other creatives. Uh, but on top of that, like.
I didn't build enough value that they said that I'm the best choice. So I wasn't magnetic enough. I wasn't like, for one, I didn't demagnetize them if they were the wrong client. And I know that so often people are like, I need to have every wedding. I need to book everything. Like I honestly, you do not because a better wedding could come along a.
Like more creative, more lucrative, more giving, more everything. Wedding event situation could come along even if you don't book another client that week. What if you had the capacity to take one the next week and it was perfect, like you loved everything about it? That's what's important. So are you being magnetic?
Is your brand being magnetic? Because that is what is going to close you more clients. And I have seen with the volume of florist, I have coached now when somebody's telling me that shit isn't going right. The shit is not going right in so many ways, and that's why like I feel it is so important, and that's why I became a certified life coach.
To have your life in order means that you have your business in order so much quicker, because if your life is apart, if you are a mess, your business is gonna be 10 times harder to come together, which then normally it's just not, it's not happening. So like you have to have your shit together in multiple areas.
Like I feel like my life is so together, even though it feels like, I mean, I'm coming to this big pivot in my life where if you haven't heard, like we are buying a farm. Uh, the things that I've been visualizing for the last five years are starting to to happen. Like I had visualized so much about this farm and my family and now I'm visualizing having a highland cow and like feeding them.
And I went and looked at chickens, you guys this weekend for real. I went and looked at a chickens tour and it was so fun and it was so giving like. So I, I feel like even though everything is crazy, like I still book this really big event because I had invested in this planner for so long and I consider her a friend, and like I have still booked three other events and I am working on estimates for like two other events and I'm doing my workshop this week.
Like all these things are coming together because I've been consistently. Magnetizing my brand and my brand's plural. Like last week I did two photo shoots. I'm working on something big and I will be announcing it soon, but um, I had a photo shoot for it. Like there's gonna be some serious change that is going to be so amazing and I'm so excited to tell you guys about it.
Uh, but I also did an editorial style shoot that. Like I had thought of this concept and thought of bringing this and like, just because I have built relationships, I just like all these things came together so easily. And like the photographer, she's so adorable. She's Russian and, and like we were even just talking and like, there were so many things that I think could be like magnetizing in her brand and she's so.
Adorable. And so like, she's such a good photographer, but there's just like a couple things missing and like, and I was just like, oh my God, I know like this woman, if she just tweaked her brand to be a little bit more magnetic, she would blow up because she is so talented, beautiful. And, um, it does the work, like shows up on social, does all the things.
So like there is so many different fundamental things that like. Can be successful, but if there's a couple things that aren't, shit falls apart. And so that's when, I mean, when that's been me, when I felt like something was off, I have hired a coach and I wanna bring the coaching business. I wanna reach more people.
I wanna help more people. I hired a business coach, a very expensive business coach, who I absolutely adore. That isn't a florist business coach, they're like a general, um, they do a lot of digital products and they have a membership and all these things, but like, I invest in a coach because I know that coach is going to help me.
And so like maybe that's a therapist for you to help get some life things together. If you're having anxiety, if you're having, you know, like issues in your relationship, if your children are having issues, whatever it is, like there is somebody that can probably help. With a very small subset and like tweaking that small thing could get you on a path that is so good, so amazing.
But that coaching to me is invaluable. But that is the thing that most people hesitate to do. Most people hesitate to step up and invest in the in themself. And like as someone who has probably over invested in myself. I know how impactful it can be. I feel like every pivot, every, every jump in revenue that I've had, every like enrichment in my life that it, my life has felt better is because I've probably hired someone to help me do it.
I hired a personal trainer to help keep me accountable, to get my ass smaller. I have a therapist. I have had a life coach before. I have had so many different things that have helped just tweak and mold me. It's like Clay and I have perfectly molded that clay into dreaming about highland cows, and that is where I know my business.
Even with moving, you know, I'll be an hour away from the Twin Cities, which for one, like had given me so much anxiety to think about and I don't get anxiety. But that distance was like making me very anxious and I finally was just like, you know what? My business is gonna be successful no matter what, because I realized I am now closer to the Rochester, Minnesota market.
And so I literally, if things do slow down into the Twin Cities,
I can literally tap into a whole new market, which that's whole new planners. That's whole new venues. That's whole new, like floral friends. That's whole. That's a whole new subset of everything. And with doing that, like I could potentially even grow my business, it's hard to do multiple weddings at a day.
When they're two hours apart, but I could potentially, maybe like this weekend, I'm in Rochester this weekend, I'm in the cities. Who knows? But I know that there is more opportunity out there, and I know that I am going to be successful no matter what, and I am going to be magnetic for that opportunity. I am going to reach out to planners.
I'm going to reach out. To venues, I am going to network as consistently, consistently as I do now appear in that new market because, I don't know, maybe, I mean, they don't have a Jenny in Rochester, Minnesota, and maybe that's what Rochester Minnesota's been waiting for, and it'll be new relationships that maybe I love working with or maybe something else will shift and change and I'm planning on.
You know, I'm thinking ahead and how I'm going to make everything work and I'm gonna have a storage unit here, and then my tear down person's gonna be able to just bring things to the storage unit and like I'm just building this plan, that this is just going to work and my success is inevitable. And. If you felt your success was inevitable, what would you be capable of?
If you knew that every inquiry that we're gonna, that was gonna reach out, that like you were their best choice and your communication to them flowed that your enthusiasm flowed out in that communication and they were just like, oh my God, I love this girl. I love this, this florist, I love this business.
I. I like. They just seem like they care so much and like even then, maybe you're a little bit more expensive, but then you're still the right choice because you are so magnetic that they want to work with you. That's the difference. That's the difference. That's going to, you stand out, being magnetic, being the best choice, showing how much you care, showing that enthusiasm.
And then it becomes easy. It became, it becomes, you are the right choice. So much quicker, so much easier because you are just magnetizing and all of that comes together when you have a strategy, when you have support, when you have community, when you have confidence, when you have your shit together. And if that is the part that's feeling hard and you're like, I don't even know where to start.
The floral CEO Mastermind is the place for you. And I know I talk about that repeatedly because I know how impactful this place is. I have seen women in the Mastermind gain so much confidence book out their year, so they've tripled their business. They've just felt so much better because they knew. That whatever it was, it was figureoutable because honestly, they have me in their back pocket.
They have this group of supportive women. I mean, it is, it is so impactful to have the strategy, to have the community and on top of it, to have the life coaching to support like this whole being, because that whole being is what makes a business successful. You can't build a business on an empty cup. And I'm all about filling your cup because that is critical.
If you wanna be successful, especially if you're a mom. Like that can be so hard building a business while taking care of small children. I mean, I have been living it this last week, you guys, uh, I had Bella, um, had imp Pentago. Super exciting. Um, because she had a fever for almost a week ahead of time, and her immune system run down.
So she like erupted in cold sores and impetigo and like literally was so embarrassed she didn't wanna go to school. And then Bodhi was getting bullied at school and like I had to go work the Girl Scout booth and I had to bring all the cookies there because I mean, like, I know how hard all of this is.
But I also know how to make it so much easier, how to plan for success, and that's what we work on in the floral CEO Mastermind attainable goal setting. Making sure that like we're checking in with each other and supporting each other like no other. So. If this sounds interesting, please go check it out.
The floral CEO Mastermind is at the floral or come at Mastermind on any of my posts on Instagram and I'll send you the link. Go out and be Magnetic flower friend. Go out and show everybody. You are the right choice. By having enthusiasm in your communication, that is the key you want to show.
Hands down, I am the best choice. Thank you so much for listening, flower Friend, and you have an amazing flower 📍 filled week.