How to subtly sell to friends, family and businesses - Mini Episode


Hello, our friend. This is Jen. You are listening to the Floral Hustle Podcast. On this week's mini sode, we are going to talk about all things softly selling to friends, businesses that you work with on social media and all the places so that you can cultivate more business from your daily, um, friend groups, uh, businesses that you work with on the regular.

Because if people don't know. What you do, they don't know where to get flowers from, and that person could be you. I have a flower friend that really loves to do daily deliveries and holidays and prefers really not to really do weddings as much. I think just really enjoys daily delivery and weekly flower arrangements, things like that.

But every holiday, she is a total boss at getting An abundant amount of orders from her Facebook and Instagram following. And the Facebook is all her personal followers. Uh, so normally she's had anywhere from 30 to 65 orders on a holiday. Uh, just by putting some initial posts on her personal, um, Facebook page saying, Hey everybody!

I'm going to be doing, um, flowers for Mother's Day, for Valentines, for whatever it is, for Christmas, for Thanksgiving. If you guys want anything, just send me a DM or send me a private message and I would love to put it together for you. Like, she has, I think, 3, 000 friends. And, but is very active, um, politically very active, um, within a lot of social circles that are people who really support each other.

And. It, it is just amazing the volume that she gets just out of these posts. And so, most people are afraid to talk about what they do on social media. And they're afraid to feel like you're coming off salesy. I have not once ever thought her posts saying I am doing flowers for Valentine's or for whatever as salesy.

Especially if you're someone who is in need of flowers, people love to support fellow business owners or business owners that they know and like and trust and respect already because they already know you. They're not picking up and drunk dialing a florist they don't know after doing some random Google search and having no clue who this person is.

No clue who, what kind of work they do other than maybe some Google reviews. And so, you putting yourself out there is somewhat of a service to many people. And we often look at it as the exact opposite, that we're inconveniencing people. When we really are conveniencing people by giving them the opportunity to do business with you, and find someone who is going to put thought, love, and care, and attention into their loved one's flowers.

And so, every holiday, if it's Secretary's Week, uh, I, I don't, I don't care when it is. If you are doing flowers for it, you should be putting that on social media. If you do wedding flowers... You should periodically post, Hey everybody, I am booking 2023 or 2024 wedding season. If you don't know, I do wedding flowers and event flowers.

And I'd love to chat with you if you or a loved one is, is getting married. Um, and you know, talking about like your love for it, your, you know, passion for it, whatever. So people know, oh yeah, my friend does wedding flowers. And, and that can come full circle, even for you to potentially finding help. Um, if you have seen me on video, I have a full sleeve tattoo.

I have lots of other tattoos. My tattoo artist met a florist and she freelanced for me this week because of that connection. So the world works in mysterious ways and connects in so many different ways that I have been referred people. That, you know, I do business with the insurance agency or I do business wherever like whatever type of even business that you're interacting with just if if it's in your lashes person if it's your nail person Hey, just so you know, like I do wedding and event flowers if you ever need anybody.

Here's my business card. No pressure No, whatever. You're just sharing your gift You're sharing your gift with people who might potentially need your service or know of someone that needs your service. I have people that I've done their weddings that, like, when their grandmother dies afterwards, they're reaching out to me to do the funeral flowers because they know that I'm going to really take care of them.

I have never put out there that if you ever need Grammy's funeral flowers, reach out to me. But because I've built that relationship, In a completely different way, they're, they're reaching out to me to do that. I have, uh, when I previously sold cars, I had sold one family nine cars. I think it was nine, it was nine or eleven.

And they knew I do wedding flowers, and so of course they reached out to me to talk to me about wedding flowers, even though I don't sell cars anymore. Like, those connections, even its transition past what our core relationship was, it transitioned into something else because they, they, They love me. Like, I love them.

They are great people. They, they came to my wedding, my first one. I've been married twice, so they came to my first wedding because they were such good friends. And now that relationship is transcended. You never know unless you share with someone what you do. Be excited. Like, you can feel when I talk about flowers.

You can feel like my love, my passion, my, like, I just, I love it. And I love educating people and I love doing all the things. And that energy is magnetic. So people who I interact with, I tell them. Especially when somebody asks, what do you do? Well, you know what? I do weddings mainly, but I also do like, when there's a holiday, I do holiday flowers.

Um, you know, and when people need like, funeral flowers or birthday flowers. You know, as long as it makes sense with the flowers that I'm getting that week, I totally love to do that as well. However you want to say it, you just want to talk about that. Talk about you, talk about your business, talk about like, your love for it.

Because people love passion. And because they know that they've seen this passion, they just, it, it seats in that you're going to do an amazing job on their mother's funeral flowers, or their sister's wedding flowers, or their aunt's birthday flowers. Whatever that is, you can show your passion to your whole network and especially and I see so many businesses doing this and this is one of the things that when you work with me for monthly coaching, I want to help you implement is talking about your core services on your business page.

You should of course be posting beautiful pictures, but I would love for you to be talking about. Like, the thing that you really want to drive in your business, if that's weddings, you should be talking specifically about weddings. If that is corporate events, you should be specifically talking about attracting more corporate events.

If that is everyday deliveries, you should be talking about every day. If that's funeral, you should be talking about, at least dedicate one day a week to driving that. And if you started to do that, and just share that one post to your personal Instagram every week. Or shared one post to your personal Instagram page every week.

Or you just popped in there and any leftover flowers, my flower friend does an amazing job at this as well, she will grab leftover flowers from that week and she will do specials. So she posts them on her, um, Facebook and her Instagram and says that people can pick it up basically. Or they can hyper local deliver it for a small fee.

There are so many opportunities. She sells those things every time, every time she has a 25, 35, 45 arrangement. Like she's selling those very easily because she's marketing it to her network of friends and family. And don't be afraid, I know I mentioned the businesses, don't be afraid to, especially your insurance agency, um, your financial planning companies, any of those places, do not be afraid to mention what you do.

My financial planner, I literally do anybody that dies, retires, um, is out of the hospital, had surgery, spouse dies, uncle, whatever, anything that's eventful, I am delivering flowers to them. And you could do that too. You just need to let them know that that is a service. Hey, if you guys are ever sending flowers to clients, I would love to be considered for that order.

How simple was that? So simple and so effective because some weeks I have done 400 of orders to those such clients. So you can do that too. You just need to think out of the box. You need to be open. You need to be enlightened that people want to do business with you. You, I know, are probably just so passionate, so in love with flowers.

And have so much to give from a creativity, from an everything standpoint, that you just need to bring it and let everybody know. And I know that is going to bring success your way. And if you really need help with a strategy to do this, to implement, to how to get your name out there, reach out to me. And let's talk about doing a one off coaching session, even if you want to go all in.

Like I have one spot left in my monthly coaching, uh, right now. And I would love. to work with you because it is so fun for me to really get to dive deep into your business and figure out like what is holding you back, what can we do, how can we help you, how can we get rid of these blocks that you're having about selling, uh, and really move your business to the next level.

That's a little, I hope you have an amazing, uh, week flower friend. And I so appreciate you listening to the podcast. If you want additional support, I know I talk about it in, uh, I think it's my outro, but go join our Facebook group, the floral hustle. It is amazing. Some of the questions that are happening in there.

And I'm just, I'm so inspired. I'm personally going in there and answering questions that people have, and that could be yours. 📍 So have a great day.

How to subtly sell to friends, family and businesses - Mini Episode
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