I Girl bossed too hard - What to do next!

Isn’t it a crazy thing- you built a business and it looked like you are at the top of your game and success in yours! Sometimes you Girl Boss to much because you are afraid of fear- a fear of failure and a fear of judgement. If you have success in your business you have not failed so you are likely fearing rejection or potentially even fear success! The biggest thing is you need to define what your ideal business looks like. What needs to change? How does your mindset need to change and stop holding on to that you need to let go. You are the CEO of your business and can make those decisions. Get rid of everything that feels icky in your business and have a business that things feel good. Realign and redefine what feels good for you.
You also could have Girl bossed to hard but love you business but there are parts that you don’t like. Figure out strategies to get those things that are on your plate. Is it worth it to get those things gone to free you to step back in as the CEO.
You can do it! If you need additional support my one on one coaching could be the firecracker to get you back to a business you love! thefloralhustle.com/coachingn
I Girl bossed too hard - What to do next!
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