Making social media content simple Mini Episode

  📍 Hello to our friends, and you are listening to the Floral Hustle podcast. And I wanna talk today about content, making it simple. And I've talked about content planning in a lot of different episodes, but I want to reiterate and bring home how your content in your business should not just be pretty pictures.

It should be about driving. Connections, driving education, driving, um, networking, all of these things and driving them back to your fundamental purpose of your business, which is working with clients. And that could mean a lot of different things because you could be wanting to work with, let's just say you are, uh, big into the Jewish community.

Your content should be geared around that, and that makes content planning even easier. What if you are just a wedding event? Studio florist, you want to create content around your core business proposition, which is wedding and events. Let's say you do a ton of daily deliveries, you are going to have a content strategy that is focused different, so let's do the studio home florist as one example.

That person needs to get in front of area wedding and event planners, area photographers, area venues. They need to be able to be found when clients of theirs or in that market are going to potentially businesses that they like working with. Or, uh, let's just say you have an event venue that you have done a few weddings at and you want to do more.

You want to attract that couple that has having their wedding there. So let's talk about a strategy to attract that couple geo or the venue Tagging is going to be critical in two ways for Instagram. For Facebook, you obviously are going to hashtag that venue. You are going to look at that venue's hashtag strategy of how they're being tagged and post.

Um, so let's just say a photographer goes and writes a blog that did a wedding there, and you want to look at what is picking up, especially when it comes to reels. Like if a reel is getting tagged, but it's getting no momentum. Maybe that is not a hashtag that is a good hashtag to show up on, but you wanna be tagging the venue location and the venue's main hashtags.

If you can add the floral component somehow into that layer, if they have hashtag sheen, shop wedding flowers, like if that is a hashtag that has legs to it, you can look by searching it. And if it has less than a hundred points or a hundred um tags, it's probably not a well used hashtag for that venue.

But you want to be really showing up and showing your work for that venue. Because if they, especially like this venue that I just mentioned, machine shop, that venue has a boom. Lowering a beam, um, it's kind of almost trussing. It's trussing that is movable that can raise into the ceiling and lower with a push of a button.

It has been built into the venue and normally because this venue has a price tag that is on the higher end from a venue standpoint, normally people that are getting married there are going to have a larger budget because. They're getting married at a grander place. So if you are trying to attract budgets accordingly, you wanna simplify your content strategy to attract that couple that is getting married at the venue you want.

So how you could simplify that is taking images of weddings that you've done there, work at that specific wedding that you have enjoyed doing. If it's greenery on a table and you don't wanna do it again, don't post it, but target that venue your work, and then write in the caption. So you're tagging the venue and it's going to show up under the hashtag for the venue when the hashtag is searched.

And then under the tagged section on that venues profile page, it's going to also be there then. Let's take this content strategy of targeting venues to the next level, and that would be Pinterest. You can start off your whole content creation journey by making a blog post on your website, creating SEO search engine optimization about you doing wedding flowers at.

This venue, then layer in keywords that might speak to that customer. Whimsical garden, maybe about the boom or the beam that comes up and down. Hanging. Installation would probably be a keyword that comes up then. You are going to have this blog post. You are going to be able to post into your stories new on the blog.

Then they actually have stickers that you can say, new blog post where you can say new post. And now that Instagram no longer has, you have to have 10,000 followers to be able to put a link in your stories. You can put the link directly in and you've created stories, content. Specific to that venue and wanting to do weddings with this venue.

Then when you're creating that blog, you create a image that is supporting that specific. Wedding blog that you wrote. So taking one of those favorite images, taking one of the hanging installation, taking some of the photos from there, a bride standing in front of whatever you got back from the photographer.

You're taking the photographer, obviously you're taking the bride. If you have her Instagram, and then you are taking that content and you are, you know, putting it in your posting schedule because you want to. On a consistent basis post about doing weddings at your favorite wedding venue. Then you're going to take it another layer.

You are going to have a Pinterest strategy that backs behind this whole simplified content creation plan of targeting this venue. By creating out of the images that you have, you can go into Canva and you can put Pinterest graphics. Pinterest, wedding graphics, different keywords like that, then you are going to take those images that you have from the photographer or if you've taken some yourself, you are going to drop it into the overlay and say like, lovely hanging installation at machine shop.

Or if you have done several weddings that you've decorated the boom or whatever feature that really sticks out at this venue that is. One of the reasons, maybe the couple booked this venue, you could do a post of five different, um, hanging installations at Machine Shop. That could be a graphic that is then scheduled to Pinterest or, or through thrown to Pinterest, and then it clicks back to your blog.

Let's just say that the blog thing is really overwhelming to you. You could have it l. Like, click to your Instagram profile. You could have it click to your Facebook profile, um, post, so you connect it with a place that is purposeful, that will deliver more, you know, information or content, which on a blog that is probably the best payoff because you're getting that customer to your website.

Then you can take and create 10 images. Off of this one blog post that you have created that all look different, different text overlays, a different hook, a different concept, and then you are going to take and have those scheduled to post one of them a day on this specific issue or a specific concept or idea that you really want to drive home of driving.

Weddings for, for this exact venue because you love this venue, you love the budgets that are associated with this venue. So that is a simplified content strategy. And this doesn't need to be just around venues. This could be around, uh, let's just say South Asian weddings Minneapolis. This could be, and if, especially if there are venues that really attract those weddings, then you could take.

That niche and pointed to that, um, let's just say it's same sex couple marriages. It is, um, HKS and Jewish weddings, whatever your jam is, theme weddings, like you love to do Star Wars or Harry Potter theme weddings. Whatever your jam is, you can build a content strategy. Around that. Create consistent content to support your goal of wanting to drive more of this specific thing, and it will pay off because you will, for one, just be consistently exposing people to that you are an expert at this.

You are providing content and providing value about this subject, and it is going to, in the end, connect back to you. So I hope this simplified content strategy. Connects with you. If you ever have like, I want to drive more weddings for blank, send me a DM on Instagram. I'm sure I could think of a million different ideas around a CER certain concept or niche that you are trying to propel because there are so many ideas.

It really is unlimited and. If you are passionate about it, put passion behind it and start driving people to what you have passion for because I know the riches will follow. Thank you so much for listening, flower Friend, and have an amazing 📍 flower filled day.

Making social media content simple Mini Episode
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