One way to manage your crazy to do list and start to make things happen!

In this episode of the Floral Hustle podcast, host Jen talks about her secret weapon for managing her personal life, floral business, and podcast: Trello. She attributes her ability to accomplish multiple tasks while managing various aspects of her life to Trello. The software offers flexibility and she discusses how it helps her to manage tasks more efficiently - with 'boards' and 'cards'. Jen also provides guidance on creating workflows for different projects like website redesign, idea organization, and big projects, highlighting benefits like prioritization, time-blocking, and task delegation. She also emphasizes the importance of being consistent, committed, and pushing forward despite challenges, insists how relieving it is to have a plan, and highly recommends Trello for organizing all aspects of life and business.

01:03 Introduction and the Importance of Organization
02:13 How I Manage My Tasks and Responsibilities
03:18 Using Trello for Task Management
06:23 Practical Examples of Using Trello
14:44 The Impact of Consistency and Dedication
One way to manage your crazy to do list and start to make things happen!
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