Reflecting on 2024: Wins, Lessons, and Big Goals for 2025
Hello, flower friends. This is Jen and you are listening to the floral hustle podcast. On this week's episode, I'm going to be reflecting on this past year and sharing What I feel, felt that like worked, what didn't work, um, changes and plans that I have going into 2025. Um, some of my goals and aspirations for 2025 just because I think it's helpful to hear someone else kind of go through that process of reflection and planning because you're like, am I dreaming big enough?
Am I looking at things the way I should be? And I just think it's helpful. So. This year, uh, was a very, very busy year, um, when I think it, it's helpful also to just sit back and go, what did I accomplish this year? And when I look at, What happened and transpired with with this year. We did some pretty big weddings and we did it.
We did a lot. Um, I think we're going to end up in the 50s again. If I remember correctly, it's like 52 weddings and. We had weddings that were all the way from, you know, some a la carte weddings that were around 1, 000 to 23, 000 weddings. Um, I think our revenue is going to hit around 350 ish. And, you know, like, overall, all of those things.
Um, there are definitely some things that I want to change going into next year, because I look at if something doesn't feel good, or if something isn't working, like, how could we tweak it to make it work? Or do we need to get rid of it? And through this kind of process of reflection, I have You know, figured out, like, doing general public workshops is not very profitable, uh, doing, um, you know, like, really aggressively going after holidays isn't really that profitable.
So, like, all of those things have kind of led into this equation of, you know, The business that I have like right now, because I've reflected and looked at things periodically that I think has helped make decisions on whether something is a good investment of my time or not. Um, from the coaching side, you know, we hosted, uh, a installation workshop that was amazing.
Um, we had a floral rock star workshop that was absolutely amazing. Uh, I also am the founder of the Minnesota Flora Collective. We had an amazing event there as well. I launched the mastermind 1 year ago, and so we are going into 1 year of the mastermind being in play. And I absolutely love. The girls in the mastermind.
I love how I've seen so many of the girls grow in the mastermind. It's really created this space of community that I think is just amazing. And I'm going to be doing some tweaks to the mastermind in 2025 that I think are going to take this to the next level. But like in reflecting on all of the things with the coaching business, I think that You know, everything has gone really, really well.
Some things that I think didn't go well with the floral business is, um, I definitely need more help. And I, this year, and maybe this is something you can relate to. I have put a lot of trust and a lot of faith into people. Like, and obviously I've paid them for, for their support, but I've, I've put a lot of faith in people supporting, um, and depended on them.
And when I make a promise to somebody, I keep it, but that is a hard thing for many to do, which is so disheartening, but it is the current state of what people are doing. You know, people in a younger age demographic really, uh, commit to when they are making decisions is I think that they commit more to making sure that they feel good in that instant.
Instead of keeping the promises and supporting people who they said they were going to support. So I had. I was just constantly. Disappointed in, in people like that had said that they were going to do something and I had one that was just like, I have flu like symptoms. So I won't be in this week, this week, this whole week.
I had people that, like, said, oh, I'm sorry. I booked with you, um, but I forgot I booked with somebody else. So I have to honor that. I'm like, you have to honor working for somebody else more than you have to honor. What you said working for me. Um, I had people who were like, you know, I'll let you know when it gets really super close to a date and if I'm available and it just tons of like, not really like showing up how I thought I showed up for them.
So, I think one of the biggest things that I'm going to change in 2025 is I'm going to go in and when someone agrees to work for me, like, I just have clear stipulations of what that really means, um, clear stipulations around like Paying them what I'll pay for all of these things because it I am such a kind person I really am so kind I am so trusting But I think that that might have been to a little bit of my detriment this year which is really sad to say because I pride myself in helping people and I don't feel like I got the same Help in return?
Uh, always. I mean, with some people, like definitely they showed up and I'm so grateful for them and I'm so grateful for their contribution. But there was others that like, I just, and it wasn't only with the floral business, it was with like the support for my children. Um, and just, you know, a bunch of different ways.
Even like my bucket washing girl, like I know she's young, but like what? Like, how is it so hard to say, I will come clean the buckets on Tuesday? And then when you tell someone, like, we have weddings, and this is like five days in advance, we have weddings starting on Tuesday. So then like, I'm washing the bucket.
So I think putting systems in place for supporting the business will probably be one of the bigger priorities. I've been going through and I'm taking pictures whenever I can of SOPs. So standard operating procedures and I'm going to be making a standard operating procedure book that if there's any ever a question because I mean, I had people who had been here for five years and like all of a sudden I'm looking at like something that did going, we have done this a million times.
Like I am so confused on why that looks like that right now. So if I had a book that everybody could review. That might make that easier. And then, plus, I really think that having some type of freelancer, like, kind of intensive so that everybody comes here, everybody learns what, um, you know, I need done would also be super helpful because it's, it's crazy on, like, I just think something is standard because I've, we've done it that way for years and then somebody does it completely different.
So, If you're struggling with the same thing, maybe having a little freelancer boot camp would be helpful because I. I'm tired of not being on the same page as someone. I don't know about you, but I just want things to feel like they're really, really easy this year and that, that my word of the year is alignment.
And I just want things to feel in alignment all the time because I work really hard and deserve to have things. Be in alignment. And I, I'm paying a good wage. So I also deserve to have people who support me and have equal, like equally want to learn from me because I have, I, I teach people when they're in my studio, I'm helping them, like guiding them in whatever way possible, because I want every single person that works for me to leave better.
Like that they have gained skills, they have gained knowledge, and that's just always been kind of my, that's how I got into coaching. I was just helping people that freelance for me and it just kind of built. And I, I want that same thing for, for you and your studio. If you have freelancers, I think you want to be everybody's friend, but coming in with really clear expectations is going to be so helpful.
I even, like, I let people take photos in my studio. Like, I am so open, but I am done being disappointed. So, I think that that's one of my big things going into, um, 2025 is that I'm just, I'm done being disappointed. So, if you're going to help me, like, I would love that, but these are just the clear, Expectations around that, and I understand people get sick and I understand all of that, but this just like flighty younger generation.
It appears to me kind of behavior is just not going to work for me anymore. So. Um, you think through what, what feels good for you, because that's inevitably what matters. And I want to be able to get the job done. I want to not stress that I'm having to come out here because people didn't show up or I'm having to go do something because people didn't show up.
Like, I want my business to be really successful. Something that just kind of goes and is really clearly laid out and I, I hope that you want some more things because that's when your business feels really, really good. All right. Uh, so that is something I, I, what's funny is I listened to last year's episode that was similar to this and I really do need to set up a separate space.
It during wedding season for coaching. And so that is another thing that is going to happen this year. Um, I, I don't know if I didn't write it down or if I didn't think about it because we just got in the thick of it. So having a separate space that I can record podcast episodes where I can do coaching sessions is going to be another initiative for me in 2025 because it's hard when I have like all these people working and I'm on my little podcasting station and you're probably like woe is me your life is so hard you're so busy and blah blah blah that you need a podcasting station but like I show up and I keep my promises to you guys and I have for two years now.
I have showed up every single week with two episodes. Um, I originally launched with one episode a year, but I have shown up for two episodes and I now have two hundred and It was like 230 or something episodes or whatever. So like showing up, you need systems in place to make sure that you're showing up.
And to me, like having a separate space for that is really important. When I show up for my coaching calls, like I'm showing up for it. So all of those things like take preparation, they take you really just being prepared for You know, whatever actually we're going to talk about. And sometimes we're talking about a life coaching thing, not just a, a florist thing.
So I don't want to be having that conversation around other people as well. So that is another thing that I think could and will be improved in the new year. And what else with the coaching business? Um, I also had four parameters around like Payments and like, um, contracts and things like that. I've always been like.
Just do the right thing and felt like people hopefully would operate off the same business model or principle and that's not the case. I've had people like. bail when they said they would go into something for 90 days and, um, or like kept telling me, Hey, I'm going to pay you. Things are tough. And I'm totally understanding of that.
And like months went by. And so like, I'm always really kind. So in 2025, I just think I have to be a little bit clearer with those terms because I, I hate like being nice and being taken advantage of. Because that doesn't feel good either. But what did feel really, really good in the coaching business especially is like you guys sending me all of these DMs and emails saying how impactful the podcast has been and how impactful, like, just some of the people who have worked with me one on one or are in the mastermind, like, I feel like this has really made an impact and that.
Feels so good. Every time I get a little like email or a DM, I screenshot it and send to my husband and he's just like, I'm so proud of you. So like all this hard work is paying off because people see you how I see you. And that is really, really nice to hear when you're working really hard, you're spent.
I'm actually, I spend money to do this because like I have a podcast editor because editing to me feels complicated and. Um, to host my website, to host a course, to host everything costs money and it's actually a surprisingly a lot of money. So like, it's so nice to see all of the nice messages. It makes all of this worth it.
And I appreciate you guys. And then what also worked is the workshops. Like, they have been so fun to do. I love, for one, spending time with you guys in person. And I love how, seeing everybody use the photos afterwards because you get full galleries. I love seeing everybody use the photos. It's so fun for me.
And I love how impactful, like, From a confidence standpoint that I've seen the workshops be and. Especially when someone like I look in their Instagram has transformed, like, that just makes me so excited and happy that somebody is expanding way past where they were, um, and that the workshop was like the conduit, the little kick in the pants to, to really start moving in a direction.
It's really fulfilling. Like, I always say my two purposes in life were being a florist and being a mother. But I really think that there is a third purpose. Like I was meant to help people. I was meant to coach people. I was meant to help people be successful because it like fires me up when someone starts talking to me about being a florist and about like struggles or having like, it's just like a fire in me that wants to help this person.
And I It is so uplifting. It just, it brings so much joy to me to see someone get to a better spot. And I hope that if this has at all been impactful, I appreciate you guys listening. I appreciate your support. If you have come to a workshop or have been in one of my courses or whatever, because this, this work, it is a lot of work and I appreciate you guys for coming along the ride and having me come along your ride.
So. All right, what really worked in the floral business is I did bring on some new freelancers that I've absolutely fell in love with. So I think me expanding my freelancers has really made a difference. I think that, um, we did get some bigger weddings. So definitely our average wedding has grown. And I think that that's been amazing.
I, uh, I also really just started posting color on my Instagram and, like, I keep attracting color weddings. So that has been really helpful. I think I, I love doing colorful weddings and I definitely have been attracting colorful weddings because that's what I've been putting out there. And I am not a neutral girl, like, I can do it, of course, but it doesn't, like, light me up like color does, and I think me really embracing that and knowing that it was okay not to want to do those white and green weddings has really given me confidence to just show up more with color than I ever have before.
Um, and then what I also think went really right is launching. The silk flower business, like, I not only feel like from a coaching standpoint, I have a lot of the girls in my mastermind and a lot of outside sources that have, um, been bringing that into their business. And I think I bring a different perspective into it because.
Obviously, like I'm a coach, I naturally think from a business side of things, how to do things, how to make more money, how to optimize. And I feel like I really have, um, a grasp on like integrating it with your actual floral business. Um, cause I know that Jacqueline, you know, she had a floral business, but not like I do right now.
So it's just a little bit of a shift in the approach like that is her core business and this is a, um, revenue stream in my business, uh, and I'm not planning on giving up that other revenue stream. So I think it's a different perspective, which I think is, is helpful. And then, um, I see, uh, how impactful this will be in not only marketing, you know, the, the silk flower rental business itself, but I see how impactful it is on marketing my, um, my floral business too, because I'm able to show up at a, a open house at a bridal store at wherever without.
any craziness because like I already have this product that I am not having to spend a bunch of money on. So I feel like that was really impactful, um, because I've, I've been able to do sell shoots and not really spend any money other than like I made a bridal bouquet and a boutonniere. Uh, I have been able to have my arches show up at different events and just uh, Not had to spend money on it.
And like I've already invested in these pieces and I already have them. So that's been really helpful. All right. And then I also think, uh, I started really partnering with different vendors and really digging in on relationships in 2024. And I think that that's been impactful. I have it. Developed some amazing friendships that I'm so excited about and that I'm so excited about going into 2025 because I, I know relationships can make a huge impact on my business.
And, uh, this year I also. was nominated and won Edder's Choice for the Minnesota Bride Awards. And I feel like even that has showed like all the networking I do is starting to pay off. And I think that that's been a huge win. All right, now 2025. What is in store for 2025? And with the floral business, I am going to go be going in a direction where I'm going to be relaunching my a la carte.
I'm going to be formally launching with a new website, my silk floral rental business. Uh, I'm going to be branching out and separating the rental business. Obviously it's going to be partnered, but I'm not going to be heavily marketing it on the floral businesses, what, um, Instagram and website, because. I do feel like they are naturally very easy to be married together.
I don't want to pump a bunch of content about the rentals into myself, into my regular floral business and, and really take away any of the spotlight of the weddings that we have the potential to do. So that is something that, um, Um, it is important to me to do in 2025 is really give its own identity because I really think that it could have its own momentum.
Uh, but I'll be just like sparkly sprinkling in that content as one of my content pillars. If you guys have heard me talk about content pillars, that's definitely going to be one of them. It's just not going to be like the whole focus of, um, my brand green goddess rentals. Uh, then a la carte, I'm going to be relaunching a la carte.
I had a photo shoot. I just haven't had time to redo things and I think I'm excited for the direction that is going to take. Then, um, I'm going to be definitely investing investing in Spending time marketing to more planners, um, developing relationships with more of the community that, uh, really they're in front of the people that I need to be in front of.
So I'm going to be investing more time into wedding professionals because I think it really can't be impactful. Then, um, I also want to work, and this is not only for my. Floral business, but this is for the coaching business. I really want to start developing my design skills more to be, I love lush arrangements.
I love lush and full arrangements, but I also really want to perfect like that kind of light and airy and kind of bonery. Yep. I'm saying boner. Um, boner ish design of like flowers jetting at, jetting out and I, it's not something that I'm like really fired up to do, but I, I understand the skill set to do it, but I really want to naturally be able to, without trying, be able to, to do those types of designs.
Cause I, I do think that the world is calling for them more than they ever have before. And then from there, um, so I'm going to be working on design skills and, uh, I love that new wire armature kind of designs that Passion Flower Sue is doing. I think that they're so good and I'm, I invested in her course and I'm going to be learning how to do that.
I love my bouquets. My bouquets are big and banging and I love teaching people how to do spiral technique because I feel like once you learn that. You pretty much can do anything, um, any design. And so I'm going to learn, um, the wire kind of bouquet foundations. Cause I just think that they're interesting.
I think to grow as a designer, you need to learn from others and to grow as a, Business owner, you need to learn from others. So I, of course, I'm going into this year with that as I have every year that I am always soaking up information because I feel that there is always something that can make you 1 percent better.
When you invest in a course or when you invest in something and I have that same motto with my life so I I do want to fill figure out a fundamental plan on how to start consuming more of the Educational products that I have taken because I I know everybody gets busy But I want to prioritize learning in 2025 because I feel like that is going to also help me Elevate my business elevate my coaching I spend a lot of money on education in general, and I just want to be able to, to consume more of what I've invested in.
And so I'm going to start building a schedule of education, because that's how that's going to get done. Um, what else? There's so much going on. Like, when I sit back and reflect on what I accomplished in 2024, it's like, I did. Like, all these big workshops. I participated in a bunch of styled shoots. I did, um, the, uh, Relaunch, like, the huge photo shoot for my a la carte and for the silk flower business.
I bought and made all the silk flower things and took that course. I, I, Had the mastermind. I just, I had a bunch of one on one coaching clients. Like, all of these, like, amazing things. Like, once you start believing and start, like, putting it out there in the world that this is gonna happen, like, these big things start to come together.
So, Here is me putting some of those big things out into 2025 because I feel like once you say them you also put that in momentum. So in 2025 I'm also going to continue, um, the silk flower business. I'm going to formally launch my silk flower new website. I'm going to formally launch a separate brand.
I'm going to relaunch my a la carte flowers and With new photos and new energy because I think that, um, I want to just elevate that and elevate what I'm creating because of the budgets being higher, et cetera. Uh, in the coaching business, I am going to seriously come out with some amazing things. I have the workshops planned right now, um, but I am going to be launching a membership in 2025.
I know that not everybody can afford to be in the mastermind and I want to make coaching with me in some way more, um, feasible for somebody who has limited budget. And of course, like some people are just DIY people and don't want me holding you accountable for pushing you forward with your goals. And so that is one of my 2025 goals is to launch a membership.
I also will be launching a course on a la carte flowers. This is something I get so many questions about, and I'm I've learned so much along the way that I want to help you guys through the same thing. So I'm going to be launching that as well. And The mastermind is going to be being retooled and made more badass than ever.
And so stay tuned for a lot of those fun things, but I'm just super excited about 2025. I, of course, am going in with, um, from a personal standpoint. Uh, I really want to work on my health even more. Actually, you might think that this is silly, but I'm a really confident person, but I don't have posture to match it.
Uh, I have terrible posture and I always have. I've been in a couple car accidents, so like, my posture is going to be one thing that I'm working on in 2025, eating better. I'm a vegetarian. I have been since I was 10, so for like 35 years. But I want to help. start to focus on eating healthy protein and really just diving into what I'm eating and making me stronger.
Um, I want to continue working out like I do. I think I want to start to add yoga in the mix and, um, kickboxing, um, in the mix. I used to actually teach kickboxing a million years ago. It's something that I really enjoy. I really love. So I want to start integrating that. And then, um, the posture therapy that I'm starting is going to be, I think like every week I'm going to be going.
And so I'm excited to see what that brings. I'm going to be digging into my sleep. I do not sleep well, and I have not. If you guys have ever worked with me from a coaching standpoint, I am often up at midnight one o'clock. Um, my brain can't shut off and uh, I want to figure out a way that my body gets constant like consistent sleep because I don't want to be tired all the time during the day and then be pushing through the tired all the time because I didn't get enough sleep that night.
So sleep is going to be another thing that I am diving into in 2025. And then my relationship with my husband, like, I really want that to be better than ever. And so We're defining what that's going to look like, um, right now, but I am excited to just even be having conversations on how we can be a better family, a better couple, a better partner to each other.
And I think if you never step back and reflect, you think everything's okay. And sometimes it is, but sometimes it's like, Maybe it could be even better. And like, we've really found with this autism parenting coach that we have for Bella that like, I feel like we've been more on the same page than ever.
And I feel that we have become better parents to her. And so it's slow steps, but sometimes it takes. You know, a little bit of strategic thinking and strategic planning to become that person to become that couple. So, uh, I want to also prioritize that and prioritize, like, Being the best mom I could possibly be to my kids because it is one of my biggest jobs is being their mother and, uh, I want them to feel so supportive, supported in, in so many ways.
And. I think that starts with really communicating and prioritizing communicating with your kids and I feel like often we're so busy. We just don't do that. And I really tried to make that a priority in 2024 and I want to continue that into 2025 because we only have 1 shot. You know, and we need to do our best.
And sometimes I think that we live in reactivity, that everything around us feels like really hard and heavy. And then we fall short on some of the things. And that's not one thing that I am willing to fall short on. I hope this little reflection was helpful. Um, I do this every year, kind of going into like what worked, what didn't work.
What sort of worked, how can I make it better? And I hope you can go through that same kind of exercise and like even checking in, like what felt good, what didn't feel, feel good to bring 2025 to be your best year ever, because you deserve that. And if you are looking for support, I know I always throw it out there, but.
The floral CEO mastermind is the place you want to be. It is a, such a giving space with an amazing group of women who are joining together, supporting each other, learning from me. It's like you have a flower fairy godmother in your back pocket, in your phone with Voxer, which is a walkie talkie, like kind of support app.
And it is. It has like been so impactful for the women that have been in there and I know it would be can be super impactful for you. Um, because not only are you getting, you know, this, this learning environment around all these women, but you're also getting like one on one time with me. You're getting all of these amazing trainings.
You're getting all of this amazing support that is just, it's a game changer. So if you want to check it out, the floral hustle. com forward slash Mastermind. All right. Thanks so much for listening. Have a happy holiday, flower friends. And thank you so much for your listening and your support.
