Side Hustle - Mom Hustle Success Habits

You don't need to be a naptime warrior or work till midnight.

1st off is to really identify what you are wanting from your business. Financially, how you want it to feel, and how much time you have to realistically invest. Then once you have that you need to talk to your support system and explain what you are wanting to do and the support you need. Explain your business to your kids and how things could look different.

2nd- If this is a side hustle check if you have an employment agreement that prohibits another job. I ran into this struggle but luckily in my interview, I mentioned my side business. Look at how your job/motherhood will work if you have a consult request during the day or a Friday wedding. Plus if you have a local wholesaler is it close enough to do a lunchtime flower pickup?

3rd- Systemize everything. Use things like QuickBooks, canva to create proposals from templates, email templates for quick responses, base floral prices so you can answer quick questions or have a brochure put together.

4th Technology- a phone that can keep your email, canva proposals, and whatever else might be helpful when you are out an about.
  1. Calander reminders-
    When clients are booked put in calendar reminders for check-in times, when you need to order flowers and when the final payment is due. This will help keep you on track.
  2. Sunday prep- Get organized for the week. Touch base with your partner on what you need help with that week. Get pull lists ready and print anything you need for the week for production.
  3. Mom Hustle Support- you deserve to have something outside of your motherhood. Part-time childcare, working during school hours, partner support to work.
  4. Have a play area, crafts, independent games, distractions, tv- whatever can give you a little extra time to work when things are busy.
  5. Get help- So often we are afraid that getting help will make things less profitable or we wonder if you can afford it at all. You are not superwoman and events are very condensed so do not feel guilty when you hire help. Plus if you build a network of flower friends maybe at some points you can help them out so you build a support network.
  6. Give yourself Grace! Your learning and you are making big leaps.
Side Hustle - Mom Hustle Success Habits
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