Stop Being Afraid to Say No to These Things - Mini Episode

  📍 Hello flower friends. This is Jen and you are listening to the floral hustle podcast on this week's minisode. We're going to talk about saying no and what some of the things that I think as business owners were afraid to say no to that. We don't feel like we have the power to say no to I was talking about boundaries had someone like well, you can't do this if you're a new business owner.

Guess what? You are the CEO of your business. You make the decisions. You dictate what is okay. You dictate what feels good. And so, things that it's okay to say no to. I just, I want to share some of these things because I think sharing what others, like their boundaries, can be helpful because it shows that maybe your blurry boundaries could use a little more defining.

So the first one is other people's, requests, priorities for your time. If you are a successful florist or an emerging super successful florist, you could have other florists reaching out to you, wanting to, Basically talk through some of their ideas or get to know what you did to be successful, but you aren't a business coach.

You can say no to that because that's another person's priority. They're wanting help from you and most often usually free help. That is an easy no. A planner wanting to do a collab and or having you do all these things for a client that isn't making you money. Maybe it's like donating flowers for something.

You can say no to. Distractions. There are so many shiny objects, and if you are a business owner with ADHD, this could be really weighing heavy on making you feel like you're successful or not successful. If there is something that is not supporting your number one goal right now, which is maybe building your wedding business, or which is Whatever the main goal in your, you've identified is a revenue producing goal that's going to drive your business forward.

And all of a sudden you have somebody else asking you to do this shiny other little thing. You are fully entitled to say no to that distraction. If you have somebody asking you from community ad to do a workshop, you are fully entitled to say no. Then, people who are not your humans, toxic people. People who do not have that, the right energy or vibration to be in your space.

People who are just shitheads plainly. People who are takers, who are abusers, who are not having a reciprocating relationship with you. They can go and that is just fine. We often fear letting go of things because we think we're going to look like a bad person. We think we're going to look like. We're a bougie butthead, whatever your fear is, fear of judgment is what it fundamentally comes down to.

You are entitled to say, I'm sorry, like this just isn't working for me anymore. Or I'm sorry, this relationship, it could even be a planner referring clients to you and their clients are always difficult, cheap. They are. Always wanting something for free, whatever it is they're taking and there's not a giving relationship that really makes that relationship and investment worth it.

Anything that is making you miserable, get rid of it. If you've listened to my outsourcing episode that I had, I talk about the five things that you should start outsourcing today. If something makes you miserable, washing buckets, I wouldn't say miserable to me. But it sucks a lot, and it's not my favorite thing, and there's about a hundred other things I'd rather be doing.

I'm letting go on that and saying no, and I am outsourcing it. When you say no, that doesn't mean that you're no longer potentially doing it. It just means that you, personally, are no longer.

I talked about shiny objects before, and distractions. When you are working towards a goal, you have identified a goal. One of my distractions that is taking me away from my goals is daily orders. That is not something that I want to focus my energy on. It's not something I want to focus my brain power on having to...

Like very quickly figure out all of these flowers and of course they're going to be specific because that's just not my core of my business. If that is the core of your business, then that is what you're focusing on. But weddings and my podcast and my coaching business are my main goals right now. So doing a everyday order for 50 is not a good investment of my time.

If that is your core business and you're doing 20 of them a week or 30 of them a week, Then that is something that is worth investing because that is your main business focus and your goal. But if there are things like that, don't waste your time on them. Just be done. It is okay. Next thing, things that don't like you the fuck up.

If you get an inquiry, a project, something coming your way, and it doesn't absolutely just, oh my god, This is fun. There is something fun about every single wedding I do, otherwise I don't do it. I will make something fun, and if I feel that this person doesn't have the budget, doesn't have whatever to make it fun, then I am just not going to do it.

So with that, feel free to say no to projects that don't excite you. Projects that don't light you up. Projects that don't really speak to your brand or your vision of your company. Just say no. Then the last thing is difficult clients, which this is a really like a tough one and you can say no to anyone.

And again, that's often something that we as business owners don't feel empowered to do, but you don't need difficult clients. You don't need to open your inbox and fear some butthead in your inbox, not being a kind human. You don't need that energy in your business. You don't need that. That interruption of your, positivity in your business, the interruption of your mental state in your business.

So if you really are, just working with anybody, even if they drive you crazy, I am giving you full permission to say no and you do not need to do that because you are worth more than that. Your mental energy is worth more than that. There are so many things that are worth more than that. So those are things from a business perspective that I hope you really could let go of.

And a couple things personally, and this was brought up I'm in a mastermind now, and they were talking about personal development, course consumption, cause, um, many of them have courses, and course consumption is really down. A lot of people are really liking to be in memberships, the community from a membership, the consistent support from a membership.

And I thought about courses that I have bought that I have not finished. And if you buy a course and it absolutely sucks, don't finish it. Don't waste your mental energy. If you bought a book and you're 10, 15 pages in and you're like, this sucks, don't listen to it. If one of my podcasts doesn't speak to you.

You don't have to listen to it. You make the choice of what your brain consumes, and you can choose, if something is not your jam, to just not do it. Even if you paid money, it is worth to just let it go, instead of soaking up something that is painful for you, because you're like, this content doesn't speak to me.

This situation the subject, whatever it is, if it doesn't speak to you, then just don't do it. Thanks so much for listening flower friends, and I hope you have an amazing flower filled week saying no to what doesn't 📍 serve you.

Stop Being Afraid to Say No to These Things - Mini Episode
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