Stop Half-A*sing It: How to Achieve Real Results in Your Life and Business


Hello flower friends! This is Jen and you are listening to the Floral Hustle Podcast. And on this week's mini sewed, one of my favorite reels that I've seen probably in the last year is one of Matthew McConaughey and you know, he has his like, alright, alright kind of vibes and He's giving a little kind of speech about not half assing it, about making things happen and, and that half assing it is not going to make things happen in your life.

And I've had a couple situations come up this week in particular, uh, that, you know, I just stepped back and this person, or these actually multiple people, wanted to be here, you know, at this point that they were making their goals and that they were doing, you know, that they were healthier, that they were fitter, that they'd lost weight, that they had this business started, that all these things were happening.

And when I step back and like, that's not what's happening. I just wanted to say to them, like, have you audited your effort in commensuration with these goals? Have your effort level been registered at a level that is, is commensurate to what it would take to make those goals happen? Are you doing all the initial fundamental steps to actually make this goal a reality?

And a lot of times, when you audit the effort, the effort is not commensurate with the results that you said you wanted. Let's just say this is working out, for example, and you want to get fit. You want to lose weight. You want to Become this more badass healthy version of yourself but You are eating little debbie's You are not getting enough sleep You are Not really scheduling your workouts and not making them happen.

Or when you go and work out, you're putting a really half ass effort in. Are you really wanting to be that next level version of yourself? Are you really wanting to, to have a booty you can bounce a quarter off of? Because if your effort doesn't match what it would normally take to make that happen, The world isn't magic.

Your goals don't magically happen. Of course that you can get lucky and you can have success that's, that's luck. But that's not the norm. The norm is you work hard and results come with hard work. And I'm not saying this is like you're breaking your back hard work. But if you have had a certain behavior for your whole life.

You can't keep doing the same thing and expect different shit to happen. And this is a case that I, I mean, I often see people that are approaching this with their health take. Uh, there is somebody in my life that like, they really want their life to change, but they're participating in no behavior that supports that statement.

If, if you are not Backing up with what you should be doing, taking action on what you should be doing and half assing it and thinking you should get full energy, full all in, full, I'm doing this results. I, I just, it's not going to happen. Sometimes to get results, you have to get uncomfortable. Sometimes to make shit happen.

You have to work hard. I have worked very hard to get my business where it is. And do I schedule my life accordingly to support? Absolutely. I make sure that I prioritize going to the gym three to four times a week. I make sure that I prioritize if I need something for my body. Like those things are happening for me, but because I prioritize it and then when I do say that I'm going to do them, I, I show up for it.

I'm showing up for that version of myself that I want to be. And every time I've done that, it is paid dividends because I know that the second key to not half assing it is showing up consistently. Um, and when it comes to my business, like I have consistently showed up for my business for years and years and years.

Like I, I don't waver on that. My business is a priority. Things that are priority get energy, they get effort, they get results because I'm supporting them with that effort. And if you aren't doing that, but you're expecting that, like, I hope that. This short little pep talk is the kick in the pants that goes like, how am I expecting to get different results when I don't have that energy or effort?

And I've, I've had people that have had, you know, all these big dreams that I've, I've coached. And. They start telling me they're big, audacious dreams, and I'm all about dreaming big. I, like, love that somebody's going to dream big, but I would much rather get into a position where I can push myself and achieve than dream big and fall flat.

So maybe your effort that's required to make these big dreams doesn't feel doable. Like, it just doesn't seem even remotely possible, because how could you make that happen? Well, I would much rather you go and, let's just say, you are going to redo your website, and you're going to go through a process of redoing the whole thing, and there's 15 pages currently on your website, and that just sounds overwhelming.

Well, make a goal that this month I am going to have two pages, one page, whatever it is, and make that such a bite sized, actionable goal. thing that it just isn't hard anymore because we don't need to choose hard. We need to choose momentum. We need to choose the ability to push things forward. And if you are paralyzed by that, you might be making your dream too big and therefore it's not happening.

And I know bite size chunking your dream is the path to success. And I want success for you. So, we need to stop half assing it, audit if you really, what are you half assing it? Because if it's your business, and you're like, I, my business, I want it to make X amount of dollars, I want it to do all these big things, but you haven't posted on social media for three months, you haven't prospected with a wedding planner in ever, maybe, or You know, like I am not responding to leads in a timely fashion, like whatever it is, if you're doing that, now's the time for you to change.

And especially around the new year, I think everybody else always has like this. Renewed sense of, of, you know, momentum of energy to kick ass and take names like use this time to use and harness that energy to make big things happen because I want big things to happen for you. And with that, first, we just need to look at it and know that our energy hasn't probably been where it needed to be.

And if you are. I am not half assing it. I am totally balls out. Like, sit down with a pen and paper and just write down what you are really doing. Because I've also sat down with people that they've completely spent time on things that are not going to be the needle movers to make this goal happen. So they're working their ass off.

But on things that are inconsequential, that aren't going to be impactful. And that's not going to be helpful. You need to work on the things that are going to make things happen. And if you're struggling with what that is, like, sit down, write this list of things that you need to do. and go, okay, what are these is revenue producing?

Because you should probably do revenue producing activities first. What are these are like, then go and rate them from an importance standpoint, like, okay, redoing my logo again, probably isn't impactful. Me, um, going and developing a process to respond to leads, that's probably going to be more impactful.

So spend your time where the impact is. And 2025 goal setting will actually start to happen because you're going to be like, I'm going to make my goals bite sized chunks and I'm going to really push myself in this new year like I never have before because I've made the decision I'm no longer half ass in it and I'm going to make things happen in my business.

And that's when the magic comes in. That's when big things are going to happen. And that's when you're going to start making the money you want to. That's when you're going to start having a business that you love. All of those things are totally within your grasp. Thank you so much for listening Flower Friend and you have an amazing 📍 flower filled day.

Stop Half-A*sing It: How to Achieve Real Results in Your Life and Business
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