Stop Selling Yourself Short

In this enlightening episode of the Floral Hustle Podcast, host Jen dives deep into a common issue plaguing floral designers—selling themselves short. Whether it's financially, creatively, or personally, Jen sheds light on the detrimental impact of underestimating your worth and provides actionable strategies to claim the profits and recognition you deserve. From discussing the pitfalls of overstuffing orders to the importance of valuing your time, this episode is a must-listen for florists ready to scale their business in 2024 and beyond.
Key Points Discussed:
  1. Financial Underestimation: The consequences of overpromising and overdelivering, and how it can condition clients and yourself to undervalue your services.
  2. Creative Self-Shortchanging: The importance of adhering to pricing formulas and planning meticulously to avoid the trap of overstuffing and undercutting your creativity.
  3. Personal Value Recognition: Strategies to boost self-worth and confidence, ensuring you're not just running an expensive hobby but a profitable business.
  4. Time Management: Tips on focusing on revenue-generating activities and conducting a time audit to maximize profitability.
  5. Client Relationships: Emphasizing the need for mutual respect and excitement in client interactions to foster better business opportunities.
Call to Action:
  • Join the Conversation: Share your experiences and tips on how you stopped selling yourself short in your floral business. Connect with us on social @‌thefloralhustle.
  • Subscribe and Review: Loved this episode? Make sure to subscribe and leave us a review on your podcast player of choice. Your feedback helps us grow and reach more florists like you!
  • Sign Up for Our Newsletter: Get more insights and updates from the Floral Hustle Podcast directly to your inbox. Sign up today at .
Resources Mentioned:
  • Floral Pricing Formulas: A breakdown of formulas for pricing arrangements and services to ensure profitability. Get yours at
  • Time Audit: A simple yet effective tool to evaluate how you spend your time and its impact on your business revenue. Get a notebook, download a tool and evaluate how you are really spending your time.
Episode Conclusion:
"Remember, flower friends, you deserve abundance. You are magnetic and capable of attracting your ideal client. Let's make 2024 your most prosperous year yet. Tune in next week for more insights on elevating your floral business. Have an amazing flower-filled week!"


01:13 The Pitfalls of Selling Yourself Short
03:50 Sticking to Formulas
04:22 Overcoming the Need to Overdeliver
04:55 Validating Your Own Worth
05:35  Underpricing
06:51 Strategies for Profitable Planning
07:15 Time Management: Maximizing Revenue-Producing Activities
08:44 Conducting a Time Audit for Efficiency
11:58 Setting Boundaries and Valuing Your Work
13:13 Attracting Your Ideal Client
18:09 Closing Thoughts: Magnetize 2024
Stop Selling Yourself Short
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