Three steps to easier installations

Installations are often a struggle for so many florists. It is one of the more complicated floral to price and construct. 

The first thing to figure out is your installation is your foundation- this is needed for pricing the installation accurately. In this, you will decide based on the structure type which mechanic is best. Depending on your stance on foam or no foam you can look at the weight that your structure will hold. I often will print or screenshot and draw out the mechanics on the inspiration photo or draw a sketch of what is needed. With that figure out the supplies that would be needed.

The second step is pricing. Installations can also be complicated to price- but with my simple square foot formula, you can simplify most installations to this simple formula saving time and headache. Look at your inspiration photo and then average out the number of flowers in one square foot of space- take the heaviest and the lightest area and come to what the flowers would average out to be. Take the cost of those flowers and times it by your markup percentage. Then add your design fee (20-25%) and add your supplies and markup on supplies for that square foot. If a foam cage covers 2-3 square feet you can divide the cost and markup by 1/2 or 1/3. For easy math let's say for you have $20 in flower cost in one square foot- and with your markup (3.5x) it brings you to $70 plus your supplies cost- $5 plus markup= $15 for a total of $85 plus your design fee 25% is $106.25 per square foot of installation. Then measure or figure out how wide and long it is a figure out the total square footage of the installation. Times the total number of square footage by $106.25 per square foot to figure out your installation price. I often will include the sizing dimensions on my proposals to ensure there is no misunderstanding of the size.

The third step- is doing as much as possible ahead of time. This step saves so much time and headache because the majority of work is done ahead of time and therefore less headache and less chance of hiccups on wedding day. Foam free structures can be constructed ahead of time- foam cages can be prepared ahead of time as well. Preziptying will also help speed things up on wedding day.
Installations are a great opportunity for your business to make impactful money and create amazing work.

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Three steps to easier installations
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