Vision and goal setting for 2023- go big!

Now is the time to go big and step into your role as CEO and define your 2023 business vision and do some serious goal-setting to start molding your business to bring it to the next level. That next level is one that every aspect of your business is getting 2023 plan to get that part of your business to feel good- easy- aligned and in the end and contributing to profit. 

If you have not had a good chance to look at your financials and what the profitability of your business looks like- now is a great time to start. Before you can really start to do the work on developing your business and how to improve it you need to feel like what you are doing is worth it and that you can pay yourself and support yourself in your passions.

From there we are going to do some serious planning on how you can make your business feel amazing. If you start this process with a little reflection on how various parts of your business feel. Some questions to reflect on- Do you like the current work you are doing and putting out there? Do you like the current client you are attracting? Do you like how their interaction feel? Even the tone of their emails? You do not need to dive into a deep exercise of naming your ideal bride/couple and everything about her but having a general idea is helpful in identifying if you feel you are attracting her. Think of your last 10 couples- what would you change?

Another thing I am reflecting on this year is my working environment. My studio produced a ton of work out of a limited amount of space because there is a ton of inventory in my studio. Doing an audit of everything you have used and not used and evaluating from there if you should keep that inventory will help clear the clutter in your space. My favorite life minimalist is Allie Casazza preaching what takes up your time takes up your space. Are the things in your workspace serving you? How do you feel in your space? How do you want to feel? What could optimize your space? Should a goal be to perfect your space?

Next, let's look at your time- what do you want to be doing in your business next year? Do an inventory of what you are spending your time on- are those tasking propelling your business forward? Do you have the team in place to make your big dreams happen. In looking at your tasks could you find someone to take on tasks that help you work on driving the business forward.

Dream big for your vision of 2023. 
Vision and goal setting for 2023- go big!
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