Wedding season pep talk

This week - I'm going to give you a wedding season pep talk because I literally just had to give this to myself. The other night was looking at my calendar and I had just met with my decorator friend and like things felt heavy - it's gonna get real this year again!

I'm very transparent and I want people to know that everybody struggles. I was worried - how am I going to do all of these things?

I've made promises to myself. To make sure that I'm doing two podcasts a week to make sure I'm showing up on Monday, posting on social media and showing up in my social media and interacting and creating value, to make sure I'm sending an email that adds value.

I stood back and said snap out of it!

I don't do overwhelm. How am I going to fix it? What strategies am I going to put in place to help this feel lighter, feel easier?
And then - I wondered if all my Flower Friends are trying to figure their stuff out right now and feeling the same way.

Tune in to this episode to hear what you can do now to make sure you are prepared for wedding season - from actions you can take with your staffing, equipment and your own mindset.

Check out my social media guide.
Wedding season pep talk
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