Why and how you should be working with a flower farmer this season

There are so many reasons to consider sourcing from local flower farms and with wedding season forecasted to be a big year now is the time to schedule in some research time to be able to incorporate locally sourced into the upcoming season.

Adding this into your wedding flower business is going to really change so many things in your business. When I started incorporating locally grown flowers I felt like my portfolio instantly was more elevated. It brought unique blooms and the range of textures made things really pop.

The freshness factor was really impacted when I started incorporating locally grown blooms. They are normally freshly cut by a flower flower, not packed in plastic and are in your hand to design with as much as a week sooner.

My number on way I have found flower farmers is on Instagram. Other florists tagging using their product. You can also search slowflowers.com and the https://www.ascfg.org/

Another huge factor that is I notice is the labor save of not having to unbox and unpackage a million things out of plastic. The waste of course is a total bummer but the time that it takes to get everything unpacked and out of the wrappers is a serious time investment. This is totally saved with buying local.
Why and how you should be working with a flower farmer this season
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