Why you keep not charging your worth!

  📍 Hello, flower friends. This is Jen and you are listening to the Floral Hustle Podcast. On this week's mini sode, we're going to talk about undercharging. And if you are undercharging, what is, what is making you do that? Because many of us know the formulas, know how we should be pricing things. And if you don't go download my free pricing guide at thefloralhustle.
com forward slash pricing, but most of us know what we should be charging. Or at least we have an idea, but we're not doing it. And I want to talk about those reasons why. One of the biggest reasons why is confidence. Confidence is not only as a business owner, but as a person. Most creatives are introverts.
And with that... Uh, many creatives, um, which a florist I would group in with creatives, don't have that like really super outgoing, bubbly, um, salesperson ish personality. And with that, that kind of confidence that is that person that's introverted. makes us naturally sink into a place of questioning our worth, questioning our, uh, you know, ability to charge what we're worth, questioning making too much money, questioning just all of these things, because we just don't have that foundational confidence in, for one, pricing, so that we're making money, two, to have the confidence to deliver that message that this is what this costs.
And three, having that response that is super confident back to justify if your pricing is ever questioned. So, how do you get confidence? And that's actually something that I help a lot of my monthly coaching clients with because confidence is such a big part of running a business. I am a extremely confident person.
And it helps me deliver a message to my clients, a message in response to any objections my clients have. And it helps me deliver a proposal and pricing, uh, estimate that I can stand behind with confidence. Because I know my worth. I know what I'm worth charging. And it's never a question of like, oh, I need to give these people a deal.
As someone that doesn't have confidence, they're thinking they're going to gain confidence with gaining experience, potentially. Or you're going to gain confidence by doing this certain thing, or getting this job. A lot of confidence is tied up with the wins that we have in our life and in our business.
But you need to charge what you are worth. And if you are new, I often see this a lot in new people, is they're struggling with charging what they're worth because they're giving themselves an excuse that they're new and they need the experience. If you are so new and lacking experience or you are delivering a very subpar product because of being so new, it's my suggestion that you pause and try to get some experience.
Because if you start charging way under what you should be from the get go just to get that experience, you're ingraining that pricing matrix and your worth in your subconscious, in your foundational business practices. So a great way to get experience is maybe if you grow flowers, designing with those.
If you, uh, have like a Trader Joe's, going to purchase Trader Joe's like bouquets and gaining some experience with that. But freelancing is a great way to gain experience and confidence because you are working for someone who is hopefully where you want to be or in the direction of where you want to take your business.
They are doing the things that you want. And with that, you are going to get, hopefully, coached on how to do something, explained how to do something, and getting paid for it, because you are helping them get their work done. There are people out there, and I have heard horror stories from people who have worked for me, that freelancing is sometimes not a great experience.
Please know that that is not the norm. Um, I had, um, a newer freelancer, uh, I asked if she wanted to help with the wedding set up because I always try to look at the wedding and the people that I have work for me and if that person would really benefit from this experience. And she said, I don't want to do weddings.
That's too stressful. Like all I did is got yelled at and I was like, what the, what are you talking about? She went to a wedding and nothing she did was right from this person who was hiring her to freelance. She was getting yelled at, she was getting, like, the whole situation was a complete hot mess. And everyone there attested to that that will not happen with Jenny.
She is very calm, very collected, and if something gets screwed up, we just talk about it and fix it. It is not something that she's going to blow a gasket over, like that is never going to happen. And I, so if you have had a bad experience freelancing or there is that person, find someone else. Because there are amazing people, amazing florists that will give the experience for you to build confidence and also help support your local flower friend.
So that is not the norm, if you have had that experience. But this is a great way for you to build confidence because, if you are doing the things that inevitably you want to do, like you're just going to deep down inside start building that confidence, is that I can do this. When I meet with a client, and even if it is something I have not done before, I have unapologetic confidence that I can do that.
I can, um, Um, really, uh, deliver this amazing product and they are going to love it. They're going to be happy. Like I can say that with no wavering in my resolve about it. I actually, uh, last year I had a, uh, it was a Hindu wedding and I met, I was talking to the mom and she was just like, I'm just worried that your business isn't big enough.
Uh, you know, like, do you really think you can do a wedding this big? And I just paused and I said, I want to tell you that I have no question that I can pull this wedding off. I know that you are going to get an amazing wedding, a good value, and you are going to get the experience in this type of wedding more than any other florist in this market.
So I know that I can deliver this wedding and it is going to be amazing. And not only did I deliver that, I think it was a 22, 000 wedding, I gained confidence that a 22, 000 wedding is totally normal. I gained confidence that I can move all of these things that seemed crazy, but um, Hindu weddings, Indian weddings in general seem to want to repurpose a lot of things to excess.
And I left that also feeling confidence in that because I did stick to that I know that I can do this, that I got that wedding. So, even though, because I've had coaching clients that have had worries or concerns that all these other big wedding companies and, you know, planning slash florists or bigger florists with big studios are getting all these jobs, me being smaller.
Still got the job and I actually had someone in the studio on Friday dropping a check off and they're just ordering bouquets. And the mom said something like, that's so nice that you can run your little business out of your home. That must be nice. Um, I do that too. Um, you know, but I also have a little space or something and I'm, I was just like.
My little business is over a quarter million dollars. Like, I, I felt like I had the confidence to respond to that, but then I paused because this woman was not worth it. And I just go, yeah, isn't that great? I get to be with my kids, and I do beautiful work, and, um, so it's a win win situation for me. And I had the confidence to reply to her, not to, like, fight or argue.
But to just say, yeah, it is great that I get to do this. This is great that this is my life. And all these beautiful flowers growing everywhere. And me being able to get my kids off the bus. And me being able to, um, design flowers whenever I feel like it. Or do whatever I want because that's the life that I've designed.
Yeah, that is pretty great. So that confidence to be able to respond like that. comes with me knowing that I am a great florist. I am magnetic to abundance. I am magnetic to money. Money is a magnet to me because I deserve abundance. And if you start speaking to yourself in that way, get the experience that you feel merits, because if you don't have the experience, it's hard to build the confidence.
And you are a naturally confident person that no matter what, which is me, I can, even if I have never done it, I know with confidence that I will be able to deliver because I have the foundational skills to figure anything out. And if you don't have those foundational skills, go freelance, go hire a coach, go hire, take a course, get those skills that you need to have that confidence.
And then start speaking to yourself in a way that supports that. I speak to myself every day that I deserve abundance. I deserve my ideal couple to be attracted to me. I, uh, deserve, um, you know, the business that I dream of. I deserve to be the mother and have the motherhood that I desire. I deserve to, uh, Go and prioritize my health and work out when I want to and do all the things.
I deserve an abundant life. So if you start speaking to yourself like that, your confidence is going to evolve and you deserve it. You deserve so much more in your business. If you are in a place that you are not so happy and saying, this is my dream business. I love it. You can change that. Thank you so much for listening flower friend and you have an amazing 📍 flower filled week

Why you keep not charging your worth!
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