3 Ways to Grow your Reoccurring Revenue - Mini Episode 5

  📍 Hello Flower friend. This is Jen and you are listening to the Floral Hustle Minisode. Today I wanna talk about three ways that you can build reoccurring revenue with not a ton of energy because you are really inviting businesses and customers. Like, just love your brand, love the work you deliver to keep just working with you on a consistent basis.

So the first one, and uh, I feel like this is a really big opportunity depending on the area specifically you live in and the volume of churches in your area is get some church accounts that will order weekly flowers from you that. Sometimes even paid for by members themself. So you could potentially design an offering or offerings that they can pick, uh, pick based on price point of different ideas or concepts that they could get on a weekly basis that a person could sponsor in their congregation potentially for a birthday, an anniversary.

Or, um, you know, if somebody's passed away in memory of, and literally they're writing you a check and somebody from their congregation is funding that. A lot of churches also have alter guilds, so they literally are. Who keep in ch charge of all of like the displays, um, like around Easter, the Easter lilies, the Point Settas, the Thanksgiving moms, all things that are like coordinated by the Altar Guild.

Sometimes outside of that, people, I actually, my church has someone that made a donation for the church to have flowers every. So literally I, on a weekly basis outside of Easter, Lilly fall mom and points at a time, make a weekly arrangement and someone can sponsor it and then they're not taking it out of that donation.

But that person wanted to guarantee that there was beautiful flowers up at the church altar all the time. I originally got this church. Years ago because the other flower was, uh, florist was delivering like just not so great work because they really weren't telling them the budget that they needed to be at to really deliver the quality that they were looking for.

And so people are looking all the time for. People that are going to deliver what they want, and maybe it's just because you're a better communicator than the other florist, then just reach out to some churches. , see if they do flowers. Send them a brochure. If you have some leftover flowers that you think will last a good amount of time, drop those off.

Make a pretty arrangement. Drop them off, and introduce yourself in a way that they're happy, they're getting flowers, and you're getting rid, getting rid of flowers, and they're not going in the compost. . So it's a win-win. You're getting exposure, you're, um, sharing what your business does. You could make a brochure to share with them, and you never know.

You might have, um, a phone call or an email in your inbox asking for you to do something even on Holy, holy Thursday, or, um, good Friday. You know, you, you just never know unless you put yourself out there. And if you dedicate. Let's just say 10 minutes a week to reaching out to three churches. If you just carry that momentum through, by the end of the year, you have reached out to over 150 churches, and you might not, they might not be 150 new, but you've reached out 150 times to connect with different churches.

Uh, one of my really good flower friends actually has like an over a hundred dollars a. Church arrangement that she does. And so you can find little gems of people that are looking for, um, somebody that's just gonna provide a different experience in the florist. Or maybe they didn't even think about having flowers.

The next thing is annual or monthly flowers. This is something you can sell at Christmas, at Valentine's Day around year end. Um, sweetest day, mother's Day. and I would position it personally as, take the thought out of delivering flowers to your loved one every month. Show your loved one that you love them every month with a beautiful flower arrangement so that they know that you're thinking about them.

You could talk about that in your social media. You could do a video. Just say, do you ever like, thank God I love my mom so much, and what if every month you sent your. an amazing flower arrangement to just show her how much you love her, appreciate her, um, how you appreciate her taking your kids to daycare, picking them up, or taking them to a soccer game, giving you a date night.

Show your mom you love her every month with a beautiful arrangement. And I have different package offerings to do so at multiple price points. Like what guy like that doesn't. organically, maybe think about those things, wouldn't be like, that's pretty awesome. Or show your wife you love her and you don't even need to think about it.

We have yearly packages, six month packages, three month holiday packages that you can just pre-book, and I have that. So I have monthly flower arrangements that literally husbands are sending their wive. Beautiful flowers on a monthly basis. They actually even give me the cards for the whole year. So I'm not thinking around chasing down a card every month.

And their wife is getting amazing flowers and like she's excited about it. He's getting the brownie points even though he's thinking and taking action one time that year. How amazing is that? But. . The other opportunity, and the last one I want to talk about is local businesses. Local businesses that are special, especially in like a service, a financial planning company, a insurance company, uh, somebody that just is delivering a service to a family and like really is tied to that person if something happens.

If they're sick out of the hospital, somebody passes away, whatever. . Literally you are their florist that they call because they need to send a plant arrangement. They need to send a funeral arrangement. Literally, last week alone, I had a $200 funeral plant that I delivered, and then I had two other get well soon after surgery from a financial planning company that I work for, and then the week before, I had two other arrangements to deliver because they have a very big portfolio of people they deal with, so I delivered flowers to them because they had surgery.

This is a huge opportunity just for you to, when you're spending your time, maybe reaching out to church. Spend another 10 minutes reaching out to businesses that are in your area and just say, you know, what I wanted to offer, um, you know, and just tell you about my business a little bit. I can help you deliver, you know, clients.

If you're ever wondering, like, I wanna send something, but I don't know who to call. I just wanted to put my face in front of you and, and show you, um, the things that I could do. And you could give them a brochure or email them a brochure. And you are positioning yourself as I'm local, which a lot of businesses like to support local businesses, and I can help you really kind of solidify and strengthen your relationships with your clients because you are thinking of them when things happen.

Especially insurance agents, they know when something happens with their client because they're getting a phone call from life insurance perspective or whatever. Financial planners, same thing. They know when somebody dies because they're reaching out, trying to figure out what to do with their money and what happened with who's on what account and everything.

So literally, that's your opportunity to look at businesses, hotel. , they, they have weekly flowers, a lot of time in their lobby. Could you be their ne next hotel, um, florist? They could be then recommending you for events in their hotel. So, Lots of opportunity out there to build reoccurring revenue. So many floors go up and down with wedding season, but you could build a solid business with just having reoccurring revenue from sources that you've just cultivated relationships.

Were. Thank you so much for listening and for your support of this podcast. It's really appreciated and I hope you can go out and take some of these strategies and put them into action to grow your revenue this year. 📍

3 Ways to Grow your Reoccurring Revenue - Mini Episode 5
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