5 things to do now to hit the reset button in your business

Know where you are at closing percentage, average wedding costs, etc.
Create a spreadsheet of current metrics to track the progress.
Do a mental reset of your business- of your life if needed! Identify what you want- how you want your business to feel- what strategies you want to put in place.
Look at your social- is it supporting the looks, feel, and direction you want to take your business? Are you showing up the way you need to in your business on social?
Does your current portfolio support the work you want to attract? If not- change it!
Look at how you are showing up in your business on all the different levels. Is that the experience the client you want to attract would expect? Are you standing out in the crowd of florists that a couple might meet with?
Check out the Florist Start Kit for a bunch of goodies. thefloralhustle.com/startkit
5 things to do now to hit the reset button in your business
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