5 things to do now to hit the reset button in your business

  📍 Hello Flower friend. This is Jen and you are listening to the Floral Hustle Podcast. On this week's mini episode, we are gonna talk about hitting the reset button In your business. Let's say things don't f feel quite like where you want them. They don't feel quite like the level you think that your business should.

Well, what do you do? You literally can hit the reset button and decide today that things are going to change. And that is a pretty big and bold statement because a lot of people literally are scared to death of, um, change. They don't wanna rock the boat. They don't know what they want. They don't spend time dreaming.

They don't, they don't just think that. Literally, I even have the energy to make any big moves. And the first thing is you need to decide. So we're gonna talk about five ways to hit the reset button today. But the first thing is, for one, you need to know where you are at. If you don't know where you are at and you never track your.

You never know if you are growing. You never know if you are really like elevating your business because you haven't tracked anything. So step one, if you want to change something, even if you don't like, I think you should just do this in general. Go and figure out what your closing percentage percentages, figure out what your average wedding cost is.

Create a spreadsheet with all the trackable metrics. That, you know, are important to you. You could be tracking your Instagram, following your TikTok, following your Facebook, um, likes. You could be tracking your reach, your interactions on social. You could be tracking your website traffic. You could track your amount of inquiries that come in off your website.

So there's a, a ton of things. You figure out what's important to you and record it, like figure out what the last year is. And really understand the shifts that come in your business, how leads are funneling into your business. And a lot of this reporting is going to naturally be in your website dashboard that you can just look at year to date, reporting, last year reporting, okay?

And all those things should funnel in if you're using a website that uh, has any reporting metrics. But I think the biggest shift, we need to know where we're at, but we need to make the decision that we want to change. We wanna make the decision that we are meant for bigger and bolder things. And today I am deciding that I'm going to change that.

And how you do that is of mental reset. You need to identify what you want, how you want your business to. If you want to stop feeling or doing something in your business and then figure out like, how do I think I can get there? What are the strategies I can put in place to not like, I personally do not like cleaning bucket.

So if that is something that I just really don't enjoy, how could I, if it doesn't feel good, it could be a million different things. Like you might not feel good making personal flowers. You might not like, you know, making big, large arrangements or something. I mean, whatever it is, let's try to remove those things so that we can go into this year.

That might be hiring something that might be no longer serving or providing those type of features in your wedding business. It could be a million different things. Then after we've reset our mind that we are wanting to change and we are wanting to take action. We need to look at what are, what is our actions currently look like on social, uh, on our website?

How are we showing up? How is the look and feel and direction of how things look from a consumer perspective? How do they look right now? And how do you want that to change? Then you need to make little action steps of how, like if you don't like your front landing page on your website, it just doesn't feel like.

Find a different image, find a different layout, find something that like you just feel really good in. Then once you have looked at that, look at how am I showing up? Am I even showing up? What is my frequency of posting? Just to have an understanding when you weren't feeling good in your business, potentially this is what you were doing.

This was your behav. We now want to change our behavior because we want different results. And without changing our behavior, we're not going to have different results. We're I, I mean, how can you, I wanna do the exact same thing, but make $50,000 more this year for real. Like, how is that gonna work? You need to take action to change.

So showing up in your business more is part of that. Because when people see. Fun and amazing and what like value you add and how you can help them. Why wouldn't they want you to be their florist? But they can't see that unless you show up. All right? Then look at your work. What are you posting? What pictures you're posting?

What pictures are on your website? Is that the work that you want to attract? Because if it's not, stop posting. S like if it's recent, delete it. In my opinion, I don't think it hurts if, if you posted, this was used to be my nemesis, baby B breath in mason jars. Like I wanted to bang my head against the wall if somebody asked me for some baby's breath in a mason jar again.

So I made sure I'm not posting that. I, I don't, I didn't even post baby's breath. I had a no baby's breath policy because I was so triggered by it. Cuz I felt like I am working with clients that don't see my value that think I just do barn weddings or something, which was not true, but that's what I was posting and so that's what I was attract.

And then how am I gonna make my portfolio look like how I want it to? And one of the big things might be like you doing a styled shoot. It might be you changing your, um, you know, whole like, look and feel of your business from a design standpoint. Uh, like if you have an aesthetic shift, if you were boho.

And you wanna be modern elegance, like you wanna be that new pin, froggy, garden esque looking, then you need to change what you're posting and what you're presenting. Cuz people don't know you can even supply it unless they see it. Then I want you to look how you are showing up. For number five, look at how are you showing up in all facets of your business.

How fast are you replying to communication? What does your communication even look like and is that what that client that you want to attract? Let's say you wanna attract a $5,000, um, bride or, or budget for a wedding for a couple, is your communication is your, the way you show up in your business with your communication, with how your proposals look, everything is that indicative of support.

You being able to attract that $5,000 bride or are you sending a Word document with just some prices or an email with some prices? Is that going to support you getting the client that you want? I think not. So you might need to up-level your proposals, up-level, your whole approach. How you want to interact with customers because when you up-level that you should be commensurate with getting different results.

People will notice. People will notice that you are supplying a great experience and then that's start gonna start trickling down to referrals and bigger things. And if you get a email from a planner, be faster in your communi. Like I, I know it sucks to have to be fast, but I want planners to know that I am on top of it because they are busy.

I'm busy, but they don't need to understand how busy I am. They need to know that I give them answers in a concise timeframe, so they look like a fricking rockstar to their couples. So be. With that communication back to planners or, um, referrals. I, it's just, it's so important. I hope this was helpful. If you are going through a rough patch and you're seriously trying to figure out, like, I need to make some serious shifts in my business, I need to, like, I'm not happy with where it is.

I'm not happy with the revenue, I'm not happy with the work I'm producing. I'm not happy for, with like the clients I'm attracting, my monthly coaching program is, Probably your secret weapon to fixing that. It is weekly meetings that you and I meet, and I'm literally your accountability partner in developing a plan and helping you take action and making sure that you are pushing yourself to get things done and make things happen to your business.

I'm using the years and years and years of experience and tactics that I have used to grow my business to multiple seven or multiple six figures and literally, All while, like spending more time with my kids and, um, being like fulfilled creatively and like loving my business. You should love your business and I totally want that for you.

And if you're trying to figure out and you can't quite figure it out on your own, I wanna be here to support you. Reach out on Instagram via DM and we can see if we're a good fit to work together, or you literally can just go on my website and you can find out all the pricing right there on my website@thefloralhustle.com.

If you are hitting the reset button, I also have a free recess source for you. It's the Florist Starter Kit, and I know that says Start Starter, but if you are wanting to like just completely do a reboot, go to the floral hustle.com/starter kit and download that because it has a ton of helpful exercises go to go through and really visualize the business that you want.

Thank you 📍 so much for listening, flower Friend, and have an amazing flower filled.

5 things to do now to hit the reset button in your business
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