Are your friends holding you back in your business?

You may heard you are the sum of the 5 people you hang out with the most. Those 5 friends could be- you parents, spouse, best friend and similar people in your life. Look at your friends- are they just getting by? Are they kicking butt and taking names- reaching and setting goals. Are they healthy? Stressed? Complaining? Happy? What are the traits that describe those people- that is what you are soaking up and that is driving you to your current position and state in life. You can change that- people can make an exit and you can bring in positive influences to fill those rolls. Your probably wondering how do I get these positive influence. You need to start putting yourself in scenarios that would foster those types of people. Podcasts, books and other personal development can also help you on your path to getting into a state of mind that will attract those types of friendships. Changing your circle will grow you in so many ways.
Are your friends holding you back in your business?
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