Are your friends holding you back in your business?

  📍 Hello Flower friend, this is Jen and you are listening to the Floral Hustle podcast and I am so excited cuz today I wanna talk about your friends. And I know that seem might seem weird, but your inner circle of friends are of influence of pretty much like everything. That's the energy you're soaking up that is.

The narrative that you are soaking up in your business and why that matters so much is because you are the sum of the five people that you hang around with the most. And that might not be physically in person, but if you are influenced by someone greatly and maybe that influence isn't great, you are poisoning your mind with negativity.

Not like positive propaganda to help propel you in your business, to help propel you, um, personally to help propel you as a business owner. So you need positivity, you need motivation. You need someone who, like, when you are in their energy, you're like, this feels good. This feels awesome. Like, I love being around this person.

That energy is going to elevate you to new levels instead of bring you down like a hammer pounding on your head into the ground of disparity, of shitty feelings, of literally sucking the life and wind out of you. You want people around you that are going to uplift you. So how do you do that and how do 📍 you even analyze?

That even is happening. If one of those relationships or one of those people like you, it could even be your spouse, is never positive, is never like you're doing a great job, is never like, have you thought about this? Or, here is this podcast or this thing I saw, or if you never have anybody that is trying to be a better version of themself.

If they're never working out, they're never trying to eat healthy, they're never reading a book, they're never, my husband is like a self-development, like mass consumer, like I don't know anybody who reads more books, who listens to more podcasts, to really up-level his thinking and he sends me them. He's like, I thought that this was really great in this, so I am, I'm married.

To someone who is wanting to be a better version of themself every day. They, he's never happy with the version, which I also think is not exactly great, cuz I think you need to really be comfortable and happy with where you at. And it makes me, sometimes I'm like, why can't we just like be happy with where we're at?

Why, why do we always gotta be like, I wanna be the next level of myself, I wanna be the next version. And so that we're never happy with where we're at. And it's an interesting conversation we often have, but he's like, because I want the best for our children. I want the best for you. I want the best for us.

And, and to some people like being the best version of themself is like they got outta bed and they're like, yeah, I got outta bed and I got to work, or I got to do whatever. But they're not doing anything else. So are you surrounding yourself with people that are really trying to be a better version of themself?

And if you're not evaluate, If somebody's making you feel like shit, every time you're talking to 'em, evaluate that because maybe you need to talk to them less or not at all. That is going to poison your mind and you need to be around some positivity. And if you aren't like join female entrepreneur groups, whatever entrepreneur groups, be surrounded like by people who want to be successful, go to a gym a like, especially like a CrossFit gym that's.

A whole group of people who are wanting to be the best version of themselves. Listen to podcasts of people who want to uplift you and want to help you. That is going to help start elevating your thinking, elevating your mindset, and really, Just make you feel like there is more out there because there is.

Thank you so much for listening today, flower Friend. I hope this was helpful. I so appreciate you listening to the podcast and I hope I can help elevate and your thinking, your mindset and make you feel like you're around someone that like wants you. I want you to be the best version of yourself, and I want you to start 📍 that today.

Have a great.

Are your friends holding you back in your business?
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