How to change your entire business in 3 months

Its a lofty goal to say change your entire business in 3 months, but it is possible I’ve done it.
What needs to change in your business?
Sales? Profits? Not attracting enough leads? Attracting the wrong kind of leads? Are you in survival mode in your business and your life? Logistic breakdowns? Expenses out of control? Does your business feel overwhelming? Lack of fulfillment?
The different sections of change needed need to be broken into sections to attack.
  1. Mindset-
  2. Your business and life together- Work/Life balance
  3. Not enough leads- Wrong type- Marketing issue
  4. Sales/Profits - Process breakdown.
Start building habits to support the version of you want to be.
  • Start reading 10 pages of self development books a day.
  • Positive affirmations
  • Meditation
  • Exercising
Work/Life Balance-
You need to go and define what success looks like and how you want your business and life to fit together. Define success so you know the goal and vision moving forward.
Not enough leads- Wrong type of leads-
Are you putting 110% of your energy into getting there? Are you taking daily action to move towards your goals. What daily action will help kickstart your business. Start digging into what does your brand say? What is it attracting?
  • Dive into what your profit margin is and is that where you want to be?
  • For your goals what would your weddings need to look like. Average pricing, costs, profit margin and so on.
  • What plans or actions can you take to attract sales.
  • Are you networking with people that can make a difference in your business? That are in front of your ideal customers?
  • Are you processes in place so you are not making last minute ordering decisions? Estimating your orders to not over order and eat away at your profits? Underordering to make last minute decisions.
How to change your entire business in 3 months
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