How to change your entire business in 3 months

  📍 Hello to our friends. This is Jen and you are listening to the Floral Hustle Podcast. On this week's episode, I have had a lot of people say that they're not getting momentum in their, in their business, they're not happy with where their business is. And literally they're just, they feel stuck. So I wanna talk about how to change your entire business in three months.

And I know that the, that sounds like probably fricking crazy to say. Um, it's a super lofty goal to say, I'm going to change my business in three months, but it is completely possible and I literally have done it. Um, but what you, you need to step back, like what really needs to change? I actually went through a complete change.

I had, uh, my current business is actually a newer business because I completely rebranded. I started a new company and kind of started fresh, even though I, I just. Segued all my current clients that were under my old name into my new name and just explained to them, um, the different direction. But I completely changed my business name.

Completely changed the direction of my business and I was 12 years in. So you can do this whenever you feel that you need to make big change. Cuz sometimes making big change is going to cause big. Action afterwards. So what are you, what's missing in your business? Is it sales? Are you not profitable as you want?

Are you not attracting enough leads? Are you attracting the wrong kind of leads? Are you just in survival mode of your business and your life? Is there a logistics breakdown that like on the day of everything just feels like crap when you're setting up an event? Um, does your business just feel like overwhelming or are you lacking fulfillment in your business?

Like is it just not feel good anymore? So the different areas that I think could be that need to be changed are probably broken into four areas. And the biggest one, and I know everybody thinks this is probably very woo, is mindset. You have to have a mindset of success then. Your business and life and the cohesiveness together.

So your work-life balance, how are you integrating the two pieces together? Not enough leads, wrong type, marketing issues in general. Uh, so that's the third. And then fourth is like sales and profit and your process breakdown. So to start out with, You need to start building habits to support the version of you you want to be.

So if you wanna start reading 10, so many people don't read books after high school. You could be the somebody that is pushing themself to really become the next level just by reading 10 pages of day in a self-development book. Um, I've recently read, um, ed, my Letz, the Power of One. It's like the power of doing one more in everything you do and how that could really propel you.

Also read, how Are You Really, by Jenna Kutcher. And that's a just great book to reflect on your current state of things. And if you're happy with them doing positive affirmations, you need to start believing and start conditioning your mind that you believe in. And that you are a badass. That I, I say like I am a magnet for success.

Um, I am magnetic for client to attract clients that appreciate me, that I'm excited to work with, that I, um, you know, I am obviously going to make money from it. Be profitable interactions. Like you can say whatever I, I, I actually do this with my daughter too. I've mentioned this on. I think another podcast, but maybe just in a live on Instagram.

Like my daughter is eight years old, she has autism and literally she worries about being bullied and she worries about what people will think about her, um, and judgment. Like that's one of our biggest fears is either failure, success or judgment. And she worries about judgment and so I am teaching her.

That the only opinion that matters is yourself, and that if you believe in yourself, you are going to push yourself forward and you are going to be overcoming people who are being crappy. So much easier. So we do. I am strong. I am kind. I am beautiful. I am powerful. I am brave. Like all of these different affirmations I do with her every night because even at eight years old, I know how powerful this is and if I don't teach her this now.

She's just gonna be scared. And we're scared. We're scared of success. We're scared of failure. We're scared. What if this doesn't work out? What if, what is this other florist gonna think of me if I do these big, bold things in my business? We are all struggling with these three fears, and so starting with some affirmations, To help you build the conditioning, to convince yourself that you are the badass business owner that I know you are.

It will be impactful. It will be something that literally, if you do it every day, you're, you're gonna start just feeling more confident because you are literally conditioning yourself to be more competent. Then you could do meditation. You could. I know exercising for one, I mean it sucks. Like I literally the other day went to CrossFit and I thought I was gonna puke in the middle of this 10 minute wad they were doing at the end.

And then my like husband was proud of me cuz he thought that was cool that I was working out so hard that I almost puked, which is kind of funny, but, What's interesting is I get so many ideas for the podcast for the floral business during CrossFit time. I get my blood pumping. I get like, you know, it, all the movements are kind of simplified, like you're literally lifting weights or you're on a bike or you're, you know, doing like these three exercise in a row and doing it repetitively.

But I get so much creative clarity from that hour. That I'm not listening to a podcast. I'm just like, even, it's silence. Even my, I go on Thursdays, um, until wedding season starts. I go to pottery. So much creativity comes during that, and it's like fueling my mindset to be a better business owner because I'm creating space for momentum.

I'm creating space for grand ideas. I'm creating space for. Literal me, me to grow. Like I, even though I'm growing as a person, like cuz I'm exercising, I'm growing mentally because I'm, I'm literally taking that space to, to think and not have background noise. Um, just constantly buzzing in my head. And then the next part, work-life balance.

You have to go and define. What does success look like for me? And what do I want from my business and my life together? I am an achiever, and so like those things have blended so much together that it's kind of crazy, like I like working. A lot of people don't like it, but I am living in my purpose. Like teaching and doing flowers and being a mother, like, those are my three, like those were my purpose in life.

And I, I'm living that I see people all the time that aren't living in their purpose. And like you can see the unhappiness, you can see the depression, you can see the lack of motivation. You can see like their life just doesn't feel complete. So if, if this is flowers, is your purpose. Like for one say that.

If you feel that, say that, because I think that that is power In saying that you have found purpose in your life, that this was your purpose in life is, is so freeing that you've, you've labeled it and said like, this is, this is amazing. Like this is my purpose. Then when you get that vision, you need to decide, find.

What are my goals and my vision moving forward in support of how my, I want my, my, you know, floral business and my life to come together? What are the boundaries around that? And are you really putting in that 110% of energy to get there? Are you taking daily action because most people. Are wondering why their business isn't 📍 doing what they want, but they are taking no action to support that goal.

Can you say, unapologetically that I am doing the work to get my business to where I want it to be? And then, you know, what are, are the daily actions that you could start If you are not currently that are going to make momentum happen, then I want you to start d digging into, from. Marketing, I'm not getting enough leads.

I'm not getting, I'm getting the wrong type of leads. I'm not getting, you know, I'm getting low budget leads, whatever. I want you to step back and look at what is my brand saying about me. And if my brand is saying, and this is actually why I change my business name, I literally, my, for one, it was a mouth.

But I literally thought the name of my business, talked to low budget brides, and that might have been mentally something that I couldn't overcome or it was truth, and it's hard to say which one, but I needed a rip the bandaid off moment to, to change that whole trajectory of what that was going to be.

And so I, I looked at. This is what my brain was before. What do I want it to feel like, to look like to be going forward? And this is a, a big moment for a lot of people cuz they're, this is where you can dream. And most people, including myself, often, I don't take time to dream because I feel like the dreams aren't immediately attainable.

And so therefore, like, why don't I, you know, use my mental energy, my bandwidth on things that I know that I can make big stride. But without ever dreaming, you will never have a different destination. And so with that, are you, you know, really going in the direction of where you wanna be. And also, I'm all about making attainable goals, attainable actions.

I, it drives me crazy sometimes. My husband is a very big vision person. Like, we could just be doing all these grandiose things and, you know, when you're doing all these things and like I'm doing my first, um, floral workshop here with the Minnesota Floral Collective, a group I, I started and. He's already like, well, when you have, you know, a hundred people coming to this thing, I was like, slow your roll.

I'm pretty excited about the 35 that are currently signed up and hopefully the 60 that are signing up because I feel like I wanna celebrate my wins. I wanna celebrate, uh, that this happened because when you are doing big, bold things like you need to celebrate, otherwise it is just gonna feel like it's for nothing and.

Really spending the time to celebrate when you do make smaller goals, cuz smaller goals build to bigger results in my opinion. Then sales and profit. Do you even know what your profit margin is? Do you know what your average wedding cost is? Do you know what, um, you know, like literally if you look at your, are you overspending in fresh?

Are you overspending in labor? When you look at all the things like fundamentally, are things set up for you to be profitable? Are you charging accordingly? Are you literally sticking to a standard? Are you charging enough for day of. Uh, resources times, trucks, all those things. Are you charging enough to cover all your business expenses and pay you what you want to be paid?

So with that, you want to identify some goals. You wanna find out what it, everything looks like now, but then go and identify some goals. What would you want your average wedding to be? What would you want the average pricing, the cost, the prof margin, everyth. And then in backing into that, does your marketing strategy support that goal?

Does the work you're putting out support that does, uh, your social media present, does your communication when somebody inquires? Because when you have a higher dollar wedding, so if you want your average to be 10,000, that wedding requires more. Up-leveled communication, more up-leveled proposals. In my opinion.

They, they need to be more visual. They need to sell because you are, you're, I mean, you're just, you're getting more money and with more money sometimes, most of the time, in my opinion, takes more work. Are you networking with the people that can make a difference in your business that are you in front of your ideal customers?

You are, in my opinion, most of our demographic is going to be on Instagram in this market. Uh, I actually don't have a TikTok for the floral business because I don't feel that TikTok geos very well. And it's also very hard to search for vendors in your market. And I personally feel. Following vendors in your marketplace is going to make a huge difference in getting in front of the right customers.

So that process seems very cumbersome on there. But if TikTok is your jam, be on TikTok. If Instagram, Facebook, whatever it is, literally be in the place you feel your customer is and show up unapologetically there and show up with the idea of this is what I want to. If you keep showing up in the same way, you're going to get the same results.

So if you want to change your business, you're going to have to show up differently. And then are your processes in place so that you won't make the same last minute ordering decisions that maybe you made last year. You're estimating your orders to not go over and eat away at your profits. You're not under ordering, and so that you have to make last minute decisions to get stuff delivered because you don't have enough.

Cuz we all know it's happened. So how are you going to set up your processes to keep profit and not throw it away? I mean, literally, my wholesaler charge is $15 now for delivery, and I have to be at a $75 delivery minimum. That is the lower one. There's another one I have to be at $150 to get flowers delivered.

So are you putting processes in place, spending the time, making sure that you're ordering correctly so that you can go and literally have a flawless wedding week that you're not having to all of a sudden order more, you're not having, you also create enough buffer that if something breaks, the end of the world is not coming to a a head.

I hope this was helpful. I really think if you put these strategies in place, you're literally going to be able to have a serious change in your business in 90 days. I literally decided, got a new logo, um, made a new business, made a corporation instead of what I previously had, and literally changed everything, and I think I did that in 45.

So that is totally possible for you to make big changes. Uh, it's funny cuz this podcast I went and met with, uh, um, a business coach in, in person for this day, like power brainstorm session. And she told me that she. Really thinks that I need to start a podcast and within I, I, we actually set a goal that day.

There was also some other things like I need to free, free myself up so I have the time and energy and space mentally to take on growing my coaching business. And so we set a 60 day. Timeline and I literally, I had a podcast editor. I had, uh, purchased all the different tools that I needed to do a podcast.

I had batched all those episodes, developed a launch plan and done all of that in 60 days and also got a couple of the other, clear the space, clear the noise so I can really focus and show up in this business. All that was done in less than 60 days, so it is possible to. So much in 60 to 90 days, 30 days even, that you can have a different business in three months.

Also, having a different mindset is going to make it feel so much different. If you have like a, a mindset of like, I'm not worthy of charging this. Oh, I could never charge that. Your business is going to operate accordingly. If you have a mindset of I am worth. You know, top dollar in my market because I have the experience to support it.

My work is innovative, creative. I curate things to a level that most floors don't. You know, on and on. Just supporting like what makes you stand out, what makes you different, and literally believing that so that confidence comes across. In so many ways that you're just like a magnet for all of the things that you want to come in your business.

Thank you so much Flower friend for listening. I am so happy that you have spent some time with me today and like that you're considering taking action because that that consideration even is huge and you should give yourself some. For even thinking that you want momentum, you wanna change, you want, you want better for your business, for your family, for yourself, and that here are some strategies to just start.

And I 📍 hope that helps. Thank you so much, flower friend, and have a amazing flower week.

How to change your entire business in 3 months
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