Questions Every Florist Should Be Asking Themselves


Hello flower friends, it's Jen and we're gonna talk about questions every florist should be asking in themself. And I think that, you know, we're getting ready, at least here in Minnesota, starting to ramp up to what soon will be wedding season. And we're also entering like, you know, a chunk into the year and a lot of people step back.

And they're like, okay, how are things going? Am I hitting my goals? Like, am I moving towards my goals? Like all the things. And if the answer is no, this is your time to really check in. Are you working on things that are impactful? Like, are you being fulfilled? It's not always about the goals and hitting your goals.

It's about fulfillment. It's about like, are you able to live? The life that you want and has is everything that you're doing in alignment. And so the, the first thing that I would love for you to ask yourself is what is one result that would be a complete game changer for your business in the next 90 days?

Yeah. So what is one thing that you could implement in your business, one thing that you could change that would make your business feel better? Like for a while, that it's really, really silly, but that answer was like no longer do a barn wedding or anything with baby's breath because it was just like this vampire, this baby's breath vampire, this barn vampire that like was just sucking all the joy out of.

Being a business owner about being and creating. And so like, what is that one thing that like if you change that to me right now, that would be fully launching my silk floral business. And then of course I'm overachiever, so I'm gonna pick two. Uh. LA revamping my a la carte flowers. And of course for the podcast, I have some really big news coming.

And so like that big news is what is going to be the big objective for me in the next 90 days. But what is it for you? Like what doesn't feel good right now? What do you wish was different like. Are you needing to create more space to work on your business? Are you not like, you know, feeling like you love what you're creating?

What is that thing that you could change that you just feel would really change your business going forward? The next thing I would love for you to ask, and this was a really interesting question for me to kind of think through, is, are you leaving money on the table? Are you doing everything that you can to push your business forward?

Are you doing. Things that are impactful from a revenue standpoint. Like are you not getting back to your proposals in a quick enough manner? Are you not being quick to the draw on answering emails? Like, are you leaving money on the table because of lack of effort? Are you leaving money on the table?

'cause maybe you're like half ass in it and like not fully like preparing a proposal that's going to wow someone, or you are not. Going and really, um, you know, you just don't have the energy and so you like show up as this kind of like half empty version of yourself to a consultation or you show up as that half empty person to social media and then like that energy goes forward.

So like, what are you doing that, that, like literally if you change that one thing. Maybe more money would be in your bank account at the end of the year. Maybe you would have more revenue streams. Maybe money would be easier. All right. The next thing is what is one thing that you could do this week that could bring in revenue?

So what is one, I call them revenue producing activities that really. Yeah, you could quickly implement and maybe like that is following up with everybody that you've sent a proposal to in the last two weeks. Maybe that is launching something that, you know, like an a la carte flower program. Maybe that is just doing something that you know is directly tied for revenue.

I see so many florists. Spend time on non-revenue producing activities and then wonder why you're not making money, and then wonder why your business isn't where you want it to be. So you need to focus on revenue producing activities, and that is one thing that I, you know, I used to gauge success in so many different ways.

I was like, you know, doing a lot of weddings made me feel like. I was a successful business owner, even though I wasn't hardly making any money at it. I think I did like a hundred and thirty five one year while working full time. This was right before children, but I like made no money and like, but I thought I was being successful because all these people wanted to hire me.

They wanted to hire me because they, I was cheap and I was undervalue in my work. I was creating things that weren't. Uh, fun to me, they weren't exciting. They were just like cookie cutter crap. And of course I got a lot of business. But if I would've been more creatively fulfilled and done less weddings and created things that were more inspiring, I probably would've, I mean, obviously I would've been more profitable per wedding, but I would've also just been happier.

And I think that that is so important. Alright. And then. This is one thing that I don't think that we really think about enough, and that's what is my biggest distraction right now. I have people tell me their kids are distracting or their day job is being really distracting. Or there's something, I mean, I know somebody that their partner is having anxiety attacks and that's not going well, and like all these things are pulling you away from your business.

How can you IMO eliminate or. Lessen that distraction to a point that it's not impacting your business. I have had so much going on lately. We, uh, if you listen to the podcast, we are buying a farm. I'm working on figuring out, getting things fixed around here. Um, I was sick, Bella. My daughter was sick. My son Bodhi is being bullied.

I excessively at school and I've been navigating. A million things with them. Um, I had this wedding there that or event that I booked in two and a half weeks. I pulled off like a 38 K event on top of a workshop. I was putting that together, the workshop, putting together the next two. I have a Minnesota Floral Collective.

Event coming up, and then if you guys haven't checked it out, I have a cultural wedding rockstar workshop coming in in April 15th and 16th. That is going to be like a cultural wedding immersion into mechanics, into like everything you would need to know to break into the cultural wedding market. And so head to the floral. to learn more because it is like a once in a lifetime opportunity and I am so excited to share all the things with my decor bestie nor so all of those things and like I still got to do, like even this weekend I thought about like I pulled off this event. I still brought Bella to circus class.

I got to sit at a, um, like a brewery. I don't drink, but I was at a brewery and had a delicious, like ONTAP root beer. And then I got to go to a restaurant with Bella and we had a cheese plate and like all these things while we were waiting for a room flip. And then I got to like just, I got to do all these things.

I went to CrossFit. I. I, uh, got to just snuggle with my kids even on top of all of those things. And that was with like orchids not coming like they were supposed to. Like we got 11 inches of snow the day of my big part of the workshop. Like everything, like I don't let it. Distraction or things make me go backwards.

Like it's only forward, everything is figureoutable. So if you are having distraction, if you are having things get in your way, how can you eliminate or lessen that distraction and be like, I am a badass business owner that deserves growth. I deserve my businesses to be successful. I deserve more than what I'm getting.

And then go after it. All right. And then another clear plan to grow or are you reacting? So sit back and go, okay, am I proactively doing shit or am I reactively doing shit? If you are proactively, like I'm going to have a strategy to go into, you know, cultivating business with planners or reaching out to hotels or.

Communicating with churches to get weekly orders, whatever it is, like, are you clearly doing that or are you like, oh shit, I have an inquiry. I better respond to them. Oh shit, this, oh, like there's no strategy. So are you running your business in your life based on strategy or reactivity? Because if you don't have a plan, how can we expect more?

All right. And then the last thing that I think that this was a big game changer in my business and when I started really seeing bigger revenue goal, um, growth is are you really being creatively fulfilled right now? Is the work you're creating what you want to do? 'cause if it isn't, how can that change?

Because when you are creative people see that people see you, people see your business more. You show up on Instagram different, you're just like this bigger, bolder version of yourself. And when that happens, like your work is just seen more like you are proud to put your out. There's no like, oh, this isn't perfect.

Well, it isn't perfect if it isn't you. Cool. And I think also perfect is better than not doing it all. Or I mean, if you're struggling with perfection, it's it like nothing is ever perfect. I can always even look at this event and that I did this weekend that was just huge and I wish something was different.

I can, I look at the workshop and I mean this workshop, I, I pour my heart into these workshops like so much making it just perfect and. Like it was so good, but there's still like five things that I wish could be better, and that little tweak is what has brought every one of my workshops to a different level, to like elevate.

And that same thing can be in your floral business. That same thing can be in your life. Like I am always pushing to be better. And I think that so many people are like, I'm exhausted and this is exhausting and I'm okay with the bare minimum because that's all I'm capable of. And if that's where you are at, like I would love to coach you because I think that for one, like you can deprogram so much of this like kind of we're living in reactivity world.

Just by making choices of what you consume from a media perspective, what your expectations are like. There are so many different layers to that. That is one thing that we actually, we do one lifestyle coaching a month, and in this floral CEO Mastermind, and this month it's all about being magne magnetic.

How can you create a magnetic business? How can you create a magnetic life that you are just magnetizing? Positivity and goodness in this business that you just absolutely fucking love. And like those things are all possible. So just think about like, how could you be more creatively fulfilled? How could your business be more fulfilling?

And sit down and like, just ask yourself these questions. You can go to the show notes and they'll have like a recap of them in there. And I hope that 2025 is starting off. Successfully for you because you deserve so much success, so much abundance, abundance, and so much happiness and creativity in your business.

And if it isn't what you want, I want you to know you can go out and still get it. Thank you for listening, flower Friend, and you have an amazing flower filled 📍 day.

Questions Every Florist Should Be Asking Themselves
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