Simplify your Social Media Content Creation

Do you want your social media to be simpler? Do you feel like you are always working on creating content, pushing content out and you are on the hamster wheel of content creation?
Let me introduce you to a process called batching. Batching helps you take a focused amount of time and producing your content for the week/month or whatever time frame you choose. Because you are focused on creating in an efficient manner of focused time you will get so much done compared to broken amounts of time that literally has your brain changing focus every other second.
But really to simplify your strategy of developing content, you need a plan. One plan is to pic one main source of content- your queen content. That content is the foundation for information to be trickled out to various sources because you will take that content and then take bits and pieces for that and make multiple types of content. For example- Blog on three ways to save money on your wedding flowers. The blog has your three main points. Then you take those three points and make a video of your 2-3 minutes talking about that content- This is a post for Instagram, Facebook and Tik Tok. Then you take 1 of those points that you are excited about and you make a 30-60 second video for a reel on that point- this could also be repurposed to Pinterest and Tik Tok. Then you could make a carousel post talking about your points of the week and various Pinterest graphics to drive traffic to your blog. All of this off of one piece of content.
Want even more help with your social media? Head to for a free guide that walks you through a successful social media account.
Simplify your Social Media Content Creation
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