Simplify your Social Media Content Creation

  📍 Hello Flower friend. It is Jen. You are listening to the Floral Hustle podcast. Today's mini, so is gonna be on social media, but a different part though than we've talked about before, and that is simplifying your social media. Uh, literally your whole process of how you're approaching it, and that is batching, batching your content, dedicating a cr, uh, literally like a very focused amount of time to get as much content created and scheduled as possible so you were not worried about, and then creating, posting anxiety.

Which normally leads to somebody not posting at all. So with batching, what you are doing is you are creating a bunch of content for an extended amount of time. And that content could be for Instagram, it could be for Facebook, it could be Instagram reels, it could be. Literally a million different places.

And then you'll use a scheduling tool. I personally use plan for my business, but I've also used Tailwind before, but there's lots of other ones out there and many of them have a type of free trial offer or free up to so many posts offer. And one of the nice things about those is they also help you schedule Pinterest.

Pinterest for Flores especially, can be an amazing strategy to help geo like target specific brides to specific venues. If you are posting from a gallery that you receive and potentially making a blog on it, then posting images from that. Tagging that with the venue's name. How many times have you gone into Google and searched for, um, weddings at whatever venue?

Well, Floris photographers, all those other people literally that have done this same thing are showing up at search because Pinterest is being indexed just like a search engine and thrown into Google images and populating for that person who is searching for it. So with this, you literally could repurpose.

um, some, some of the content that you're posting on the other, uh, social media platforms into this. So the first thing you can do is you could start with what I call your queen content, which is like your main content that you are going to discuss. Um, in a post. You could take that queen content. Let's just say that that queen content is a blog.

You do a blog. About a wedding you did last fall at whatever mansion you write about it, you've put details in there about it, and then you have published that blog. Now you have all of the, these, you know, this content here that you can take, and that idea can then be trickled to the other social media sources.

So let's say you then take one of your favorite photos from that blog. And then you go to a social media scheduling tool and you schedule that to go to Instagram and Facebook. You then write all your copy in there. You could potentially take some copy outta your blog or in Canva, they even have a AI feature that you could magic write into a Word document, essentially in Canva, and it would write your caption.

then you can take and schedule those out and then tag the venue because people will look at a venue's tagged pages in Instagram and, and, uh, in Facebook it's, it is literally not as easy. But in Instagram it's very easy to find. Then you can take and create a Pinterest graphic at that same point of that same graphic.

A link back to your blog post that has been published about this very, um, this wedding and this very thing of content that you are creating all around can just point to your blog post. That has all of these features in it already. So you have taken one piece of content, um, which is your queen content, your blog, and you have made a post for Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest.

But you don't need to stop there. You literally could do that same thing and schedule it a different week or even a different day. and do that same thing. You could take a different image from that wedding and make sure you're taking the photographer if they've supplied you images and you go and create that Facebook, that Instagram, and that, um, Pinterest graphic all in one.

Then let's just say that you also at that wedding, took some videos walking around one of the tables with the center. , you then are in Pinterest doing your, instead of posting and ghosting, you're interacting and creating, um, interactions with people of value, of meaning. You're saying things of, um, that, that literally are purposeful interactions.

You could then find a reel that has a trending song. That trending song literally could go with about any piece of, of video. And still makes sense. So then you take that video of you walking around your centerpiece. You can then put it with that trending music, and then you could either talk over it and talk about the venue.

or you could literally just go, like, one of my favorite centerpieces last year was at xve, and, um, who loves it? Give me a heart below. Something like that as your, your texts, or you could put captions on if you are speaking over it. And literally those captions help grab people's attention so that text is moving on the screen.

and plus a lot of people scroll Instagram without their sound on. So that captions really helps them understand the context. So then on the same kind of queen content, you strategically took a video maybe 10 seconds, and literally just took the centerpiece and took all the pretty like video from all the angles just walking around the table.

And that is another post that. , you also could have a theme week of something you're going to talk about strategically for that whole week. So let's just say that you want to talk about, uh, repurposing flowers and if the, you have a pet peeve about like, not a great thing or not a great investment of time to repurpose flowers from this thing.

My number one thing not to be repurposed could be the title of your blog post. That could be in a graphic. That could be you speaking in a video. You then elaborate why in the caption and say, see why. Blow in the caption. So then in the caption you're talking about it and talking about why it is not a great idea.

Then you could also have another post that week, my top three. , um, I items to be repurposed. And that could be like a ceremony feature, um, isle flowers. It could be, uh, bouquets. So then, you know, you write about why these are great investments in repurposing from a time perspective and from a money perspective.

Why like, this would be a good idea to repurpose these items. Then you could do another post of when you did a flip. in a wedding and you had pictures before, and then when you moved the flowers, you had a picture after and you could create a carousel post, my number one repurpose of 2022. Then you have the graphic, you have picture one and picture two with captions explaining what you did.

So all of that could just be batched at one time. So you're not constantly thinking about it. You don't have constant anxiety. I would recommend, and I've, I mentioned this before, having Canva Pro, having Canva Pro will let you resize items. Very easily. So you created a graphic for a post. You can resize that to an Instagram story, move a few things around, and then resize that for a Pinterest graphic.

All of those are in a dropdown menu to resize, so you don't have to be there wondering if you're picking the right. Size, it'll just do it for you, and then you can go and schedule it in one of those tools. I do believe Plani, uh, the program that I'm on is like 10 99 a month, so it's not a huge investment, but literally, if you think about all the time, that's saving me by not doing all of those things, it is so priceless because.

When you are stressed out about doing something, a lot of times it's probably not gonna happen. So this is a great investment of your time strategically getting all this content all the way, using your main piece of content so you can repurpose down the road. I hope that was helpful. I hope you think about like what are ways that you could batch your social media content so you're not constantly worrying about.

and then develop a Pinterest strategy in in that whole process. Wouldn't that be amazing? So you actually start getting some content on Pinterest as well. It was so great for you to listen today. I hope you go and download. I've mentioned this in another episode, the social media guide. Have you got it yet?

Because, Amazing, and there's been so many people downloading it that I'd love for you to have it to you. Go to the floral and in that literally this guide, it just walks you through, you know, your profile page and kind of an audit of your page. And then you go to like, you know, really understanding the, the purpose behind each one of those in regards to a customer and actually, Using social media to gain people who will do business with you or refer people to do business with you, not that just will be followers that don't add monetary value.

Then it goes through, there's a calendar planning in there. There's a social media tracker. So you can go and actually track what your numbers are looking like and what your, your growth looks like. Cuz without measuring it, you have no idea. And then you feel pretty defeated when anything happens cuz you're like, it doesn't.

Feel like it's amazing and so then it doesn't feel like you've made progress, but you could have gained 50 followers, which is progress. So go check that out. Again, the floral I so appreciate you 📍 and hope you have an amazing day Flower friend.

Simplify your Social Media Content Creation
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