Why Your Goals Aren’t Happening & How to Fix It
Hello flower friends, we are going to talk about something that might not be coming to the top of your head because you're maybe frustrated that your business isn't doing what you want, or maybe you are not hitting your goals, or maybe just like some things that just aren't in alignment. And I, I wanna talk about why your goals.
Aren't happening. And there are, I mean obviously so many reasons, but here are, I wanna really talk through some kind of core beliefs that I think really to me are a key ingredient in making your goals happen. And I would love for you if you are at a place. You know what? So many people are here.
So if you are at a place and you are not making your goals, this is not a time to beat you up. Like I know in the past I would start going, oh, I want all these things to happen. I want all these things. This is not like a moment for you to go in and the ugly monster of, self-reflection is. Is going, nine rounds in Rocky.
This is something for you to really learn. How can I adjust and get back on track so that I can start kicking ass? So the first thing that I think is critical is you need to visualize the scene of what is going to happen when those goals happen, and. I'm, I've been doing this so much, and right now if you guys have list listening to the podcast lately, like I have been visualizing this farm and what this farm is going to be like for so long and it's finally coming together.
And what's so weird is we have probably looked at 40 farms, but there is all of these components that we're in. Me visualizing what this end goal would look like that are on this actual farm. It is so interesting how, like I had thought of, and I have dreamt up in my, even I'm closing my eyes right now and like visualizing it this lofted studio that I would be teaching someone like one-on-one and we would be making this beautiful backdrop.
And I had also visualized. Having a place for this person who got on an airplane to come hang out with me, have a place to stay, and like there is a shower in this, in a little kitchenette as possible. Like all of these things. This barn, I had been like thinking about this barn and like the limestone in the bottom of it and just there's a goat house and I had been thinking, I mean, I knew we were going to have goats, like just all of these things I visualized.
The podcast I, for so long visualized me having a workshop, speaking in front of a bunch of people and like teaching them everything I've learned almost, almost 30 years in the making and like helping people and make impact. And like I this first. Minnesota Floral Collective. So if, if you haven't listened, I've done some podcasts on this.
I actually started a Minnesota based floral group called the Minnesota Floral Collective. It's a Facebook group. I have put together a website and it's. A place for people to find freelancers, to get rid of something, to find something, to have connection, to have community here in Minnesota. And I had dreamt of this group, I had visualized this group.
I had visualized this meeting of everything coming together and this fir, the first Minnesota Floral Collective event I had. I had thought about like that it was just gonna be like this beautiful, like garden a affair and like it was gonna have the bright colors and there was gonna be buckets of flowers everywhere.
And I was gonna have really amazing people come and teach. And you know, I was gonna talk about, I actually, I talked about confidence in your business, and this was even before I was a certified life coach. Like I was just like so pumped. To just get everybody, and I think 52 people came to that first event, so it was just so amazing to have everything like come together just like I visualized.
And last week I did a styled shoot. I visualized, I was going to put this artful editorial style shoot together. I, I knew where I was gonna have it, so I even like visualized the studio space that it was going to be in. It's this photographer's studio, and I knew the model that I wanted and so like I, I like visualized her there looking stunning and I visualized these like artful pieces and right when I saw these speckled failure opsis orchids, like everything visually came together in my head and.
That happens with weddings too. I will come up with like a concept or something for a wedding and the pieces just start like in my head. I start visualizing what this wedding is. I have this week the workshop the installation rockstar workshop, and I had visualized today, my visualization happened.
What I wanted to happen, this orange slice. And I had people going like, I don't know how you come up with this shit. This is like amazing. Everything was like harmonious, came together. We'd like have a hanging orange grove, a hanging orange, dried orange slice installation. There's a hanging cake installation with dried orange slices.
I mean, this thing is just next level all of this I visualized. I visualized being able to go get my son off the bus. My daughter, um, because she is a, has an IEP gets dropped off at the house. So, but I had still visualized this life that I got to walk out and get her off the bus. I visualized, like even this studio space that I'm in now, when I was looking to buy this house 10 years ago.
I had been thinking about like this dream goal of a studio space that like it had water and it had a furnace, and it was like just 10 steps from the house so I could go out and play whenever I wanted, but it was big enough for my business to grow. Like I know so many people think that dreaming and visualizing is woo woo, but like it works.
I have. Dreamt into basically reality the majority of my life. And so if you do not know what you want that success to look like, if you don't know what you want that goal to look like, you need to visualize that scene. What will that look like? What will it be like if you go get that dream wedding that is so badass?
Like you are just so pumped from the inside of your soul for this wedding, or you're so pumped for this hotel account, you're just like, it is like seeping into your soul that like everything is reacted like, I mean, can you hear like. I'm actually, I'm thinking about a wedding right now and what it would be like, and like my whole, there is a visceral reaction of just just, oh my God, like this is gonna happen.
And then I find that target, I put all the pieces in place to make that happen. But if I don't know what that looks like, how am I going to achieve it? I need to know what that thing is. If you're dreaming of a dream house, what does the tile look like? What is the bathtub? I have wanted a cloth, but I love baths.
I absolutely love baths. If you listen, like if you're Instagram with me, I'm probably Instagraming in the bathtub. I love to relax in the bathtub and dink around on Instagram. I make a couple reels. I interact on people's posts. I like. Save inspiration things is just like my sense. So I had been dreaming of a beautiful clawfoot tub and I love like really interesting bathrooms and the farm is gonna have a copper, like single like, freestanding tub.
It's beautiful. It looks handmade. It's crazy. And all of that, like I have been. Visualizing having this amazing bathtub. Like anything you want to happen. I visualize going to CrossFit. Like I think about when I am doing my Sunday night prep, I think about me going to CrossFit, me seeing potentially two of my friends there that I adore me getting stronger, me.
Like sweating and feeling good. The feeling that I have when I leave, like all of those things, that's what I think about and I dream and visualize and I actually had somebody today who was like, did you dream this shit up? And I basically do like I dream and pictures of what the future will look like.
So clearly define if you want something, if you want a hundred thousand dollars business. What does that mean to you? What kind of CEO are you what does your life look like? Are you, what's different? Visualize it, just like it's real. Imagine walking to even if, if you're wanting to eat healthier, imagine walking to your fridge and there is like sugar snap peas.
Broccoli and these beautiful tricolor peppers and this really ornate like butter lettuce that just looks so soft, but like in a good way. Not like, oh my God, this is gonna be chewy. It's just like this delicious lettuce. Visualize what, like eating healthier would look like. Whatever it is you need to set the scene.
Then the next part, if your goals are not happening, I am guessing you are winging it. You do not have a strategy. You need to have a strategy that you execute consistently that's going to get you to your goals If you are sporadic af. If you are like, this week I'm on, next week I'm having a meltdown this week I'm back on.
I'm doing Instagram, I'm networking. Or if you are like sitting in the corner of your house basically doing jack shit and then wondering why I have done podcasts. Actually, I did a podcast. Does your goals match your motivation? Because it, building a business is work. It is, it is work. And if we are not doing the work, how can we magically expect things to happen?
So we need to have a strategy. And if you do not have a strategy. That is what this podcast is for. That is what courses are for. That is what business coaches are for. I have invested in, if you've listened to the podcast for a while, like I have spent so much money on my brain. My most expensive thing I own will soon be this farm.
But the next thing is my brain. My, I have invested so much into learning strategy into learn. I mean, and it could be strategy. I've learned strategy on. A million D, different things. I probably will take courses on raising farm animals. I have taken courses on so many things. It is just crazy because I love learning, but I know that I would learn, rather learn all the shortcuts than lose time.
'cause time is a currency to me. Time away from my family, time away from me getting to be the better version of myself, like going to pottery class pretty soon, going to feed my, all my animals, my chickens, my goats, my whatever. Like all of those things are time away. I want time shortcuts. I want somebody who's doing what I have done and I wanna learn from them.
That's what I paid business coaches to do. Teach me their shortcuts, teach me the pains that they have went through and probably spent a ton of money learning how to do, and yeah, it's, it's cost money, but like I would rather spend money than lose time. Lose time with my kids, lose time being the human that I wanna be losing money.
If you are struggling with recipes. You need to know how to do that. That is a critical skill for your business To be profitable, you need, I, I would, I literally just had somebody reach out and needed help, um, with a proposal on an Indian wedding, and they were really, really struggling. And so I went in and I was like, I'll review your proposal and then I'll do a video feedback.
And I did that and they just pay me for my time. And that was it. If you need help, like you could have, she could have lost a lot of money or lost the opportunity to get that wedding if it wasn't priced correctly. Getting a coach is invaluable. If you wanna get healthy, hire a personal trainer for once a week, just for a couple months to start getting you in the habit.
If you wanna eat better, hire a dietician. If you want to be a better parent, get a parenting coach. We have a, we have a parenting coach. I wanna be a better mom every day, like it is my deepest desire to be the best mom I possibly can. If you are having problems with a relationship, get a relationship there.
If you're having problems with sex, get a sex therapist. There is about a solution to every single thing that you are properly struggling with in some way. I know that it's scary to spend money on yourself, and as women, we often feel that we shouldn't be spending money on ourself, but I am a better human and a better mother, a better partner because of the investments that I've made in myself, and likely that is you too.
If you were a better version of yourself because you were showing up more for yourself, what would that mean? To your confidence, what would that mean to your self-esteem if you were no longer putting yourself last? What would that mean to you? Like how would you show up in the world differently? And if you're like, that sounds great.
I have no idea where to start. Like the floral CEO Mastermind. I talk about it all the time because it is no joke you guys. It is amazing and I love the girls in there. We do three calls a month. We do a office hours that you can come and just ask me anything. We can talk about anything. I will review your proposals, your recipes, whatever you want.
Like we are a really close knit community, but I am giving you strategy. You get my full floral CEO um, accelerator course is included in the Mastermind and so anything you wanna learn is probably in there. And if you if it isn't, we have monthly trainings on things that are really impactful. So if you need strategy, find someone who is doing the things that you want, and if it's not me, find another florist in your market.
Find someone that you or look at their business and you go, holy shit, that looks amazing. I wanna do that. And then like, start to learn. And the shitty thing is, is for so long people have been so guarded about sharing information, but I truly believe, and that's why I started the Minnesota Floral Collective.
I truly believe that there is more business out there and there's enough for everybody. So learning from and sharing your knowledge is not a bad thing. Like we've been given, I've been given a gift to help people and I, it was so cute. My daughter Bella was talking about what she wanted to be when she grew up and she was telling them that I'm gonna be a florist, but I'm gonna be a floral, a florist teacher because my mommy helps people.
Like for one, for her to even see that makes me know that I am doing my job, showing her what I do and why I am away from her. Because I wanna make a difference and I wanna make people's life better. I want them to make more money. I want them to have more time with their children. I want them to have more time with their partner.
I want them to have more time with themself and to do that like their strategy. There's strategy of connecting with planners. There's strategy of, of growing your Instagram. There's strategies of how to make, the close the deal. There's strategies of putting proposals together. Like everything is a strategy.
So if you don't have a strategy, I step back and be like, where am I falling short? Do I have my shit together? Do I actually have a plan? All right. Then you need a schedule and deadlines to things. I have coached so many floors that are like, I am going to be doing this big thing in my business, and then in six months I'm like, how is that big thing you're doing?
And it's like nothing has happened because nobody's given themself a deadline. And if you don't give yourself a deadline like you are going to. Take the path of least resistance and not get it done. I always say, I want to buy X date, do this. When I launched this podcast, I left the business coach that I flew down to Arizona to meet with, and I said, within 45 days, I am going to launch my podcast.
I'm going to find a podcast editor because editing is painful, you guys. And I am going to launch my podcast out in the world. I'm gonna launch it with six episodes. 'cause most podcasters fail at 10 episodes, their podcast is gone and the only like 80% of podcasts that are out there are not active. So I'm like, I am not gonna fail at this.
And that was it. I put a deadline to it. Same thing with the Minnesota Floral Collector. I said, bye. I think it was like in the middle of the winter when I started and I said by like April 15th, I'm going to have this started. No, no, no, no, no. I just I laid out a deadline. So if you are wanting to start your business, start putting a deadline.
Start breaking down, and I've done episodes all about how to lay out a project in Trello. Trello is a project management software that you could have up to 10 boards for free, and you can lay out that project in exactly everything that it takes. When I rebranded my business, I laid out a Trello, Trello board, and I literally put every single thing that I needed to do.
In order to change this. So you just need to say, take the same act, action, whatever you want to do, you need deadlines around. If you want to lose weight, if you want to get, start eating better, if you want to there's no time like the present to start anything, but you should have some hard deadlines.
A schedule to be consistent, to get you to that deadline or a schedule of consistency just to make all of this happen, period. I often will have people like, oh, my Instagram isn't growing or whatever, and then I look and they post, and then they ghost. They post, and then they ghost for a couple weeks. Then they go back on and you wonder like, why shit isn't happening.
I can tell you is because you're inconsistent, that schedule could help you make consistent. So if you make days like I ha, if you wanna just say, I'm gonna have my five pillar content pillars for my social media, and on Monday I'm gonna post meet us Monday, and it's gonna be something informational about me, about my business, whatever.
On Tuesday I'm gonna do Tuesday tip for weddings. On wedding, it's wedding Wednesday, and I'm gonna share a wedding that I have done on Thursday. I'm going to share that I do corporate events on Friday. I am going to post about cultural weddings, or I'm gonna post that I do hotels or I do dailies or whatever it is.
But then you got a schedule, a schedule to stick to, and then you just need to work on keeping the promises to yourself. Because when you keep the promises to yourself like then, I mean, hopefully you keep the promises to yourself. I know that. I take that very seriously, and I hope you do too. And when you do take those promises seriously, that's when impact happens because you're like, I'm not going to let myself down, so I'm sticking to my schedule no matter what.
I have two episodes a week. I am sticking to that damn schedule. That is happening there, there is no not, it is non-negotiable that I do, I, I don't do two episodes. It like there is nothing on God's Green Earth. If I was in the hospital, I would have my husband bring me podcasting equipment or I would at least make sure that my podcast editor knew to go and repurpose.
Old episodes that were high, high download episodes or something like that, you know, like there it is just happening because there's a schedule. All right. Then the next reason why your goals might be happening is your support system, and I just went on and on about the floral CEO Mastermind, but that is a support system like no other.
But that is just one foundation. That could be, you need a multi-layer support system. If you do not have a supportive partner. This is going to be very hard if you do not have a supportive family. A supportive parents, like I had a coaching client that wanted to quit her day job for quite some time.
'cause I think she was just fundamentally unhappy there, which I get. Her parents were like, how could you give up this big dream and this big job and all of these things? Because I can, because I, it doesn't feel good anymore. And because I want my life to feel good. And I mean, we had so many coaching sessions just talking through what we need to say to our parents to get them off your back and that they can't dictate your behavior anymore.
You're the boss, but. Like without that support from her parents, like it wasn't, didn't feel good. This big move that she was so excited for, didn't feel good. And as someone who had a mother who wasn't supportive in the way that I wanna support like that, I feel like I, I mean, I know I would've loved, and I know that that's the support that I unapologetically will give my children.
I just, I, I think that that support, if it's not there, this becomes so much harder. It's so much easier to, not hit your deadline, not have a schedule, not have a strategy. When you have somebody telling you all the time that this sucks, that this isn't gonna work. That your big goals are just like you need to play it safe.
You need to stick with your day job. You need to not dream big because everything is good now, but you don't deserve good. You deserve spectacular. When people ask me how I am, like if I see something, I'm, you know what? I'm spectacular today. Which really usually catches people off guard. They're like, oh, well that's, uh, great because I am, because I have a spectacular life, because I have spectacular support.
But I also, somebody asked me like, how do you get your husband and your family to support you like that? I have trained them. I have trained the support that I need, and I also do not leave it, that it is up for a discussion. I don't want to feel like I'm arm wrestling people for their support. Like this is what I'm mom's doing and this is why I am doing it, because I wanna go buy you a new Lego set because I wanna be able to contribute because I wanna help people.
I wanna make beautiful things because it makes mom so happy, like down to my core. I mean, if, if you, anyone who personally knows me doesn't know, like flowers light me up. Like they, they need to get their eyes checked. Like that energy. My children see that. They see that like I am lit up, that this is like my purpose.
My I now feel like I really have three purposes in life. But being a mom. Was one of my purposes in life. Like I was meant to be a mother and being a florist was one of my purposes. But I think to help people and to really guide people and help them be more successful, not only in their life, but in their business as well.
That was one of my purposes because honestly, I, if you have talked to me on a coaching session, if you have ever interacted me, like I care so much about your success. And it lights me up just like flowers do. And so like I want my children to see that, and then that makes them like, mom loves this. She's all fired up.
Like it. Like look at how happy she is. They deserve that happiness too. They deserve to find that thing that makes them this fucking happy. And so do you. And you'd deserve to have the people around you that give you that same support. If they don't, you need to try and train them, and if they are not trainable, then they might not.
I, I went through periods in my life that my mother was not in my life because I deserved more. I deserved more support. I deserved to not have that conditional love surrounding our relationship, but I deserved more support than she was giving me. I deserve to not feel like shit. I feel like so many people feel like they have to choose to feel like shit.
They have to choose because that's my parent. And with having both of my parents no longer with me, like I know how hard it hurts to be at the other end. We're like, you don't even have the option to talk to them. But then they're here and you're choosing not to talk to them or you're choosing not to talk to somebody.
Like I have drastically changed friendships because that friendship was not giving to, in a way that was supportive to me in the person that I want to be. People might s support the current version of yourself, but if you are going for an upgrade, if you're going to be that bigger, more badass version of yourself.
People often are scared shitless because they feel like you are elevating and they're not, and that might not feel good, that you are different, that might not feel good because comfy feels good to people like. I make people, like even my husband, like how I've evolved, probably fundamentally has made him uncomfortable because I mean, it most likely has made a lot of people uncomfortable.
I am bigger than I ever have been. From a confidence perspective, from a life like I expect so much more. I dream so much bigger than I ever have because I know I deserve it. I know you deserve it. I know my children deserve more. I know that fundamentally, I, the world is a bigger place than I, than I ever have dreamed.
And when we're stuck and we're hanging out, we are the sum of the five people that you are around most often. So if you were around people who are okay with being okay. Who are okay with going into their nine to five job every day? Are okay with being mediocre? Are okay with being mediocrely happy? Are okay with being unhealthy or okay with the world?
Feeling like a dumpster fire all the time. If that is the people you're around, that's your energy. That's what you're soaking in. That's support. You have the support potentially to be mediocre. And it's really hard when you love someone to step back and be like, I love this person, but they're not good for me.
I mean, that's a really tough place to be in, but if you really want to change your life, if you really want to make your goals happen, sometimes those things need to change. Sometimes we need to let go. And I know that I've let go of several friendships that were not in alignment with this new version of Jen.
Like, wouldn't it be safer if you did all of these things and you thought smaller? I am done thinking small. I am done not wanting bigger things for me, for my children, for my, for my husband, I want so much more in my life and you start visualizing it and it starts happening, and that is waiting for you.
Like this whole bigger world is just waiting for you to unlock it. All right, the last thing that I want to talk about is you need to have an attitude, and this is, they're kind of all in alignment with each other 'cause. Having strategy, having schedule, having support, visualizing, all comes to really fundamentally believing everything is figureoutable.
If you haven't read that book by Marie Fur, it's basically saying everything in the world is figureoutable. There's always a way to figure it out, and if you go and think that every single problem is figureoutable. Then it really truly is. But if you think that every problem is a dumpster fire that you're just waiting to extinguish with your spray bottle, then it's probably not very figureoutable.
I truly believe like every single thing is figureoutable. Like I will have somebody tell me when I go get, actually this just happened. I went to go get workshop flowers and they were like, ah, that's not gonna fit. I was like, yeah, it is. I like Jenga. The shit outta my van. It fit. It was a lot and it fit. I had my helpers, they were like, the cooler is at capacity.
Like we're gonna have to take the dollies out. The dahlias are still in the cooler. The Dahlia tubers, like you just need to know that whatever it is, if you have strategy, you can figure it out. If you have support, you can figure it out. If you're visualizing what this is going to look like when it is all figured out, it is figureoutable.
Everything is figureoutable. And if you truly believe that, don't have enough weddings, like that's figureoutable. How can you get more weddings? There is a million different things for you to do to get more weddings. You need to make more money. There are a million different things. This is figureoutable there.
This is so figureoutable to make more money. I, two weeks ago did not know that this Saturday I would have a like close to uh, like I think it's that $38,500 event two weeks ago. But guess what? That vent, very figure, audible, most people would be having mild panic attacks right now trying to figure out a 38,000 event the week of a workshop.
It's not one of my little workshops. This is like a two day. I have been at this venue. Tomorrow will be day four in a row of me being there like this has been. I'm just like going for it like I am. And the thing is, I'm excited, like right now sitting in my studio, I should be tired and there's a snowstorm happening.
So it's like really? That's kind of rubbing me the wrong way 'cause I'm worried about tomorrow. But like I know what's, I'll figure outable tomorrow if the model is having a hard time. I have a truck. I will go get her if I need to and they can. I will give them a project and I will run and go get her if I need to.
If the photographer can't make it, guess what? The venue photographer, the venue manager is an amazing photographer. She can do it. Makeup. I will bring my makeup bag. I will bring my whatever, like it's all figureoutable. And if you truly believe that like all of this with all the key ingredients are all very figureoutable, and I want 20, 25 to be different for you, but you need to start seeing that visualizing, having the strategy, having the support, and having the belief that this is all figureoutable Now.
Not in a couple weeks I'm gonna have the energy all mustard up to make things happen. Like you need to start that belief like right now, if you that belief that I want this so bad, I want my goals to happen. That belief, like that little trigger, that little domino for you to flick over is the start.
And if you need the support, I would love to see you in the floral CEO mastermind. Head to the floral hustle.com/mastermind or head and check out any of my Instagram posts and comment the word Mastermind at the Floral Hustle on Instagram and it will send you all the info. It will change your life, like it will give you support strategy.
IG There's life coaching. There's so much support there that it, it, things will just feel lighter and I would love to, to help support you, and I would love to help change your 2025 because I see big things for you, and I just want you to start dreaming those big things, visualizing those big things, and then make the strategy, make it happen.
Just know everything is figureoutable because that a hundred thousand dollars goal that whatever your goal is, like my goal right now, I want to find mini highland cows. So if you know anybody that can help make that goal happen, it's gonna be amazing. I'm already dreaming of the goal of my first workshop on my farm, and it is.
Like I'm dreaming about it. I've been, I wanna have a farm to table workshop that we are going to have a beautiful vegetable like topiaries on the table. We're gonna have these fun, like green beans, wrapped around and peppers and and it's just gonna be this vibrant and it's gonna have locally grown flowers that like, they're gonna be from the farm like.
I'm already starting to visualize this. It's gonna happen and people are going to get on airplanes and they are gonna drive down to my farm and like all of these things, like I'm visualizing all the pieces coming together already and it's gonna probably be late summer, but you need to start visualizing putting that same plan in action for your goals.
Thank you so much for listening Flower Friend. This is like such a pivotal. Point in my life right now that I'm excited to share with you guys. And if you guys are sick of me talking about the farm already, I'm sorry. When you have been dreaming about this for six years and when you are making such a big shift, it's like hard to not just have so much emotion, coming out.
'cause like we're moving like 45 minutes away from the cities under a farm, changing school districts and. Tripling our mortgage into like all of these things that are, could be utterly terrifying, but I couldn't be more excited and I'm just excited to share with you guys. So please follow along on Instagram 'cause I will be posting about it and I'm so excited to do my first like video tour of the new studio.
'cause it's, it's going to be so fun and so magical. And thank you for being here. Thank you for your support. There are big things coming this way as well with the podcast and the floral CEO mastermind and the floral CEO brand that I'm just, I'm excited to share all of these things along the way and.
Immensely gre full of gratitude for all of you who tune in and listen. And I know everybody says that, but I like mean that from my heart because when I look at the downloads every month, I know that's a human that is trying to run a business and that's trying to manage their life and trying to make an impact and make so many good things happen that it just, it touches my heart that you spend time.
To press play and listen to me talk about all the things that are just like rumbling around in my head, and goals was one of those things. So thank you so much for 📍 listening, flower Friend, and you have an amazing flower filled day.